The Rawley Family Romances

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From USA Today Bestselling Author Olivia Hardin, for the first time ever, three Rawley Family Romances plus a bonus short all in one collection… and it’s just 99cents for a short time!

Start the continuing saga of love, life, family & friends…

All for Hope

Sometimes the safest distance between two hearts is no distance at all…

Kidnapping a baby wasn’t something Hope ever dreamed she would do. But she’s been burned by the legal system before, so when the court places her friend’s child into the custody of an abuser, she takes matters into her own hands. She steals the baby and fakes her death, hoping to make a clean getaway. She planned every detail, except one.

Her high school sweetheart and best friend, who left her years before, sees her at a gas station. Hope thinks all is lost, until he offers to help them.

Brennan had always been the love of Hope’s life, but he never wanted to be. She knows she cannot depend on him for long. However, as each day passes, it becomes painfully obvious that she is in way over her head. She goes with him, intending to keep him always an arm’s length away to protect her heart. But being on the run together sparks the old flames that once burned between Brennan and Hope.

Families, friends, and lovers must band together to save an innocent baby and a daring woman or both of their lives will be destroyed. Together, they’ll do it all for Hope.

Justice for All

Kay Rawley has plans. She might be the second child of an earl, but she wants a life away from her father’s estate in New Durma. She wants a life apart from her family’s name. Becoming a lawyer was a bright, shiny object she just couldn’t resist grabbing. Her classes are complete, and all she has to do is pass the bar to get permanent employment at the Dallas law firm where she’s been interning for the past year.

Kay’s been on Audrick Van Buren’s radar since the day she walked into his classroom two years ago. That admiration only grew when she came to work for his firm. But if there’s anything he recognizes, it’s a woman who’s driven–and Kay is definitely one. It’s all he can do to keep his distance and allow her the chance to come into her own. What Van doesn’t know is that someone else is watching Kay, too, and if he doesn’t step between them, that person might not only derail her career but threaten her very life.

Things aren’t always what they seem, and Kay’s about to learn that the best laid plans are so much better when they go astray…

All for Family

Wedding bells will soon be ringing in the Rawley family, but gearing up for Van and Kay’s nuptials revives old insecurities for Kay’s sister-in-law Meg. When she learns that her ex-husband is asking for her from his hospital bed, Meg must confront the painful memories of her past.

Family is everything for Jeremy Rawley. Most important is the one he and Meg created together. But their beginning was tangled in memories he wishes his wife could forget for good. A call from her past brings them back to a place he thought they’d never have to be again.

Forgiveness may be the key, but the first step is finding the locked heart that needs it…

Plus, get All for a Little Christmas

Former police officer Robert Guillory’s life has changed since he arrested Hope Rawley for kidnapping. Only his closest friends knows about his last case before leaving the force. Eva Lipton is one of those close friends, but she’s been trying to get even closer ever since his retirement. When the chance to work with him on a church theft drops into her lap, she doesn’t hesitate to call on him. Can a little holiday miracle give Eva the Christmas gift she’s been hoping for?

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About the Author

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When Olivia Hardin began having strange movie-like dreams in her teens, she had no choice but to begin putting them to paper. Before long the writing bug had her and she knew she wanted to be a published author. Several rejections plus a little bit of life later, and she was temporarily “cured” of the urge to write. That is until she met a group of talented and fabulous writers who gave her the direction and encouragement she needed to get lost in the words again.

Olivia’s attended three different universities over the years and toyed with majors in Computer Technology, English, History and Geology. Then one day she heard the term road scholar and she knew that was what she wanted to be. Now she “studies” anything and everything just for the joy of learning. She’s also an insatiable crafter who only completes about 1 out of 5 projects, a jogger who hates to run, and she’s sometimes accused of being artistic.

A native Texas girl, Olivia lives in the beautiful Lone Star state with her husband, Danny and their puppy, Bonnie.

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Joyce Meyer – Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Joyce Meyer.

I am sure most of you can see a theme in the quotes that I have been posting for the past month or so.  I have come to a place in my life where I have no patience in my life for people who are always negative.   I have cut out people in my life that are always negative and that are always complaining because I don’t want to hear it anymore.  I have reached the point where I no longer pretend to like people because life is the way to short to waste what time I have on individuals who aren’t worth it.  Those are just a few of my thoughts about this quote.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Joyce Meyer?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2017 Margaret Margaret

June by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

June by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore was a weird book, and I still am not sure if that is a good thing or not.  There are parts of the book where the house is talking, and that threw my off throughout the entire book.  I am sure that was because this is the first book I have read where the house is a big part of the story.  I didn’t like Lindie right from the start because she seemed like a person that if they were alive, I wouldn’t get along with because they just get on my nerves.  I always have to smile when I end up hating a character because it means that the author did a great job of making me feel like the characters and alive and real people.  I did find myself just scanning some of the pages because I felt like there were way too many details and unneeded information in this book.  I liked how they went between current times and the 1950’s because it gave me a better idea of what the characters were actually feeling.  In the end, I did like most of the book, but there are parts I think they could have left out or cut down.

About The Book

About The Author

MIRANDA BEVERLY-WHITTEMORE is the author of three other novels: New York Times bestseller Bittersweet; Set Me Free, which won the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize, given annually for the best book of fiction by an American woman; and The Effects of Light. A recipient of the Crazyhorse Prize for Fiction, she lives and writes in Brooklyn.

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Matt Cameron – Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Matt Cameron.

I have used several quotes over the past month about being positive, and I have done that because I think too many people only focus on the negative.  I find that I also get caught up in the negative parts of my life, so I am trying every day to find the positive things about the day and focus on those things.  I find that I have to take a few minutes every couple of hours and remind myself of the positive things in my life.  I know if I do this long enough it will become second nature and I won’t have to work so hard it.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Matt Cameron?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2017 Margaret Margaret

Monthly Book Reviews – April 2017

I don’t have a ton of reviews this month because work for me has been insane so I haven’t agreed to many reviews.  I am also glad that I don’t have many reviews because reading for me lately has been hard because I have been super sick this past month.  Let’s get right on to the reviews that I have coming up during the month of April.

April 5thJune by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore

April 11thSeason of Hope by Sara Jane Jacobs (Book Promo)

April 12thOur Own Country by Jodi Daynard

April 16thA Fragile Hope by Cynthia Ruchti

April 19thMiddle South by Maya Nessouli Abboushi (Book Promo)

April 20thThe German Girl by Armando Lucas Correa

Those are the reviews that I have coming this month but if I don’t start feeling better some of them may be moved to next month.  I hope you all have a great month and I will see you back here in a couple days with a review.

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A Fine Piece of Chocolate by Jacqueline R. Banks

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from BookLook in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

A Fine Piece of Chocolate by Jacqueline R. Banks was a book I had a really time getting through.  I always try and find something good about the books that I review but I didn’t like this book at all, and I was glad when it was finally over.  I couldn’t stay interested in this book and I was just wishing that it would end quickly.  I also felt like this book wasn’t well written and at times it left me confused trying to figure out what was going on in the book.  Like I said before I always try and find something good about a book that I am going to review but I can’t think of anything that I liked or enjoyed about this book.

About The Book

Showing that love doesn’t have to be a four-letter word and that redemption is possible, this novel follows three women all involved in the universal search of finding love. Instead, they find lust, betrayal, compromise, and finally, redemption. Banks sends a powerful message through these characters, encouraging readers to know their values, love themselves, and never compromise what is near and dear to them.

About The Author

Jacqueline R. Banks is a native New Yorker who enjoys reading, writing and life in general. Learn life’s lessons and become a stronger person for it, is her life philosophy. Self-described as a lifelong learner, Banks is a product of the New York City public school system and believes that education opens doors. A graduate of both Hunter College and The City College in New York, Banks became a New York City public high school teacher, enjoying a 28-year tenure.

Always having an interest in why people behave as they do encourage Banks to pursue a bachelor’s degree in psychology at Hunter College and a master’s degree in education from the City College of New York. Navigating youth at a tempestuous time in many of their lives and helping to guide them in making wise decisions has been a passion for Banks.

After a brief marriage, which produced one son, Trevor, Banks became an advocate for parents and was ministry leader for the single parent’s ministry at her church, Bethel Gospel Assembly in New York City. Believing in the importance of having a sister circle of friends as well as the male input of “brother friends” to get a complete perspective of life is a way of developing healthy intimate relationships and getting on the path of relationship victory.


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