The Fabergé Entanglement by Lesley Meryn & Elle Brookes

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Fabergé Entanglement by Lesley Meryn and Elle Brookes was an intriguing book, to say the least.  I was hooked right from the first page, and I can’t tell you why I loved the book as much as I did.    This book did keep me one the edge of my seat throughout most of the book.  During the first few chapters, I did find that I was getting come of the characters confused, so I felt like I was going back and trying to keep everyone straight but it only lasted for a few chapters and then I was able to keep them all straight.  I love when authors in this genre of books have a woman as one of the leading characters because not many authors do.  I also liked that Saber was a strong woman and able to hold her own when it came to the story.  I wasn’t the biggest fan of Adrian through most of the book, but I love when that happens because it means that the author has made the characters life like and I always enjoy that.  If you love thriller type books than I am sure you will love this book just as much as I did.  They have it rated PG + M, but nothing in this book offend me in the least so I am sure that most people will be okay while reading this book.  If you have read this book what did you think of it?

About The Book

Book Title: The Fabergé Entanglement by Lesley Meryn & Elle Brookes
Category: Adult Fiction: 306 pages
Genre: Suspense/Action/Romance
Publisher: Lisa Kolber
Release date: July 2015
Content Rating: PG + M (There is some, not much, bad language, sensuality, one alluded sex scene but not described, possible triggers for sexual abuse/non-consensual sex as a plot point, action-style violence)

Sabinne ‘Saber’ Darrieux’s father, the billionaire CEO of Frontenac Global Security has been kidnapped. His ransom is not cash in a numbered offshore account, or a briefcase of Bearer Bonds but something utterly unique, incredibly valuable, and until recently, hidden away from the world.

The kidnapper seems to know Saber very well and knows that the next day, through her work as an elite translator she will be in the same location as the Object. She must steal the Object and deliver it to the kidnapper to ransom her father.

Adrian Steele, a British Intelligence agent has just come off of two harrowing missions. Upon returning to London for a well-earned rest, he learns that his friend and fellow agent has been murdered in Moscow, but not before he made use of a unique Object as a mobile ‘drop site’ for the valuable intelligence he was carrying.

The drop site is traveling from Moscow to England. Steele insists on completing the mission to honor the death of his friend, Gerry Cornell.

At an ultra-chic quasi-diplomatic gathering in a mansion in Windsor, England, Saber and Steele meet and find themselves faced with a powerful, undeniable attraction. But at the moment, this compelling attraction is very inconvenient.

In reality, they are at the mansion to check out the security arrangements — for their own reasons — to steal the Object, a Fabergé egg worth thirty million dollars. But who will get to the egg first?

Fabergé eggs are very famous for their unique surprises. Saber and Steele are about to be very surprised, indeed.

And when Saber clashes with Steele; more than sparks will explode!

About The Author

Enjoyed an exotic, adventure-filled childhood, following her anthropologist father and travel writer mother to the farthest corners of the world. She later took inspiration from her Aunt Sophia Francesca and became the author of romantic adventure novels. She alternates her time between Los Angeles, and a family property located in Yorkshire England.

She is the author of the first two books of the Time Frame Series, LUST. MECHANICS. MINI COOPER. and SEX. COFFEE. TIME TRAVEL. Loves travel, discovering new foods to try, reading and writing. She currently lives in the central highlands of Costa Rica with her dog Pixie and her hedgehog Quiller.

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Ty’s Heart by Selena Laurence

A single father must face his past when the woman who left him alone with his daughter returns to town, sparking a renewed attraction and fears for his daughter’s future.

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Title: Ty’s Heart
Series: California Cowboys
Author: Selena Laurence
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 24, 2017
Length: 60,000 words

She’s come back to steal his heart.

 Ty Jenkins is a good man. For five long years he’s devoted his life to his young daughter, Katie, giving everything he’s got to make sure she won’t miss the one thing she can’t have–a mother. When that very woman blows back into town, Ty’s world is turned upside down. He’d do anything to care for Katie, but caring for her gets complicated when he still has feelings for the woman who abandoned them both.

Jodi Morgan has made a lot of mistakes in her life, and the biggest one of all was giving up her infant daughter the day she was born. But now she’s back in Big Sur, California, determined to be there for her girl however she can. What Jodi didn’t count on was the way she feels about Katie’s father. Between his devotion to Katie and his work-honed body, Ty is one hell of an attractive package.

As two parents begin a journey to do what’s best for their child, they rediscover the feelings they once had for one another. Can Ty trust Jodi not to leave again? Has she come to be part of Katie’s future? Or will she steal his heart?


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Ty stood and watched her as she gazed out at the ocean beyond the railing of the deck. He remembered the first time he’d laid eyes on her almost six years ago. She’d been standing behind the counter of his aunt’s coffee shop, all that pale blonde hair piled in a mess on top of her head. Her cornflower-blue eyes—eyes he knew as well as his own now—sparkled when she smiled at customers, and he’d felt it immediately. As if a bolt of lightning had struck him, he’d wanted that girl. He’d wanted that sparkle and glow to be for him.

And for a brief time, it was.

But now, as he quietly watched her, none of the sparkle was there anymore. None of the vibrancy that had been so magnetic when they’d known each other earlier. No, Jodi was different. He could see it in the set of her shoulders, the way she held her arms so tight against her body. Then she turned and looked at him, and it was in her eyes. It was breath stealing, the sorrow he saw there, but he steeled himself against it. Closed himself off and let a layer of armor wind around his heart and his body. Because no matter how sad she might be, she was here to upend his life, to try to take the single most important thing he had, and even if it made her sad for the rest of her life, he wasn’t about to give her what she wanted.

Katie wasn’t negotiable.

“You came,” she said, giving him a small smile as she turned more fully, the thin embroidered cotton dress she wore blowing around her thighs in the breeze.

Her hair was still that same shade of platinum it had always been—so rare for an adult to be that blonde naturally, but Jodi looked like the fae out of some Nordic fairy tale, all fair skin, white-blonde hair, and pale blue eyes. She was tall at five ten, he was taller at six two, and she was strong—long legs, wide shoulders, narrow hips—but buxom as well, a Viking warrior princess.

He gave himself a little shake, remembering that if she wasn’t exactly the enemy now, she sure as hell wasn’t his friend.

“Surely you didn’t expect me to find out you were in town and just ignore it?”

More from the California Cowboys!

Cade’s Loss

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Vaughn’s Pride

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About Selena Laurence:
Selena Laurence is an award-winning and USA TODAY bestselling author who loves Putting the Heat in Happily Ever After. Her super sexy stories take place everywhere from rock concerts to family ranches, and her books can be found around the world in four languages, at libraries, bookstores, online, and in audio.

Selena lives in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains where she can often be found at a local coffee shop, hiking the trails, or watching soccer. At home Mr L, her kids, “goldendoodle” and “demoncat” keep her busy trying to corral chaos. A veteran Indie author, Selena also coaches writers through her blog and workshops on turning #Passion2Profession.

If you’d like to get to know her better, join Selena’s reader/reviewer group on Facebook:

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You can connect with her online at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | BookBub | Goodreads

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Rescued Hearts by Hope Toler Dougherty

Rescued Hearts Hope Toler Dougherty

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Rescued Hearts by Hope Toler Dougherty was a sweet story.  I did get bored from time to time as I was reading but that always passed after a couple of pages, so I didn’t have a hard time finishing this book like I have had with other books.  I really liked Brett right from the start, but Mary got on my nerves from time to time.  I always got annoyed at how at times she acted because I felt like she was whiny and all Brett wanted to do was keep her safe throughout the entire book.  She reminds me of girls who act tough around people, but in the end, they aren’t tough in the least.  I really enjoyed this author writing, and it kept me interested in the book, but it didn’t keep me on the edge of my seat like some other books have.  If you love mystery books than I am sure that you will love this book just as much as I did.

About The Book

Children’s clothing designer Mary Wade Kimball’s soft spot for animals leads to a hostage situation when she spots a briar- entangled kitten in front of an abandoned house. Beaten, bound, and gagged by the two thugs inside, Mary Wade loses hope for escape when a third villain returns with supplies.

Discovering the kidnapped woman ratchets the complications for undercover agent Brett Davis. Weighing the difference of ruining his three months’ investigation against the woman’s safety, Brett forsakes his mission and helps her escape, the bent-on-revenge brutes following behind.

When Mary Wade’s safety is threatened once more, Brett rescues her again. This time, her personal safety isn’t the only thing in jeopardy. Her heart is endangered as well.

About The Author

Before writing novels, Hope Toler Dougherty published non-fiction articles on topics ranging from gardening with children and environmental awareness to writing apprehension. A native North Carolinian, she likes cheering with her husband, Kevin, for the Pittsburgh Steelers, ACC basketball, and Army West Point Football.

Things that make her happy include her four children, writing and receiving real mail, cooking, reading, books, book stores, book clubs, used book sales, libraries, crocheting, and traveling. Things that make her sad include washing dishes, de-cluttering, dusting, sweeping, mopping…

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Sugar Babies by Mickey J. Corrigan

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Sugar Babies by Mickey J. Corrigan was a super exciting book.  I loved that it gave me a small look into what being a sugar baby might be like.  This book was a super easy read, and I was able to read in over a couple of days, and it left me wanting more.  I felt like the characters were all real people and I love when that happens.  I have read one other book by this author, and if you want to check out that review, you can click right here.  So far I have liked both of the books that I have read by her, and I can’t wait to read another by her in the future.  If you are looking for a different type of book to read I would for sure recommend this one to you because I am sure you will love it just as much as I did.

About The Book

Young, beautiful, and hungry, Esme, Maire, and Niki want what every woman wants: love, work, safe shelter, the bills paid off, a diamond-studded Rolex and a two-bedroom condo with an ocean view. Working as sugar babies seems to be the only way to make this happen. But the sugar life is more dangerous than they thought.

About The Author

Originally from Boston, Mickey J. Corrigan lives and writes and gets into trouble in South Florida, where the men run guns and the women run after them.

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Eternal by Cecy Robson

We are excited to celebrate the release of Cecy Robson’s ETERNAL: A Carolina Beach Novel. Follow the tour for reviews, excerpts, and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card and three runners-up will win a digital copy of book #1 in the series, INSEVERABLE.

ETERNAL: A Carolina Beach Novel by Cecy Robson, tells the story of what happens when all is lost and then you find the one. Neither Luci nor Landon planned on each other, and they definitely didn’t plan on love in this New Year’s Eve, one-night stand romance. Fans of FLIRTING WITH FIRE by Kate Meader and HOT SHOT by Kristen Callihan won’t be able to put down this emotional and heartfelt read.

Title:  Eternal: A Carolina Beach Novel

Author: Cecy Robson

Release Date: October 24, 2017

Publisher: Cecy Robson, LLC

Series: Carolina Beach #2

Genres: Contemporary Romance

Page Count: 366

Format: Print & Digital

After months of bad luck and even worse men, Luciana Diaz just wants to crawl under the covers and forget the year ever happened. Her friend has other plans, convincing Luci to attend a New Year’s Eve party on the affluent shores of Kiawah Island.

Luci never expected to have fun. She also never expected to wake up next to a man she just met, or for this man to be the new attorney at her firm.

Landon Summers is done with drama. After an ugly separation and even worse divorce, he has no desire to jump into another relationship.

When his sister Trinity drags him to a New Year’s Eve party, he doesn’t plan to stay long. One drink, a few hellos, and he’s out. Until he meets Luci, the first person in months to draw his smile and incite his passion.

Neither Luci nor Landon planned on each other, and they definitely didn’t plan on love. But the New Year means a fresh start, and eternal possibilities neither could deny…

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Copyright © 2017 Cecy Robson

Banging from the kitchen has me turning in the direction of the wall oven. The brunette shoves the tin of crab cakes into the center, shiny with the sauce she basted them with.

No sooner than she sets the timer and takes off her oven mitt than Kirk Watson arrives. “Hey, sweet thing. How about you fix me a plate?”

How about I punch you in the head, Kirk?

I glare in his direction. She’s the only non-Caucasian woman in the immediate vicinity. I’m not trying to be a dick and assume he’s racist, I’ve just known him long enough to know that’s what he is. Not to mention, she’s in a cocktail dress or whatever the fuck, not dressed in a black shirt and pants like the caterers Becca hired.

Her small chin juts slightly forward. “I’m sorry, sir,” she says. “I don’t work here, I was just helping someone out.”

Kirk is already drunk and way past horny. He leans his arm against the overhead counter and gives her the kind of once-over that should send her to the nearest shower to wash his filth clean. “Then how about I buy you a drink?”

“It’s my understanding the drinks are free,” she tells him.

He sidesteps in front of her when she tries to walk away, blocking her. “Come on, sweetie. I’m just trying to be nice.”

I don’t think things through. I storm in from the opposite side and from one blink to the next, I’m suddenly there.

The brunette takes a step back and into me, my presence startling her and making her jump. “Back off, Kirk. She’s with me.”

Maybe I shouldn’t have said what I did, but Kirk’s the type who doesn’t know when to quit unless there’s a bigger man there to make him.

Tonight, that bigger man is me. He swipes his shaved head, offering me a slick smile that turns challenging real quick. “Is that right?”

“Damn straight.” I think the brunette looks up at me, but I’m too busy looking at Kirk. Yeah, he’s drunk, and ready to take a swing. The protective side of me kicks in. I grasp my supposed damsel in distress by the elbow and gently guide her behind me.

His gaze trails to her briefly before returning to me. “I thought you were hard up.”

“Nah,” I say, not wanting to give this idiot any amount of satisfaction. “Onto bigger and better as you can see.”

“Or tinier and cuter?” he offers.

“Watch your mouth,” I fire back, knowing he’s not complimenting her, but rather trying to rile me. “Like I said, she’s with me.”

I clench my fists, causing my knuckles to crack. I don’t think he hears the crunch, not over the music and escalating clamor of voices. He does see me, though. Whatever he catches in my hardening features is enough to make him back down. Smart man, at least when it comes to a fight. He knows I can take a hit, and give one a hell of a lot harder.

He grunts and slinks away, like he did me a favor by letting me off and not the other way around. I keep him in my sights. By the time he reaches the door leading out to the foyer, he perks up, likely having spotted the next woman he’ll approach.

I wait until he disappears into the next room before turning back to the brunette. “Ma’am,” I say, tilting my chin.

I mean to step away and back in the direction of my beer. One drink and out, right? Sounded good in theory except the moment I shift my weight to walk away, her smile holds me in place.

It’s not the kind of smile that promises anything close to what the bartender offered, nor is it teasing and daring like the half-dozen cheerleaders Becca introduced me to flashed. It simply is, fragile like the first snowflakes that fall in winter, and shy like a young woman at her first dance, hoping no one notices she’s not dressed like the rest.

I like what she’s wearing. She looks nice to look nice, not to impress or show off. And someone as pretty as her, well, she doesn’t need to be so shy.

Her lips are glazed in a soft pink like her dress, not overly done, just enough to give them a shine and glisten her light eyes. “Thank you,” she says, quietly. “For helping me out.”

“You’re welcome.”

I take a step in the direction of the bar, eyeing my beer like it’s waiting for me to return. But the step feels unusually heavy and I think my friend the beer can wait.

I turn slowly and offer this little thing with the pretty eyes and the soft smile my hand. It shouldn’t seem like such a big deal or much of an effort, but it’s a little of each. Maybe for both of us. “I’m Landon.”

She takes my hand. I watch it as it disappears within my grasp.

“Hi, Landon,” she replies quietly. “I’m Luci.”

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About Cecy Robson

CECY ROBSON is an author of contemporary romance, young adult adventure, and award-winning urban fantasy. A double RITA® 2016 finalist for Once Pure and Once Kissed, and a published author of more than eighteen titles, you can typically find her on her laptop writing her stories or stumbling blindly in search of caffeine.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. – Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Martin Luther King, Jr.

I love this quote, and I can’t really say why I like it as much as I do. This quote is something that people need to hear because I know if people lived by this quote than there would be a lot less killing.  I am going to try and love everyone so that I can be a better person.  I also like the idea of putting more love in the world and not focusing on all the horrible things that are going on.  Those are just a few of my thoughts on this quote.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Martin Luther King, Jr?

What quotes are you loving right now?

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