Things That Drive Me Insane-Insurance Companies

Things That Drive Me Insane


I am sure everyone knows that I have Multiple Sclerosis and because  of the medication I use to treat it I have to get MRI’s every 6 months. I had my latest MRI on Saturday the 16th of February.  I received a call on the Friday before my MRI from my health insurance company and all I could think was great now what is their deal.

For a little back story I have always had problems with insurance companies.  It always seems like since they have to pay out for me they tend to give me the run around and what not.  One time a few years ago I actually had an insurance company make everyone that they paid money to send the money back to them and then I had to fight with them in order to get them to pay for the claims that they requested the money back for.  Lets just say that fixing the mess took over a year and I am still sure I paid to much on a few of the claims because I just got tired of fighting with them about it all.

Anyway back to the story  when I answered the phone they basically wanted me to change the place of my MRI because the place I was getting it done at wasn’t one of their preferred providers.  I was dumbfounded because  I was having the MRI the next  day and I know enough to know that there is no way that there would be an opening on a Saturday to get a MRI if most places even do MRI’s on Saturdays.

I understand why they called about it but they didn’t have to give me hard time when I told them that I was okay with paying more because my doctor works out of the hospital and it is easier for me to keep track of my records and what not if everything is done in the same spot.  I get that they want to save me money but if I am okay with paying more than they really should just say okay and get off the phone.

I am glad they were trying to save me money and everything but in the end if I am okay spending more money then just leave it alone.  I may spend more money for the MRI but it means that I don’t have to worry about my doctor getting the results or anything like that because she will be able to just pull them up in the computer.  I have had the scans done at other places before and it always turns into a big hassle when it comes to getting the results and things like that.  So that is the latest thing that drove me insane.

What is driving you insane this week?

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Mulitple Sclerosis Update

Mulitple Sclerosis UpdateIt has been quite awhile since I have written and update about Multiple Sclerosis and what has been going with that.  I had an MRI at the end of August and it showed that I am still 100% stable which is amazing for me.  The MS has always been very active in me so that fact that I have been stable for about 4 years or so now is huge for me.  I know it has everything to do with the Tysabri and that makes it all worth it for me.

While I was at my doctors appointment she asked me is I wanted to get tested for the JC virus, which for those people who don’t know it is what cause people on Tysabri to get PML.  I told her no because I won’t stop taking Tysabri so I really don’t want to worry about it if I do have the JC virus.  She did tell me that if and when I do have another relapse I will have to get the test done to rule out that  I haven’t developed PML.  My chances of developing it now that I have been on it for about 4 years is really low so I am not worrying about it all.

Other than that there hasn’t been any changes.  I still have ups and downs when it comes to how I feel and things like that but that is pretty normal.  So there isn’t much else I can say.  I am stable and doing pretty well.

If you have any questions please let me know!

I Am How Old?!?!?!?!


How OldAt that beginning of September I had an appointment with my Multiple Sclerosis doctor to get the results for my latest MRI.  I have an update coming up that will let everyone know the results and all the fun stuff.

Anyways back to the story at hand.  I was sitting in the office meeting with the doctor and she asked me how old I was.  I said I was 26 and left it at that.  Well after I got home from the doctors I started to wonder if I was actually 26 or if I was 27.

I was looking at the print out that they gave me after my appointment that says what we are doing and when my next appointments are.  The paper said that I was 27.  I had to go and ask my grandma how old I was and she said she thought I was 27.  Well come to find out I spent all year thinking I was 26 and turning 27 next month.  Looks like I was wrong and I am turning 28 next month so I vote that I get to have two birthdays because I got two years older this year!

All I can say is that I get to have two birthdays this year and I feel like a total idiot!!!! Gotta love not knowing how old you are!  The other funny thing is as long as I can remember everyone in my family has always forgotten how old I am so I guess I am just following their lead!

What is one thing you forgot that you shouldn’t have forgotten?

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30 Things About My Invisible Illness

I was going through the drafts of posts that I have and I found this questionaire.  I am pretty sure I got this last September during Invisible Illness week and for some reason I never filled it out and posted it.  I figured I would fill it out now and compare it to the one I did a few years ago.  If you want to see the other one click here and it will take you to it.

1. The illness I live with is: Multiple Sclerosis
2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: 2000 or 2001 I believe
3. But I had symptoms since: I was in 5th grade
4. The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is: Realizing that I have to slow down and pace myself.
5. Most people assume: That nothing is wrong with me and that I am just lazy
6. The hardest part about mornings are: Getting up if I have been up most of the night or if I am in pain
7. My favorite medical TV show is: I don’t really watch any of these since they took Discovery Health off the air in my area.
8. A gadget I couldn’t live without is: My computer & my cell phone calander
9. The hardest part about nights are: Falling asleep and staying asleep.
10. Each day I take __ pills & vitamins. (No comments, please) 7 everyday and then maybe 3 or 4 more depending on pain that I am having.
11. Regarding alternative treatments I: Really want to try acupuncture but I don’t have the money to try it right now.
12. If I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose: Visible
13. Regarding working and career: I currently work as a receptionist and I also design blogs but I had to quit my job in the medical field because of it.
14. People would be surprised to know:That  my hands are numb and I had to reteach myself to type.
15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been:Knowing that I can’t do the same things other people my age do and also knowing the people get scared off when they find out I have MS
16. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was:I can’t really think of anything.
17. The commercials about my illness:I haven’t really seen any commercials about MS
18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is:Since I have had it so long I don’t really miss anything because I have been dealing with this for years now.
19. It was really hard to have to give up: It has been hard for me to stop eating gluten because I love bread.  I didn’t find out that I couldn’t eat gluten till about 5 years ago but when I don’t eat it my MS does so much better.
20. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is: Since I have had MS for so long I haven’t really picked up anything new other than design blogs and blogging.
21. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would: There isn’t anything I  would do differently than what I do now.
22. My illness has taught me: Is to slow down and enjoy the little moments
23. Want to know a secret? One thing people say that gets under my skin is: “I am sorry” or “That has to be hard”
24. But I love it when people:Don’t judge and take the time to listen and learn about MS.
25. My favorite motto, scripture, quote that gets me through tough times is:“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have”
26. When someone is diagnosed I’d like to tell them:Do your research because knowledge is power!
27. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is:How shallow and rude people are and can be.
28. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn’t feeling well was:Just be there
29. I’m involved with Invisible Illness Week because:I want everyone to learn about invisible illnesses
30. The fact that you read this list makes me feel:Good because it means that you are willing to learn and you are judging.

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MS Tuesday-Depression & Anxiety

I am going to talk about depression and anxiety which are two  Multiple Sclerosis symptoms that have be living with for the past couple of years.  Growing up never had an issue with anxiety and what issue I did have with depression I was able to control and I didn’t have to take medication for it.

About two years ago I had to get on medication for depression because I literally could barely function at work and I was always on edge.  After I started the medication it helped but I noticed I could no longer handle things that I used to love to do.

For example I have always loved being alone.  My grandparents went on a cruise for 10 days last month and I was so anxious because I was home alone most of the time.  The day after they left I literally sat in my room because I was so anxious.  I also found myself checking the door locks a hundred times where as when they are home I never check them unless I have to get up and let one of the cats in.

I believe that in my case my depression and anxiety are cause by the MS.  I know that not everyone with MS will have both of these symptoms and that some people who have these symptoms but not have MS.

Before I started on Tysabri when I would have MRI’s to check and see what the disease was doing I always had active lesions but I rarely had any symptoms.  I believe that while I at the time didn’t show any outward symptoms that those active lesions are what caused my anxiety and depression issues that I currently struggle with.

Right now I take Zoloft for the depression and I don’t treat the anxiety because I have learned how to talk myself through it.  I also have found that removing myself from the situation that is causing the anxiety is a great way for me to cope with it as well.

I received the book called “It’s Not All in Your Head: Anxiety, Depression, Mood Swings, and Multiple Sclerosis” by Patricia Farrell.  I can’t remember the site where I was signed up and got the book for free but from the little bit of it that I have read it can’t wait to read more of it.

I would recommend the book to anyone with MS or anyone that has a family member or friend with MS.  Once I am finished with it I will for sure write a review and I think I will give it away to someone with MS.

In the end I want people to know that is you have developed anxiety or depression that you aren’t alone and don’t be afraid to ask for help.  At first it was hard for me to ask the doctor about it and start the medication but the more I learn about MS and what it can cause I understand why I have had to go on medication.

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MS Resources

This week I decided that I would post some Multiple Sclerosis resources that I have found and that I use on a regular basis.

Now I am sure there are ones I haven’t listed or haven’t found so if you have one you like please leave it in a comment and I will update this list with them.
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