This time for things that drive me insane I am going to talk about my latest infusion and how bad one of the nurses there was. The thing that made me the maddest about the whole situation was the fact that she was a supervisor. Anyway lets get onto the story. I am sure you all know that I have Multiple Sclerosis and that I take Tysabri once a month to keep me stable.
So once a month I go to the hospital and get an IV in my arm so I can get the medication. The best way to describe how the give it is to say they give it like they do Chemo or when you have a blood transfusion. So usually they get the IV started with just one poke but this time it took 3 times.
Now if the only problem was that I took three times to get the IV started I wouldn’t be so pissed about it but the second time they poked me it hurt like hell and here I will show you a picture of the bruise that formed:

This bruise was already forming before she pulled out the needle because she couldn’t find the vein. I don’t think I have ever had a nurse dig around so much trying to get the vein. She was digging around for a good 2 to 3 minutes and still couldn’t get it. She then had to poke me for the 3rd time and thank god she got me then because if she hadn’t I wouldn’t have let her poke me again.
Here is what the bruise looked about 4 or 5 days latter:
Let me just tell you I have never once seen a bruise like this. The fact that there are straight lines is so weird and everyone that see’s it says the same thing. I ended up having to go to the hospital and get blood drawn because she messed up and my blood test came back weird so they want to make sure that it everything was okay. Oh and this bruise still hurts and I bet even when the bruise goes away I will still have pain because I believe she went into the muscle and did some damage.
I pray to god that when I go back for my next infusion that she won’t be there because I hate making scenes but there is no way in hell that she is ever going to get another needle anywhere near me. I have another Idiot Drivers coming up next week.
Has this ever happened to you???

It happens oftentimes. I still can’t accept that there are still nurses who lack everything as a nurse. That’s why letting them know will definitely make a change.