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As most of you know in March GFC is going to be going away for all blogs that aren’t using Blogger.  Since I am now self hosted my posts won’t show up in bloggers reader and Google Reader (at least I assume it won’t update in Google Reader).  A group of us decided that we are all going to post today and make sure that everyone will subscribe in another way so that you won’t miss any of our posts.  If you are also a wordpress blogger feel free to grab the button and put it on your blog along with the links to all the different ways they can subscribe so that no one will miss any posts. If you join us or want to find great new blogs to read look for this hastag: #SOSubscribers.

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Connor & Cooper

I started reading “All Are Precious In His Sight” in April of 2010 while the little girl named Chrisse that they adopted from Serbia was in the hospital after having heart surgery.  She passed away after fighting for 31 days.  Chrisse was an amazing little girl and she taught me so much.  I never met her but knowing her story she showed me that there are so many children out there that need homes.  It breaks my heart to know that children that have disablities in other countries and just left in orphanages and eventually get transfered to adult institutions where they spend all of there time in cribs being basically ignored.

Right now they are in Ukraine adopting these two precious boys who have down syndrome.

They are going to name them Cooper & Conner.  Let me tell you a little bit about these two boys.  You look at them and think that they are 3 maybe 4 but no these two boys are 6 years old.  They are in cribs all the time and Conner has bed sores on his back.  They are posting every day on there blog about visiting with the boys twice a day and also they upload videos to their YouTube channel of the  boys and them interacting with them.  I bought a bright pink hoodie from a fundrasier they were doing trying to raise money to get and get two different boys but that adoption ended up not working out.  I have been reading their updates everyday and watching the videos.  My grandma also asks me each day what went on today with them.  I want to ask everyone to pray for them so that they can get these two boys home soon!

I felt the need to write about this because there are so many kids out there who need families.  As everyone knows I am a birth mom so I know all about domestic adoptions but I knew nothing about international adoptions.  They found Chrisse and both of these boys through Reece’s Rainbow.   Reece’s Rainbow lists all the kids they know about that have some sort of disablities it is also a place for people who want to help but don’t feel the calling to adopt.  They let people donate money to any of the kids so that when their families find them there is some money already to help out with the costs.  I was not asked to write this but I want to let people know that if you want to help out orphans you should donate money to these kids and help them find their forever homes.  I am going to pick a child or two and try and raise money for that child so that they can find a family.  I ask that if you have a few extra dollars please consider donating to this site and help out these precious children.

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The Shadow Of Your Smile

Back Of The Book

A beautiful blanket of snow may cover the quaint town of Deep Haven each winter, but it can’t quite hide the wreckage of Noelle and Eli Hueston’s marriage.  After twenty-five years, they’re contemplating divorce . . . just as soon as their youngest son graduates from high school. But then an accident erases part of Noelle’s memory. Though her other injuries are minor, she doesn’t remember Eli, their children, or the tragedy that has ripped their family apart. What’s more, Noelle is shocked that her life has turned out nothing like she dreamed it would. As she tries to regain her memory and slowly steps into her role as a wife and mother, Eli helps her readjust to daily life with sometimes-hilarious, sometimes-heartwarming results. But can she fall in love again with a man she can’t remember?
Will their secrets destroy them . . . or has erasing the past given them a chance for a future? Read the story behind the story here.

My Review

I loved this book!!!!!!  This type of book isn’t usually what I like to read but I couldn’t put this book down.  I read it in 3 days and was sad when it was over.  I don’t think are words to describe how I feel about this book.  The characters were so easy for me to relate to and her writing captured me in from the very beginning.  I really didn’t think that I would like this book because like I said it isn’t my usual type of book but I am so glad that I read it and have found this author.  I can’t wait to read more of her books.  If you love romance books I am sure you will like this one.  I has a touch of romance along with a little bit of mystery thrown in.  I can’t say anything else but that I love this book and I know you will as well!

FTC-I received this book for free in return for my review.  The opinions expressed in this post are 100% mine.  I received no other compensation for this review.
Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Inner Window: An OSS Adventure

The Inner Window Cover

Inner Window: An OSS Adventure
by R. C. Souther

To the untrained eyes, Colena is a picture of a girl next door enjoying the best years of her life. Navigating the waters of Lake Chelan with her love interest, Bill, and close friends, Larry and Susan, she appears to be at the zenith of her life.

Yet the lake triggers memories of a life deeply locked in the inner recesses of Colena’s mind. The memories, as they unravel, challenge her cherished relationship with Bill.

In Inner Window, by R. C. Souther, we see a young girl thrust in the intrigues and life-and-death games of global espionage, all in the service of her nation during World War II. Barely coming out of it alive, she must race to retrieve her memories in order to gain back control of her own destiny.

Will she be successful in the attempt and gain her freedom, or will she wilt and surrender under the stress and fear of what she might discover about herself?

My Review

This book was hard for me to get into.  For some reason the writing just didn’t grab my attention.  It also took me awhile to get through it because I really couldn’t focus on it.  Now my grandma on the other hand really enjoyed the book so it just wasn’t the right fit for me.  I may try and read it again a little bit later and see if I can get into it.  I would recomend that people at least give this book a shot.  Over all it is a good story and it is interesting as she gets her memories back a little bit at a time.

I received a complimentary copy of The Inner Window, An OSS Adventure, as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret