My Middle Name

My Middle Name

A few weeks ago one of the prompts was to tell about your middle name.  I didn’t get a chance to write this then so I figured I would write about it now.  My middle name is Anne but it is said “Ann”.  The American meaning of Anne is favour or grace, prayer, God has favoured me.  I have always hated how my middle name is spelled.  I had a chance to change how it was spelled when my grandparents adopted me and my brother and I decided to leave it spelled the right way because I was named after someone so it just didn’t feel right to me to change it.  So that is my middle name.  Like I said I am not a fan of it but it just a middle name so I don’t go by it so its okay.

What is your middle name?  Do you like it?

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Love in the Balance by Regina Jennings



My Review

I read this book in 2 days because I couldn’t put it down. I loved the author and I saw so much of myself in the main character that I had to know how it ended. This is the first book in a long time that I couldn’t figure out how it was going to end and I love that about the book. The author does a great job of describing the places and also talking about what the characters are feeling when they are feeling it. Everything about this book was amazing!

About The Book

Handsome Cowboy or Debonair Tycoon.
How’s a Girl to Choose?

Molly Lovelace dreams of a life without cares in Lockhart, Texas. She also dreams of handsome wrangler Bailey Garner, her ardent but inconsistent beau. The problem is, with Bailey’s poor prospects, she just can’t fit the two dreams together.

Then mysterious stranger Edward Pierrepont sweeps into town-and her life-and for the first time Molly wonders if she’s met the man who can give her everything. But he won’t be in Lockhart long and while it certainly seems like he talks about their glorious future together, she can’t quite get Bailey out of her mind.

What’s a girl to do with all these decisions when love is in the balance?



About The Author

Regina Jennings is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University with a degree in English and a history minor. She has worked at The Mustang News and First Baptist Church of Mustang, along with time at the Oklahoma National Stockyards and various livestock shows. She now lives outside Oklahoma City with her husband and four children.
Find out more about Regina at
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Spring In Utah

Spring In Utah

Lets just say that spring in Utah totally sucks ass.  The pictures I am going to post were taken on a few different days so that I could show you just what the weather in Utah is like in the spring. The following two pictures were taken on Friday during my lunch.IMG_0166c



I shouldn’t have been shocked that it was snowing because that is pretty much how spring in Utah goes.  It will go from freezing to boiling over night.  The next picture was taken on Saturday.  I meant to take a picture first this when the snow was still on the ground but I didn’t get around to it until the snow had started to melt.  We had about 8 inches or so on our driveway when I woke up.



So basically spring in Utah is crazy and you never really know what you are going to get.  I hate spring and fall because I feel like I have to change clothes every 2 hours because the weather and temperature changes so much.  It has been raining and cold this week but it is better than snow so I will take it.

What is spring like where you live?

Mama’s Losin’ It

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2013 Margaret Margaret

The Promise of Paradise by Allie Boniface



My Review

I read this book on about 5 hours because once it was started I couldn’t stop. I loved the characters and I loved were the book took place. The author does a great job of making me see things how the characters were seeing things and making me feel as if I was in the head of the characters. The only thing I could say was that at times I knew what was going to happen but I believe that is because I read so many books that I am usually about to figure out what is going to happen which really pisses me off because I do love to be surprised when I am reading.

About The Book

Contemporary Romance  Date Published: 2/14/13

Ashton Kirk, youngest daughter of a prestigious senator, fiancee of a hotshot attorney, and fresh Harvard graduate, is headed for a promising law career when scandal breaks apart her family. To escape, she rents an apartment in the sleepy town of Paradise, New Hampshire, where no one knows who she is.

Ashton hopes for solitude, but all bets are off when Eddie West, the town’s most eligible bachelor, moves in downstairs. Eddie likes his women and his cars shiny, sleek, and fast, and when he meets his new housemate, he wastes no time getting friendly. While he’s looking for a no-strings romance, though, he gets more than he bargained for in Ash, who sees through his bravado to the pain of a loss too fresh to mention.

Can two people from different worlds find common ground, a place to fall in love and build a future? Is it possible to find your soul mate in the place you least expect?


About The Author

Allie Boniface is a small-town girl at heart who’s traveled around the world and still finds that the magic and the mystery of small towns make them the best places to fall in love and find adventure. From the New England coast to Rocky Mountain hotels to tiny European bars, she’s found more character and plot inspirations than she could ever count. Currently, she’s lucky enough to live in New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley with her own “Hometown Hero,” a guy who can fix, build, drive, and grill anything and is the epitome of the strong and silent type.

When she isn’t writing love stories, Allie is a full-time high school English teacher who gets a kick out of helping her teenagers negotiate the ups and downs of writing along with the ups and downs of life (because, really, she’s still trying to do the same thing!). And while she’ll continue to travel far and wide, Allie knows there’s really nothing like coming back to the place where the people who have known you forever welcome you home with open arms.



Twitter – @AllieBoniface1


Buy Link


FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my review.  The opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.

