Favorite Way To Take Care Of Myself-#Band Back Together

What is your favorite ways to take care of yourself?

I am not sure how many of you read this post where I talk about volunteering for The Band Back Together project.  I am still helping them out and they have started a new thing where on Friday’s that post a question for people to answer and since I am always trying to find things other than book reviews to write about I am going to start writing about them.

Today I am going to answer the question that was asked in this post of theirs: What is your favorite ways to take care of yourself?

  • I have found that lately my favorite way to take care of myself is once I leave work I don’t turn on a computer and I try not to use my phone.  I find that if I am always connected to social media I tend to get burnt out super quick.  When I am home from work I don’t turn on a computer and I just relax so that maybe I will be able to sleep without taking any medication.
  • Another way I like to take care of myself is to read books and as I am sure you can tell I have no shortage of books to read right now.
  • I also take the time to laugh.  My grandma and I are always laughing about something.  Laughter can brighten any day and make a bad day better.  I have learned to not take the world so seriously and laughing helps me do that.
  • I also get my nails done ever 3 weeks.  Which is a great way for me to relax and change things up.  I have started to post what my nails look like after I get them done so if you are interested you can check out those post right here!

What do you do to take care of yourself?

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Dead Light by Mike Pace



I am sure as most of you know by know that I love to read and I read all kinds of  books and I have to say that this was one of strangest books I have ever read.  It was so different that I actually couldn’t put it down because I had to know how it was going to end and what was going to happen through out the whole book.  I liked the author’s writing but I had a really hard time getting into it and sticking to it.  It did keep me wondering what was going to happen and I think I am going to check out more books by him when I get a free second to read.

About The Book


…a matter of light and death…

In the sleepy college town of Cumberton, MD, an old cemetery must be moved to make room for a new dormitory, and an ungodly Light, buried for centuries, escapes. A rash of gruesome student suicides rocks the town. Sheriff Estin Booker teams up with former Baltimore homicide detective Anna Tucci to investigate the deaths. What neither expects is to have all roads point to a 2000-year-old legend which, if true, could lead to the destruction of mankind.

The most frightening account of the power of evil breeching our world since The Exorcist, DEAD LIGHT will teach you the most improbable lesson you will ever learn:



About The Author-Mike Pace

Mike Pace was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He attended the University of Illinois on an art scholarship, and graduated with a BFA degree. He taught public school in Washington D.C.’s inner city, while attending law school at Georgetown University. As an attorney, he prosecuted numerous cases, including those involving murder and rape. He resigned in order to practice law part time, thereby allowing him the time to devote to his first love, creative writing. He lives on the Chesapeake Bay with his wife and two dogs, Blueberry and Scout. DEAD LIGHT is Mike’s first novel.

Website- http:// Mikepacebooks.com

Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/MikePacebooks

Buy The Book

FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my review.  The opinions expressed here are 100% my own.



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Donna Fletcher Crow is celebrating the release of An Unholy Communion with a Kindle Fire Giveaway.

One winner will receive:

  • A brand new Kindle Fire
  • Books 1-3 in The Monastery Murders series by Donna Fletcher Crow

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 12th. Winner will be announced on 5/14/13 {HERE}.

Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

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Sweet Sanctuary by Kim Vogel Sawyer



I really enjoyed everything about this book. I fell in love with the characters from the start. The author did a great job of making me feel like I was there with the characters and also did a great job of making me understand the way the characters were feeling. I can’t say that I loved the ending because I wish it would have been wrapped up but it left things hanging. I do see why it ended the way it did though.

About The Book

Lydia Eldredge longs to provide sanctuary for her young son, Nicky. But a constant threat comes from Nicky’s drug-addicted father, who wants the boy and seems willing to do whatever it takes to get him.

Dr. Micah Hatcher faithfully serves the immigrant population of Queens, New York. But under cover of darkness, he has a secret mission that challenges everything he thought he wanted out of life.

When Lydia and Micah’s paths cross, they are suddenly wrapped up in each other’s callings. Together, they seek a refuge of safety-for Nicky, for themselves, and for the needy people God puts into their lives. Amid turmoil and discord, can hope and love prevail?

About The Author

Kim Vogel Sawyer is the author of twenty-one novels, including several CBA and ECPA bestsellers. Her books have won the ACFW Book of the Year Award, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, and the Inspirational Readers Choice Award. Kim is active in her church, where she leads women’s fellowship and participates in both voice and bell choirs. In her spare time, she enjoys drama, quilting, and calligraphy. Kim and her husband, Don, reside in central Kansas, and have three daughters and nine grandchildren.

Find out more about Kim at http://www.kimvogelsawyer.com/.
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The Cuvier Widows Series by Sylvia McDaniel


About The Books

Wronged (The Cuvier Widows #1)

Historical Romance Categories: Mystery/Thriller, Bigamy Publisher: Virtual Bookseller Release Date: December 30, 2012 Heat Level: Sensual Word Count: 100,000

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Smashwords

Marian Cuvier didn’t know how to react when she learned that the man she called husband and father to her children, Jean Cuvier, had been murdered. Yet, the biggest surprise was when the detective informed her that she’s not the only woman Jean married. There are three Cuvier Widows and one is suspected of murder.

When Marian learned of her husband’s death, humiliation, shock and anger were the only emotions she felt for Jean. For the last several years, their marriage has been in name only. Now she’s determined to safeguard her children’s future and save their only source of income, Cuvier Shipping. Jean’s handsome business partner, Louis Fournet thinks Marian’s should not be leading her husband’s business. The man has a way with women that Marian finds alluring and arouses feelings she’s never experienced.  Louis Fournet is a temptation she finds hard to resist.

Betrayed (The Cuvier Widows #2)

Historical Romance Categories: Bigamy Publisher: Virtual Bookseller Release Date: December 30, 2012 Heat Level: Sensual Word Count: 100,000

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Smashwords

Nicole Cuvier went to New Orleans to share the most wonderful news with her husband only to discover him in a hotel room murdered, with two other women claiming to be his wife. It seems there are three Cuvier Widows and one is suspected of murder.

For years, Nicole Cuvier had tried to erase the shame of her illegitimate birth and start the family she longed for with her husband, Jean. As the mistress of Rosewood, she owns one of the largest plantations on the River Road in Louisiana. Now, she’s pregnant, unmarried-a widow with a plantation dependent upon the sugar cane crop to survive. She needs a temporary husband. Handsome Maxim Viel, a drifter, comes to her rescue and marries her, but unbeknownst to Nicole, Maxim wants more than a temporary arrangement. He has the power to heal her shattered heart, but could his past be intertwined with Rosewood?

Beguiled (The Cuvier Widows #3)

Historical Romance Categories: Mystery/Thriller, Bigamy Publisher: Virtual Bookseller Release Date: December 30, 2012 Heat Level: Sensual Word Count: 100,000

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Smashwords

Jean Cuvier forced Layla’s father to sell his shipping company and marry his daughter, or so she believed. Until the morning the servants wake her with the news that Jean is dead and she quickly learns she’s not the only Mrs. Cuvier. Jean has three widows, but Layla is the only one accused of Jean’s murder.

The District Attorney has enough motive and evidence, to send Layla to the gallows. Forced to turn to the man she blames for the sale of her father’s shipping company, she must trust Drew Soulier, to save her life. Though Drew’s the best attorney in New Orleans, he doubts her innocence. As tensions mount, Drew and Layla face a passion they can’t deny. Can Drew save her from hanging?


About The Author

Sylvia McDaniel and the love of her life, Don, live in Texas with son Shane, Putz the klutzy dachshund and Ashley our shy dachshund. During the day, she works for a small insurance agency, helping clients with their commercial insurance coverage.

The weekends are spent working out in the garden until the temperature climbs above ninety degrees. Recently, with the help of her husband, she learned to make homemade blueberry and blackberry jam. Cooking is not her favorite past-time and she prefers Don’s cooking any day of the week.

Currently, she’s written fourteen novels.  Her novel, A Hero’s Heart, was a 1996 Romance Writers of America Golden Heart finalist. Sylvia is President Elect of Dallas Area Romance Authors.

Connect with Sylvia McDaniel

Email | Website | Blog | Plotting Princess Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Excerpts Of Each Book


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