“The Face of the Earth” by Deborah Raney

Face of the Earth

“The Face of the Earth” by Deborah Raney is an amazing book.  From the moment I started reading the book I couldn’t put it down.  I loved everything about the authors writing.  I also had to find out how the book ended because while I was reading the book I couldn’t figure out was going to happen like I can with some of the books that I read.  In this book you follow along with Mitchell as he looks for his wife who just disappears one day.  I loved it because I spent the whole book wondering if anything would happen between Mitch and his wife’s best friend Shelley.  The author does a great job at making me understand how the characters are feeling and making you feel as if you are there with them.

About “The Face of the Earth” by Deborah Raney

When Mitchell Brannon’s beloved wife of twenty years kisses him goodbye one autumn morning, he has little idea that his life is about to change forever. Mitch returns from work early that evening, surprised Jill’s car isn’t inthe garage. Her conference in Kansas City is only a few hours’ drive from their little town ofSylvia, Missouri. But her voice on the answering machine makes him smile. “Hey, babe, I’m just now checking out of the hotel, but I’ll stop and pick up something for dinner. Love you.”
Mitch sets the table with their best china and lights some candles, looking forward to their first weekend as empty nesters.
But at eight o’clock, the candles have burned to stubs and Jill still hasn’t shown up. Mitch tries her cell phone only to get her voice mail over and over again. Their two college kids haven’t heard from their mom either.
At midnight, Mitch’s irritation turns to dread. And later, when the police and Missouri Highway Patrol have turned up nothing, the Kansas City hotel calls to say they’ve found property belonging to Jill in a hotel maid’s possession.
Mitch enlists the help of their next-door neighbor, Jill’s best friend, Shelley, and together they search for clues to Jill’s disappearance. As days turn into weeks and weeks into months, Mitch and Shelley’s friendship grows ever closer–and decidedly complicated with Jill as the tie that binds them together. Just when Shelley decides to finally reveal her feelings for Mitch, a clue to Jill’s whereabouts is uncovered. But every lead seems to be a dead end, and Mitch wonders how he can honor thevows he made to a woman who has seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth.


About The Author

Deborah Raney is theaward-winning author ofseveral novels, including “A Nest of Sparrows” and theRITA award winning “Beneath a Southern Sky” and its sequel, “After theRains”. Deborah’s first novel, “A Vow to Cherish”, was theinspiration for World Wide Pictures’ highly acclaimed film of the same title, which in December 2004 aired on prime time network TV forthe second time. Deb’s novella, “Playing by Heart”, was a National Readers Choice Award winner and a 2004 Christy Award finalist. Her novel for Howard/Simon & Schuster, “Yesterday’s Embers”, appeared on the ECPA Christian fiction bestseller list. Known for her sensitive portrayal of family struggles and relationships, Deb has also written nonfiction books and articles and often speaks at women’s retreats and writers’ conferences around the country. She and her husband, illustrator/author Ken Raney, have four children and make their home in Kansas.
Find out more at DeborahRaney.com

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Riverbend by Tess Thompson


Riverbend – PROMO Blitz
By Tess Thompson
Contemporary Romance
Date Published: 5/14/13
“Tag. I found you.”
Just as Annie Bell’s reputation as one of the best chefs in the Pacific Northwest grows to newheights, she receives a threatening phone  from her abusive ex-boyfriend. Marco is out onparole and hungry for revenge, blaming her for his ten-year imprisonment. Fearing for her life andthat of her young son, Annie reluctantly accepts help from Drake Webber, a cold and wealthyrecluse hiding a dark history of his own. Supported by the gang of misfits from their restaurantRiversong, Annie forges ahead despite her growing terror that Marco will appear at any momentand make good on his threats.
Author Tess Thompson reunites the colorful cast of endearing small town characters fromher bestselling novel Riversong and takes you on a journey that will renew your faith in love,friendship and the power of community – even in the face of seemingly insurmountable grief andfear. You’ll find yourself once again cheering for the residents of River Valley, especially the big-hearted and compassionate Annie Bell.
Escape with a blend of love, laughter, friendship, suspense and gourmet food while rememberingit’s never too late for second chances.
Two days later, the first Monday she was to start work for Drake Webber, Annie dreamt of a man chasing her down the streets of Los Angeles as she carried baby Alder in her arms. Was it Marco? She couldn’t be sure. At a bump in the sidewalk, she tripped and fell. Blood spilled onto the cement. Then, there was a phone ringing, an old-fashioned ring tone like phones from her childhood.
With a start, she awakened, sitting up in bed, the blankets tangled around her legs and her pajamas soaking wet from perspiration. The ringing continued; it was her cell phone. She’d recently changed the ringtone to that of the old rotary phones. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, she reached for the phone on the bedside table. What time was it? Not yet six a.m. Who would be calling this early? It was probably her mother with news of another boyfriend who left her penniless and unable to pay rent. This happened every year or so and Annie always sent money. And her mother always found one more loser to move in with a short time later.
“Hello,” she said, fully prepared to be annoyed that her mother had awakened her so early.
“Tag. I found you.”
Her stomach, like it might during a sudden five-story drop in an elevator, sank below her knees. Marco. His voice was rough, hard—she would recognize it anywhere.
Was she still asleep? Please, God, let this still be my nightmare, she prayed silently.
She trembled, the sweat-soaked pajamas cold on her skin. Her hand twitched, as if in a move to hang up the phone, but he spoke again. “What? Cat got your tongue?” She continued her silence, frozen. “Listen, bitch, I know it’s you. You’re all over the Internet these days.
All you have to do is put your whore name into Google and there’s a dozen articles on you. You’re looking good, especially compared to what a cow you used to be. I’m coming to town. Shouldn’t be hard to find you. And then you’ll pay for what you did to me.”
She dropped the phone like it was hot and stared at it. Then she picked it up and punched the hang-up button before tossing it back on the bed. She folded her knees, wrapping her arms around them and rocking back and forth for several minutes. Oh no, no, no, no, a roar in her head.
Tess Thompson
Tess Thompson is a novelist and playwright with a BFA in Drama from the University of Southern California. Her first novel, Riversong, became a bestselling ebook in 2012, reaching #1 on Nook and spending over a month in Amazon’s Top 100. On May 14 she will release her third novel,
Riverbend, the second book in the River Valley Series. Tess regularly blogs about her journey as a mother, author and friend at http://www.tesswrites.com.
Like many of the characters in the River Valley series, Tess is from a small town in Oregon. She currently lives in Seattle, Washington with her two young daughters, Emerson and Ella, and their puppy Patches, where she is inspired daily by the view of the Cascade Mountains from her home office window. Tess is working on her fourth novel and regularly blogs about her journey as a mother, author and friend at http://www.tesswrites.com.
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32 Random Questions

32 Random Questions

I was reading Mama’s Losin It! and I saw that she posted this list of 32 random questions to answer in your next vlog.  I read through them and really wanted to answer them so I am going to just answer them on my blog and make it part of the Old School Blogging posts that I have been doing.

1.) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?  They are closed well the one that I can move is closed and the broken one is pretty much closed so that I can keep Sylvia out of there because she loves to sleep in there and get my clothes covered in her hair.
2.) Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? When I do travel either my grandma does or I do.
3.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? The bottom of the flat sheet is tucked in but the rest of the sheet isn’t tucked in.
4.) Have you ever stolen a street sign?  No I haven’t but I have always wanted to steal one.
5.) Do you cut out coupons and then never use them?  I never cut them out my grandma does and most of the time I don’t use them because I forget I have them.
6.) Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?  A bear for sure.  I am more afraid of bee’s than getting attacked by a bear. 
7.)Do you always smile for pictures?  Not really.  I also hate having my pictures taken so I don’t have many taken.
8.) Do you ever count your steps when you walk?  No I never have but this makes me want to start.
9.) Have you ever peed in the woods?  Yes and only because I had no choice but to.
10.) Do you still watch cartoons?  No and I wasn’t that big into them growing up either.
11.) Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?  I can’t tell you that or you would be able to take it.
12.) What do you drink with dinner?  If I am at home it is water and if I am out I try and get Dr. Pepper.
13.) What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Ranch most of the time but sometimes honey mustard.
14.) What movies could you watch over and over and still love?  Apollo 13
15.) Were you ever a girl scout?  For like a month.
16.) Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?  If I was happy with how I looked than sure why not but as it stands now no I wouldn’t.
17.) Can you change the oil on your car?  Hell no
18.) Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?  Yes I have gotten one and I always say it was because the female cop was mad that I was cuter than her lol
19.) Afraid of heights?  Yes I am in fact it is so bad I can’t walk over to the railing when I am on the upper levels at places and look down.
20.) Do you sing in the car?  Yes I do.

21.) Is Christmas stressful?  It is more sad for me than stressful.
22.) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid.  A teacher, vet, or a nurse.
23.) Do you believe in ghosts?  I sure do and I have seen them.
24.) The first concert you ever went to.  I think it was NSYNC.
25.) Walmart, Target, or Kmart?  Target but I do go to Walmart often because it is the closest to my house.
26.) Nike or Adidas?  Either
27.) Can you curl your tongue?  Yes
28.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy?  Not that I can remember but it may have happened.
29.) The last concert you saw?  Jeff Dunham
30.) Can you swim well?  Yes I can even though I don’t know the last time I even went swimming.
31.) Can you knit or crochet?  I think my grandma showed me once but I haven’t done it in years so I am going to go with no.
32.) Are you a dog person or a cat person?  Well I love both but I am for sure a cat person.

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Beth K. Vogt’s “Catch a Falling Star” Romantic Weekend Getaway Giveaway & June 4th Facebook Party!

Celebrate the release of Catch a Falling Star (Howard Books) with Beth K. Vogt by entering to win a Romantic Weekend Getaway and RSVPing for her June 4th Author Chat Party.


One “lucky” winner will receive:

  • A $200 Visa Cash Card (Perfect for a weekend stay at a hotel or B&B!)
  • Catch a Falling Star and Wish You Were Here by Beth Vogt (Swoon-worthy!)

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on June 3rd. Winner will be announced at the Catch a Falling Star” Facebook Author Chat Party on June 4th. Connect with Beth for an evening of book chat, trivia, laughter, and more! Beth will also share an exclusive look at her next book and give away books and other fun prizes throughout the evening.

So grab your copy of Catch a Falling Star and join Beth on the evening of June 4th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book, don’t let that stop you from coming!)

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 4th!

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“Pastors’ Wives” by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen



In Pastors’ Wives by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen you follow 3 women as their lives join together when they are all members of a mega-church called Greenleaf.  I had a hard time with this book and I am not sure why.  I loved the writing in the book and all the characters but it just wasn’t for me I guess.  I did love how the the author had the chapters broken down into the different ladies talking.  I am for sure going to check out other books by her because she is a great author this book just wasn’t my personal favorite.

About The Book

What’s it like when the man you married is already married to God? asks Pastors’ Wives, an often surprising yet always emotionally true first novel set in a world most of us know only from the outside.
Lisa Takeuchi Cullen’s debut novel Pastors’Wives follows three women whose lives converge and intertwine at a Southern evangelical megachurch. Ruthie follows her Wall Street husband from New York to Magnolia, a fictional suburb of Atlanta, when he hears a calling to serve at a megachurch called Greenleaf. Reeling from the death of her mother, Ruthie suffers a crisis of faith—in God, in her marriage, and in herself. Candace is Greenleaf’s “First Lady,” a force of nature who’ll stop at nothing to protect her church and her superstar husband. Ginger, married to Candace’s son, struggles to play dutiful wife and mother while burying her calamitous past. All their roads collide in one chaotic event that exposes their true selves. Inspired by Cullen’s reporting as a staff writer for Time magazine,Pastors’ Wives is a dramatic portrayal of the private lives of pastors’ wives, caught between the demands of faith, marriage, duty, and love.


About The Author

Lisa Takeuchi Cullen was a longtime staff writer for TIME magazine. She now develops TV pilots for production companies and recently sold her first pilot for “The Ordained” to CBS. Born in Japan, Cullen lives in New Jersey with family.
Find out more about Lisa at http://lisacullen.com.

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my review.  The opinions expressed here are 100% my own.
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