Things That Drive Me Insane-Idiot Drivers Part 2

Things That Drive Me Insane

I haven’t written one of these posts in a few months and it is time for another one.  The very first one of these posts I wrote was about idiot drivers and this is going to be part 2 because I have seen some real winners lately.  Usually once it warms up here the drivers get better but this year they have gotten 10 times worse.  I am not sure where to even start with this post because there are so many things that are driving me insane lately.

I am going to start with the most shocking one first because well I am still floored by it.  I was on my way to work in the morning and I saw a woman curling her hair with a curling iron as she was driving.    Even as I am writing this I am still in shock and the best part was that I then saw her the next week doing the same thing!

Who in the hell does that while they are driving????  The longer I think about this the more crazy it gets because in order for her to able to do that she had to get a power inverter.  Which shows that she “thought” through this idea.  I told one of the guys I work with about it and he brought up the point what will happen when she drops the hot curling iron because we all know that when you drop something hot while driving it always seems to end up in your crotch.

The next thing that is driving me insane is when people decide to make their own damn lanes while they are driving.  I can’t even count how many times I have seen this in the past week alone.  I was looking back that the first post I did about idiot drivers and this was the comment that was left on that post: (this is only part of the comment)

…my personal favorite is when there’s heavy traffic and someone doesnt’ want to wait anymore on the freeway. So they just pull into the shoulder and drive along at 55 mph or so like it’s their own personal lane. Of course, one day they’re gonna plow into someone who’s stuck there with a flat, or pop their own tire on the nails and junk in that lane… idiots.

I can’t wait to watch some idiot who makes their own lane get in a major accident because they think they can do whatever they want.  It would also be great see them plow into a cop car that has someone pulled over.  I get so pissed off when I am stuck in traffic and I watch people making their own lanes and then having to get in front of me.  I want to yell at the and tell them to get in line.  I mean I learned in elementary school get in line and “no butting” in.  I have noticed though that people riding motorcycles are probably the worst when it comes to making their own lane and thinking them can do whatever they want.

I was going to write about one other thing but I think I am going to save that until next time so there will be a part 3 of idiot drivers.  Who knew I could find so many things that people do while driving that would bug the hell out of me.  I guess it comes with driving to and from work for almost 6 years.

What do drivers do that drive you insane???

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Vampire Elite by Irina Argo


Vampire Elite
Paranormal Romance
Date Published: 6/7/13
Join the release party:

Vampire Elite is a new vampire series
The first two parts are released in one volume
Vampire Elite
Part 1. Prophecy
Part 2. Keepers of the Key
What will he do if saving his people means destroying the woman he loves?
A millennia-long war between two immortal races is about to come to an end. Long ago, the Vampire Elite began capturing the immortals called the Amiti, attracted by their unique blood properties. Now most Amiti live in underground cells, forced to serve as vampires’ bloodstock. The few surviving free Amiti, preparing a final strike, have declared their Queen a traitor. Her execution makes possible the rise of a new Queen, her young daughter Arianna, who will inherit her mother’s mystical powers. Working with the Keepers of the Key, Arianna may be able to eliminate the vampires, once and for all, from the face of the earth.
The new Queen is the last hope to save her dying race and she’s ready to fight to the last drop of her blood.
 But the King of the Vampires has other plans.
 What neither expects is the passion that erupts between them.
Vampire Elite is an epic story of a bitter conflict between two immortal races, and the effect of that conflict on everyone living in its grip. The characters are driven to love and betrayal, vengeance and sacrifice in a world without easy black-and-white answers.
            Based on an ancient Egyptian legend, packed with action and intrigue, Vampire Elite will pull you into the entrancing world of immortals and open new portals into their hidden universe.
Readers’ Favorite reviewers on Vampire Elite:
You’ve managed to restore my hope in the future of vampire books …
… a fascinating read and definitely a book for anyone who loves fantasy, romance and of course vampires.
… a spellbinding novel of action, suspense, romance, and conscience …  character development is superb … the type of book that will make you read all day until you get to the end! It is deliciously addictive!

For more info please visit
Twitter: @TheVampireElite

Meet VE Character: Arianna, Queen of the Amiti and Keeper of the Mystery of Balance
Arianna becomes the Amiti Queen as an infant, following the execution of her mother. Along with the title, she also inherits all of the Queen’s powers, including the role of Keeper of the Mystery of Balance as well as the Gift of Ra, a power bestowed by the Sun God himself to help her protect herself and her people. Sheltered by her father as a child, Arianna finds herself thrust into a world of danger and intrigue when he is murdered and she must confront the fact that her race’s destiny depends on her. Despite how overwhelming it can be, Arianna ultimately embraces her life’s mission: to free her people from their enslavement by the Vampire Elite by any means necessary. But along the way she encounters an unexpected and seemingly unmanageable challenge—the charismatic and powerful vampire King Tor, who takes her on an emotional and sensual journey that makes her question her very destiny. Will the young Queen have the willpower and inner strength to fulfill her purpose and save her people, even if it means destroying the man she loves?









Stealing the Preacher by Karen Witemeyer


“Stealing the Preacher” by Karen Witemeyer was a super cute and a fun read.  From the first page of this book I was hooked and didn’t put it down until I finished reading it.  It has a unique storyline and that made me like it even more.  The book starts by following Crockett as he is on his way to try out for a preaching job.  While he is on the train it gets held up and they “kidnap” him because Joanna told her dad that she wanted a preacher for her birthday.  There are times where I had to laugh at what was going on and other times where I was sad for the characters.  This is the first book I have read from this author and I honestly can’t wait to read more.  I love how I felt like I was there with the characters.

About The Book

A cowboy who wants to be a preacher. An outlaw’s daughter who wants to change his mind.

On his way to interview for a position at a church in the Piney Woods of Texas, Crockett Archer can’t believe it when he’s forced off the train by an outlaw and presented to the man’s daughter as the preacher she requested for her birthday. He’s determined to escape-which would be much easier if he could stop thinking about Joanna Robbins and her unexpected request.

For months, Joanna had prayed for a minister. A man to breathe life back into the abandoned church at the heart of her community. A man to assist her in fulfilling a promise to her dying mother. But just when it seems her prayers have been answered, it turns out the parson is there against his will and has dreams of his own calling him elsewhere. Is there any way she can convince Crockett he ended up right where he was supposed to be?

With her signature blend of humor, history, and lively western romance, two-time RITA Award finalist and bestselling author Karen Witemeyer delivers a Texas love story sure to steal your heart.


About The Author

Two-time RITA finalist and winner of the coveted HOLT Medallion and ACFW Carol Award, CBA bestselling author Karen Witemeyer writes historical romance because she believes that the world needs more happily-ever-afters. She is an avid cross-stitcher, shower singer, and bakes a mean apple cobbler. Karen makes her home in Abilene, Texas, with her husband and three children. Learn more about Karen and her books at

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Ray of Light by Shelley Shepard Gray


Ray of Light by Shelley Shepard Gray was a sweet book.  It took me a few chapters to get into this book but once I did I loved it.  At times I was lost because I hadn’t read the book prior to this one so some parts were confusing for me but the author does a great job of making me understand where the characters are coming from and also making the reader feel like they are there with the characters.  I wanted only the best for the characters and I was glad when in the end everything worked out just how I hoped it would.  I can’t wait to check out more of the books in this series.

About The Book

Bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray brings inspirational romance to life in this sweet tale of love in the Amish community, Ray of Light, the second installment of her Days of Redemption series.Roman Keim just wants a break from the family drama at his snowy Ohio home when he heads to an Amish snowbird community in Florida. There he meets Amanda Yoder and her daughter Regina who soon are warming his heart. But will Roman return to Ohio or will he stay and help the young widow embrace a second chance at love?
The author of the series Sisters of the Heart and Seasons of Sugarcreek, Shelley Shepard Gray delivers an honest, tender love story in Ray of Light, featuring the challenges of faith, family, and romance.


About The Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the “Sisters of the Heart”, “Seasons of Sugarcreek”, “Secrets of Crittenden County”, and Families of Honor series. She lives in southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.

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One Good Man by Marie McGaha




About The Book

New Adult Contemporary Romance Categories: Action/Adventure, Comedy, BBW Publisher: Dancing With Bear Publishing Release Date: November, 24, 2012 Heat Level: Sweet Length: 188 pages

Allison Hamstead thought it was love. Finally, after all the years alone, someone loved her in spite of the fact she was fat! Not that her size had ever kept her from being successful, but it had kept her far from personal relationships. She’d heard all of the fat jokes ever told, all of the things people in her office said behind her back, and she didn’t miss not having a boyfriend, or dates, every weekend. Did she? But now she was in love and she couldn’t wait to introduce him to her best friend, Sarah. And what a mistake that had turned out to be! It wasn’t long before the love of her life and her best friend were living together, and Allison was humiliated.

Starting over is never easy, but Allison is determined to do just that and moves far from Chicago to the warm waters of Biloxi, Mississippi where she accepts a position at one of the floating casinos. For the first time in her life Allison feels like she’s truly at home. She loves her job, she loves her boss, who is like a father to her, and she loves being a part of all the excitement going on around her. Except for one little thing…

Her boss’s eldest son, Stephen is probably the most handsome, gorgeous, and sexy man she’s ever laid eyes on… and he knows it! And for some reason he acts interested in her. Then her mother comes to visit and winds up dating her boss. Her accounts start showing large amounts of money missing. And her ex shows up unannounced and says he wants her back. Can anything else possibly go wrong?


About The Author

Marie McGaha is an author, editor and publisher at Dancing With Bear Publishing, a Christian publishing company. While most of her time is spent editing manuscripts, she does try to find time for her passions. First, the love of the rest of her life, Nathan, whom she has been married to for almost thirteen years, and loves to spend time with riding motorcycles. They are both members of The Patriot Guard Riders. Second, Marie’s passion for shoes has filled several closets, so she decided to start her own shoe line, Girls Got Grit. She and Nathan also like to spend time spoiling grandchildren, traveling, and just being together. “Nathan is my best friend, and I am very blessed to have him as my husband too,” Marie says. And everyone who knows them says it’s quite obvious these two are living out their own romance novel.

Connect with Marie McGaha






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