Everybody Falls by J. A. Hornbuckle

Everybody Falls by J. A. Hornbuckle was an interesting book to read.  I liked the characters but I wasn’t a huge fan of the storyline. I am not sure why though because this is usually the kind of book I can’t put down. I loved the authors writing but the storyline just didn’t keep me at the edge of my set but it was a book I am glad that I read it and I am going to check out other books by this author.  I found at times that the story didn’t seem like it could really happen in real life.

Everybody Falls Book Cover 2

About The Book

Contemporary Date Published: 6/14/2013

At 25, Jax Wynter lost his life.

As the youngest member of America’s number one rock band, Wynter’s Vicious, Jax lived a life with no rules 

or responsibilities. At least until his older brother, founding member and vocalist, died in a fiery car crash. Jobless, 

clueless and deemed unfit to handle his own affairs, Jax must sober up, man up and adjust to living as a ‘normal 

person’ in the ‘real world’.

At 24, Lacey Emerson found hers.

Shuffled between her bi-polar mom and her former hippie grandmother, Lacey had no choice but to become 

responsible at a young age. Her chaotic childhood, though, gave her the skills and determination to succeed when 

she inherited her grandmother’s bakery. Her life was finally normal, real but very, very boring.

All it took was a five-point face plant to turn both their lives upside down.

From the author of Pole Dance, Human Hieroglyphix I & II and Tap Dance, comes the new novel, “Everybody 

Falls”, Book One of Wynter’s Vicious Series. Set in the beautiful town of Auburn, California and filled with a cast 

of quirky characters, it’s a story about learning to live, learning to love and learning to hold on when your brand 

of ‘normal’ comes undone.

Sometimes you have to fall from grace before you can fall in love

Me on 04212013

About The Author

Even as a young girl, J.A. couldn’t wait to read.   In fact, her first real temper tantrum was at the end of first grade when she realized that unless the book or magazine included the words, “Dick”, “Jane” or “Spot”, she was still at a loss.
The thirst for the written word has never left her.
But after reading three crap books in a row on her Kindle (or Ken-doll, as she calls it) in July 2012, she decided she could do better.  Armed with a few notes, she blithely wrote out the first draft of her first novel and found her first book was worse crap than the stories that had started the whole cycle.  Taking the advice of another author, she studied and learned, re-wrote and re-edited.   As of June 2013, she’s published five books with another in progress.
J.A. has been fortunate to travel throughout the U.S. and overseas, though she’s now calling the Phoenix, Arizona area home.  Those travels, places and the people she’s met help provide fuel for her books which is always why she includes the verbiage, ‘Although, if you recognize yourself in any character represented …maybe we need to talk.’  She calls it her rider to the disclaimer assuring readers that her characters are not based on any one particular person.
When asked to sum up what she wanted others to know about her, she simply says, “For those that have been with me on this life’s journey…Thanks for the memories!  And those that are still on their way…Where’ve you been?  My heart’s been waiting for you.”

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Found On Pinterest-Quotes

Found On Pinterest

This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about #5 which is “A quote you saw on Pinterest that inspired you.”.  I found a few quotes that inspired me and I am going to post them below.  If you click on the image it will take you Pinterest and the original post where you go to the website that has that image on it.




Those are 3 that I found that I loved.  If you would like to follow me on Pinterest you can click here to follow me.  I always follow everyone back to follows me.  I also post a quote of my blog every Sunday so if you love quotes then check back every Sunday and you will see a new quote!

What quotes do you love???

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Phone Case Of The Month ~ July’s Case

Phone Case Of The Month

It is time again to show everyone the case I got from Case Of The Month for the month of July.  I really liked this month’s case and I really can’t wait to see what case I will get next month.  Here is a picture of this month’s case:


If you want to sign up you can click here and sign up to get a new phone case every month for $10.

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Scarred Love by M.S. Brannon


Scarred Love by M.S. Brannon was an interesting read for me.  Had I not been sent this book to review it isn’t something that I would have picked up on my own but that being said I really did enjoy the book and it made me think.  While I was reading it I had to wonder how often in America does something like this really happen.  I haven’t really talked about my childhood on this blog but I understood all to well how Darcie felt at times and at other times I was annoyed by her.  I think the author did a great job of understanding how teenagers think and how they act so even when I was annoyed I knew how she was acting was pretty much how some teens act.  I can’t wait to check out more books by this author because I really love her writing style.

About The Book

New Adult/Romance Date Published: 6/6/2013

Darcie Claiborne spent several years of her young life living with a monster, always fearing what he would do next. Clasping onto her last ounce of hope, Darcie releases a scream. It’s her final attempt to live; to survive the villain of her reality. Sweeping her up in his arms, Darcie’s knight in shining armor rescues her from the hell she’s been living; from the stepfather she’s feared for all those years.

Reggie Evans has been forced to grow up before he’s ready when his mother dies of an overdose, leaving him responsible to raise his younger brothers. One fateful night, Reggie jogs by an old, run down house and discovers a young girl clinging to life as she screams for help.

Three years later, Darcie is healing and always protected by the man who saved her, but now she’s fighting with something she isn’t prepared to face. The growing love for the man who saved her life three years ago, the same man who’s nine years older. All the while, Reggie fights to protect Darcie from the demons of her past and new ones of her present.

Author Picture

About The Author

M.S. Brannon was born and raised in the Midwest. She still resides there today with her wonderful husband and son. When she is not writing or reading, M.S. Brannon spends time with her family, watching movies, and discovering new music. She writes romance because she believes love and heartache is the rawest emotion one can experience.

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“Anomaly” by Krista McGee


“Anomaly” by Krista McGee was an amazing book!  I loved this book. I don’t even know where to start because this book reminded me of Divergent and that is one of my all time favorite books right now. The one thing I loved about this book was the fact that is brought god into the storyline. I loved the characters and saw so much of myself in Thallia and I understood her reasons behind the things that she did. Once I started reading the book I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop reading until it was finished. I find now that I am done with the book I am still thinking about the characters and I can’t wait to see what will happen in the next book. If you love books about dystopian societies then you will love this book!

About The Book

Thalli has fifteen minutes and twenty-three seconds left to live. The toxic gas that will complete her annihilation is invading her bloodstream. But she is not afraid.
Decades before Thalli’s birth, the world ended in a nuclear war. But life went on deep underground, thanks to a handful of scientists known as The Ten. Since then, they have genetically engineered humans to be free from emotions in the hopes that war won’t threaten their lives again.
But Thalli was born with the ability to feel emotions and a sense of curiosity she can barely contain. She has survived so far thanks to her ability to hide those differences. But Thalli’s secret is discovered when she is overwhelmed by the emotion in an ancient piece of music.
She is quickly scheduled for annihilation, but her childhood friend, Berk, convinces The Ten to postpone her death and study her instead. While in the scientists’ Pod, Thalli and Berk form a dangerous alliance, one strictly forbidden by the constant surveillance in the pods.
As her life ticks away, she hears rumors of someone called the Designer—someone even more powerful than The Ten. What’s more, the parts of her that have always been an anomaly could in fact be part of a much larger plan. And the parts of her that she has always guarded could be the answer she’s been looking for all along.
Thalli must sort out what to believe and who she can trust, before her time runs out . . .


About The Author

When Krista McGee isn’t living in fictional worlds of her own creation, she lives in Tampa and spends her days as a wife, mom, teacher, and coffee snob. She is also the author of “Anomaly”, “First Date”, “Starring Me”, and “Right Where I Belong”.

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