I Always Wanted To Be . . . 21


This week for the writers workshop I am going to be talking about the age I always wanted to be.  As long as I can remember I wanted to be 21 because I figured that once I was 21 I could do everything so there was no reason to get any older.  Now that I am almost 29 I still want to only be 21.

Best part of me wanting to be 21 was that when I turned 21 I didn’t drink in fact I didn’t drink until I was 22 and now I still don’t really drink because I hate the taste and I hate the way it makes me feel.  To this day I am not sure why I wanted to be 21 but I did.  I still remember my birthday that year because it was a few months after I had my daughter and it was still a rough time for me.

It is crazy to me how everyone always wants to be different ages.  One of my old friends always wanted to be 22 and she was never sure why.  I have to wonder what makes us want to be certain ages and what not.

What age did you always want to be?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Hey, blogger friends, listen up! I’ve got a chance for you to receive a free eBook and to compete for over $750 in prizes, and it’s so easy to participate. Read on for more…

Novel Publicity is currently recruiting for one of our gigantic whirlwind tours. YAY! Each whirlwind tour boasts hundreds of dollars in cash prizes and autographed books, sometimes even Kindle Fires. NP also provide eBook copies for all reviewers. This time, they’re touring the debut YA novel by Stephanie Fleshman, Render.

Choose to be one of the first to read this awesome new book, or, instead, host an excerpt, interview, or guest post. That’s right, you don’t even have to read the books to participate–although that’s definitely an option. Novel Publicity will provide your choice of a pre-formatted excerpt, interview, or guest post to make participation easy.


Tour Dates: September 9 to 13, 2013
Genre: Paranormal YA
Page Count: 399

The Prizes:

* $100 Best/ most creative entry
* $100 Random commenter prize
* $50 Rafflecopter (2 prizes)
* $50 Random blogger award
* $50 GoodReads party prize
* $50 Facebook sharing contest
* $100 in the special author contest
* Kindle Fire in the special author contest



About Render

A betrayal born of blood

A curse for a gift

A love worth saving

Koldan Holdt knows what he wants. The problem is his future was decided the day he was born—a future void of everything he has ever known.

Days before summer vacation, Koldan’s grandfather suddenly dies, leaving the consequences that have followed him since he fled his country to fall to Koldan. As Koldan learns about his new fate, he must accept the terms to which he is bound and live without the one person he wants, or remain true to who he is and risk both their lives repeating the choices his grandfather made.

Seventeen-year-old Raya Whitney thought she knew Koldan…until a sudden turn of events threatens both their lives. While she is not willing to give up without a fight, she knows it is a deadly game to stay together.


Nails Of The Month – Hello Kitty


It is time for another Nails Of The Month post.  I know I just did one but since  I get my nails done every 3 weeks there many be a month where I have 2 posts.  Anyway this time I got Hello Kitty themed nails.  I am not a huge fan of Hello Kitty but when I saw a picture of nails kind of like the ones I have I knew I had to do them.  I also worked out perfect because I am not sure when I will be getting them done again so if I have to file them down I won’t lose any of the main design on them.

Anyway here are the pictures:


What do you think?

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I wrote a few months ago or so about my divorce being final and how it made me feel.  I said in that post that I am okay being single which is totally true but I also get lonely.  Now just because I get lonely doesn’t in anyway mean that I am not okay with being single.  In fact I would rather be lonely than be in a relationship.

I guess I need to explain what I mean when I say I am lonely.  I look at everyone in my life and they all have a significant other in their lives and I wonder from time to time if I am missing out.  These thoughts usually come at night when I should be sleeping.  Even though I get these thoughts from time to time I in no way have the desire or energy to try and find someone to date.

I don’t think it matters how happy you are being single you will still have days where you wish you had someone else in your life.  I also am lonely because I don’t have many friends in my life.  Now most of that has to do with me and what I have decided I want in my life.  I went through the people in my life last year and cut out the people who I knew needed to be out of my life.  I didn’t write about it here because I wasn’t ready and I am still not ready to talk about it.  I honestly don’t know if I will ever be ready to talk about it and I also won’t put other people’s business out there on my blog.

Anyway this post was more for me to get thoughts out of my head than for anyone else.  I also have a post coming up this week about how I feel about dating and how I hard it is to meet people in this day and age.

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Misty Harbor Inn Giveaway from Guidepost Books!

Book three in the Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn series, Whispers on the Dock(Guideposts Books) is now availableCome back to Nantucket and be enthralled by the final installment of the cozy intrigue of Misty Harbor Inn.

Enter to win the entire set of Postcards from Misty Harbor Inn.


Three winners will receive:

  • Seaside Summer, Sunflower Summer and Whispers on the Dock by Evangeline Kelley

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 31st. All winners will be announced September 2nd at the Litfuse blog.

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit the Litfuse blog on the 2nd to see if you won one set! (Or better yet, subscribe to our blog (via the box in the top right sidebar) and have the winner announcement delivered to your inbox!)