8 Things People Forgot

8 Things

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is: list 8 things you think people forgot how to do.  I loved this prompt because there are a few things that I think people have forgotten how to do.  I always find myself asking out loud to really no one how hard would it be to do this that or another thing depending on the situation so this post was a fun one to write and a change from the normal posts I write.

Anyway now on to 8 things people forgot how to do.

  1. They have forgotten how to use the blinker.  You would think it was an optional feature on vehicles because people rarely use them anymore.  I love when people get pissed off that I wouldn’t let them but they didn’t use a blinker because if they had I almost always let people over.
  2. People forgetting that they need to stop at red lights or even start slowing down when the light turns yellow.  I have to be honest there are times when I speed up when the light turns yellow but I am trying to break myself of that habit.
  3. People have forgotten how to move out of the fast lane when they are driving slower than the speed limit.
  4. People have forgotten how to say “Thank You” when people do something for you.  They also don’t say “excuse me” when they want to get past you in a store or any other place.
  5. Some parents have forgotten how to teach their children respect for authority & just respect in general.
  6. People have forgotten the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say than don’t say anything at all”.
  7. Some people have forgotten that you need to work for things and that not everything is handed to you.
  8. People have forgotten how to respect other people’s belongings.  I am amazed at how people don’t care about other people’s things anymore.

Those are 8 things that I think people have forgotten. What do you think people have forgotten?

If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it!  I also have included this weeks prompts at the end of this post.

Mama’s Losin’ It

1.) Find a photo of yourself taken 10 years ago and display it on your blog along with a current photo. How have you changed since the day that photo was taken?
2.) Write a blog post inspired by the word: dog house.
3.) List 8 things you think people forgot how to do.
4.) A childhood toy you once loved.
5.) Show us what winter looks like in your neck of the woods!

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Best Thinking. . .

Best Thinking

I got the idea for this post from the blog Daily Post and the topic is:

When and where do you do your best thinking? In the bathroom? While running? Just before bed, or first thing in the morning? On the bus? Why do you think that is?

I chose this prompt because everyone has different places where they do their best thinking and I think it would be fun to find out where other people feel that they do their best thinking.  I have to be honest this post took me awhile to write because I wasn’t really sure where I did my best thinking until I stopped and really thought about it.

After thinking about it I came to see that I do my best thinking at night when I am should be sleeping which is probably one of the many reasons that I can’t sleep.  The minute I lay down my head starts going and I always get such great ideas for blog posts or other things I want/need to do.

I also find that for some reason I write the best blog posts while I am on my lunch break at work.  I am sure that is because my brain is already in work mode so it is easy to switch from doing work and writing a blog post pretty easily.  I am also lucky that my job doesn’t mind that  I blog as long as all my work is done.

So that is when I do my best thinking.  When and where do you do your best thinking?

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No Kids

No Kids

My brother and his girlfriend had a baby at the end of November.  I wondered how it would make me feel when there was a baby around.  His girlfriend went back to work this past weekend and I was shocked to see that it wasn’t sad for me to have baby around.  In fact having a baby around made me realize that I am 100% right when I tell people I don’t want kids.

When I tell people that I don’t want kids they always tell me that I will change my mind and things will change when I fall in love but I can honestly say I have no desire to have kids.  The baby is a good baby I just don’t have the patience or even want to find the patience to deal with kids.

I realized that I am selfish person and to be honest I am 100% okay with that.  I have to wonder how many women feel like I do but because people in this country expect you to have children so you never hear about it.  I also wonder if there would be less child abuse if women weren’t made to feel like they have to have children.

As most of you are aware I did have a daughter when I was 20 that I placed for adoption.  I now look at the situation and I am so grateful that I placed her because I am not cut out to be a mother to children.  I love my daughter more than anything but I don’t have the patience to deal with children.  I love to do my own things and be able to do what I want to do when I want to do it.  I believe this is also part of the reason that I am okay being single and not looking for people to date.

Anyway I guess I want women out there to know that it is okay if you don’t want children and to not let the world make you feel pressured into having them!  It is okay to say “No Kids”!

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Let Her Go by Passenger-Musical Monday

music copy

I haven’t done a musical Monday post for months and months but I have to post this song because I am listening to it on repeat all day long.  It is called Let Her Go by Passenger.

I am not sure what it is about this song that I love so much but I can’t stop listening to it.  I bought the whole album and I have to say that I wasn’t disappointed.  I am not a huge fan of the music videos but I do love his music.  I think I like it so much because he has a very different voice than anything I have heard in years so that always a good thing to me.

What songs are you loving this week?????  Leave them below because I am always on the lookout for great music.

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After Alex Died by Dakota Madison



After Alex Died – Week Blitz

Dakota Madison
New Adult Romance
Date Published: 11/28/2013
“Don’t be someone who defines her life by someone else’s death.”
Dee Dee DeMarco’s brother, Alex, was funny, free-spirited and creative. He was also gay. Tormented by bullies, Alex killed himself on his 15th birthday. 
Two years later, and now in college, Dee Dee believes getting a summer job working with a college-prep program for disadvantaged high school students is a stroke of luck, until she discovers that the guy assigned to co-lead her group is Cameron Connelly, a star basketball player and one of the bullies who tormented her brother to death. How can Dee Dee possibly spend the entire summer working so closely with one of the boys she blames for her brother’s death?
I could feel my heartbeat quicken as I entered the auditorium. The kids were talking and messing around as they waited for the class to begin. The other counselors, with the exception of Cameron, were also seated in the audience with the kids. Cameron was standing at the podium with Dr. Jones.
When Cameron saw me walk in, he winked at me. I didn’t know whether to slap him or hug him. Therein was the problem. 
Dr. Jones waved her arms to get everyone’s attention. “Quiet everyone. We have a special presentation today. Cameron is going to talk to you about bullying and how it impacted his life.”
“Who would bully him?” one of the kids cracked and the other kids laughed.
“Enough,” Dr. Jones reprimanded. “I expect you to give Cameron your attention and utmost respect.”
Cameron took the podium. “Thank you, Dr. Jones. I’m here today to talk about bullying. Not because I was bullied when I was your age but because I was a bully. And it ruined my life.”
When I looked out over the sea of faces, all eyes were trained on Cameron.
“I thought I had everything. I was one of the school’s first string basketball players. We were all-state champions. I already had a full basketball scholarship to Penn State. I was popular. I had tons of friends. I could get a date with any girl in the school. And I lost it all.”
Dakota Madison
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