8 Things I Am Putting Off

8 Things I Am Putting Off

This was one of the prompts from last weeks writers workshop that I didn’t get a chance to finish the post so I figured I would post it this week because I still wanted to write about it.  I hate that I don’t have the time to blog lately but that is what happens when someone is gone at work and I am left to do try and do their job along with my own job.  Anyway lets get on to the the 8 things I am putting off.

  1. Reading books that I have on my Kindle & Nook.
  2. Designing a new look for this blog.
  3. Getting post written that I keep in my rain day file for days I don’t have time to write a post for that day.
  4. Calling & taking my cats to the vet.
  5. Making an appointment to see an eye doctor about my eyes.
  6. Backing up my laptop to my external hard drive.
  7. Printing off invoice copies for the salesmen that I work with.  It isn’t hard it just takes time and I don’t want to be bothered by it.
  8. Cleaning my bedroom.  I always want to get to it on the weekends but I end up playing and chasing my nephew on Saturday & Sunday so it never gets done.

Those are 8 things I am putting off doing because I either don’t have the time to do them or I don’t want to do them.  What are you putting off doing?

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A Hearts Disguise by Colleen Coble

Book Review

A Hearts Disguise by Colleen Coble was a super cute story.  I love that this book was short because I was able to read the whole book in about an hour or so and that is perfect for me lately.  This is the first  book in the series and I can’t wait for the rest of books to come out because this book kind of left me hanging and I hate when books do that.  Now that being said it left me wanting to read the next book because I have to know what happens next to the characters in the book.  I also love that this won’t be the last time that I see these characters because I did fall in love with them and I have to know what happens next to each of them.  If you love historical fiction than I would for sure recommend this book to you.

A Heart's Disguise

About The Book

A Heart’s Disguise (Thomas Nelson, March 2015)

In the aftermath of the Civil War, a young woman searches for her lost love at the edge of the West.

The Civil War has destroyed Sarah Montgomery’s marriage before it’s even begun.

After Sarah receives word that her fiancé, Rand Campbell, has been killed fighting for the Union, her brothers and ailing father persuade her to pledge herself to Ben Croftner—despite her strong misgivings. But when Sarah finds out that Rand is in fact alive—and that Ben Croftner knew it—she indignantly breaks off the engagement and goes in search of Rand.

But Ben Croftner does not take rejection lightly—and a single woman with a sick father makes an easy target. When Sarah is abducted by her treacherous fiancé, Rand finally comes to her aid . . . only to reveal that he has been posted at Fort Laramie, Wyoming, and intends to take her there as his wife.

But could Sarah leave her dying father’s side for the love of her life? And what plans are forming in the jealous heart of Ben Croftner?


About The Author

Colleen Coble has sold over 2 million novels worldwide.Seagrass Pier, the third installment in her acclaimed Hope Beach series, marks a new highpoint for emotion and complexity in Coble’s addictive brand of romantic suspense.

Find Colleen online: website, Twitter, Facebook

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Hermann Hesse-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by Hermann Hesse.

Hermann Hesse

I loved this quote because it is true.  Sometimes it is hard to let go but it is the right thing to do.  I know that letting go when I placed my daughter for adoption was the hardest choice I have ever had to make but it is also the best choice I have ever had to make.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Hermann Hesse?

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The Promise of Palm Grove by Shelley Shepard Gray

Book Review

The Promise of Palm Grove by Shelley Shepard Gray was an amazing book.  I have read several books by this author and I have loved all of them.  I have become a huge fan of Amish fiction and in my opinion Shelley writes the best books for this genre.  I loved this book because it was a nice change from some of other books I have read before.  I loved all of the characters in this book and it has made me want to go and visit Pinecraft because I want to experience what it would be like.  Even though I know that this is a fiction book I still would love to experience the place where this story takes place.  If you love Amish fiction than this is one that you have to read.

The Promise of Palm Grove

About The Book

The Promise of Palm Grove (Avon Inspire, January 2015)

Leona must decide: Does she follow the path set out before her? Or take a chance with only the promise of what could be to guide her?

A young Amish woman finds herself torn between the man she’s pledged to wed and the man her heart desires in this heartwarming story of chance, duty, and choice in the face of love—the first volume in the beloved New York Times bestselling author’s new Amish Brides of Pinecraft series.

Amish bride-to-be Leona is thrilled to be in Florida, on a mini-vacation in the pretty town of Pinecraft. Her girlfriends think she’s happy because she’s away from the stress of wedding planning. They have no idea that Leona’s real joy is in being away from her fiancé.

Edmund is a good man, and will make a decent husband . . . just not for Leona. The more time she spends with him and his overbearing ways, the less she wants to be his wife. Her cousins are sure Edmund is the right man for her—and their certainty makes Leona begin to doubt herself. But when a chance encounter with a wayward cat brings her face-to-face with a handsome, fun-loving Amish man named Zachary Kauffman, Leona’s faced with two vastly different futures.

Shelley Shepard Gray

About The Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a two-time New York Times bestseller, a two-time USA Today bestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.
Find Shelley online: website

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A Life of the Twentieth Century​ by Irene Even

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A Life of the Twentieth Century by Irene Even was a great book.  I loved most of things about this book and I love that even though it is a fiction book it is based on Irene’s life.  Oh and the best part for me is that part of it takes place during WWII which everyone should know by now is my favorite time period.  I also loved seeing what is was like growing up in europe and the things that she went through throughout her life.   There were times for me where the amount of detail that was used bogged me down and I found I couldn’t focus on the story because of all the details that were used but even though those times I still didn’t want to stop reading because I wanted to know what was going to happen next to her.  If you love historical fiction books than I would for sure recommend this book to you.  It was also made better because it is based on her life so you know that the things she went through really happened.

A Life of the Twentieth Century3 (220x340)

About The Book

A Life of the Twentieth Century is the story of Aya, who lived through the loss of her parents before the age of 3. At the age of twelve she was sent to a boarding school in Budapest, that closed after one year, because the Nazi army marched into the city.

Aya was left totally alone to face the Nazi occupation, and to experience all the horrors of the war. She faced many life threatening situations, such as prison, bombardment or even the possibility of being executed on the spot, without really comprehending the gravity of it all.

The end of the war was supposed to mean liberation, the return of hope and freedom for most people, however it didn’t happen for Aya, who was part of a youth group on her way to Palestine. The destination of this youth group was to reach Italy and the Jewish Brigade. They crossed the Alps on foot from Austria to reach Italy.

As they reached their destination Aya met a soldier from the Jewish Brigade, who was supposed to be her Hero, her Saviour, but turned out to be the devil incarnate. From day one, this soldier of the Jewish brigade took control of Aya’s life when she was only 15 years old.

After divorce, destitute and once again alone, she had no direction and almost no hope, when from deep inside her a small voice said; go back to school. It took all her courage to apply to university, where she was accepted and after 5 year was granted a B.A. and a Diploma of Teaching. She spent the rest of her life teaching, and as she contemplated her life she said to herself that if she had had all the choices in the world, she would have chosen teaching.

Irene Even

About The Author

Irene Even was born in Hungary. As a child she lived through the Second World War, using false papers to survive. After the war, she immigrated to Palestine, lived in a Kibbutz, then later married and immigrated to Canada with her family. She returned to Israel to teach English and remained there for twenty-two years. Having written her memoir, A Life of the Twentieth Century, she now lives in retirement in Montreal.

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Prize:  One of 10 ebook copies of  A Life of the Twentieth Century or a $10 Amazon gift card / Open internationally. Ends March 21.

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