Can’t Miss Christmas by Miranda Liasson

When a children’s book author’s only chance to get home for Christmas lies in a road trip with her sexy ex-husband anything can happen, naughty or nice. Unwrap this Christmas novella from Amazon best-selling author Miranda Liasson, CAN’T MISS CHRISTMAS…



Finding love again is the best Christmas present of all.

It’s two days before Christmas and bestselling children’s author Grace Alberts needs to fulfill a promise—to make it to a book signing for the kids at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the place that did so much for her during a very rough time. But the weather’s getting awful and all flights are cancelled out of Boston, where she’s wrapping up her book tour. Then in walks her annoying but extremely sexy ex-husband, who (as usual) thinks he’s got all the answers.

Graham Walker just stopped by to get a book signed for Grace’s biggest fan, his niece, and wish Grace a Merry Christmas—why not? But he soon finds himself troubleshooting her dilemma. He’s got a Range Rover that can plow through a hundred-year Nor’easter. He’s even headed home to Philly. Trouble is, Grace’s and his past is a disaster, something he has no intention of reliving while driving through a winter storm, no matter how much he once loved her. And maybe still does.

Bad weather has a way of bringing out the best and the worst in people, and when a run in with some deer antlers leads them to a forced stop in Mirror Lake, Connecticut, anything can happen, naughty or nice. Maybe a bit of enforced alone time and some Christmas magic can be just what it takes for them to face their past—and each other—once and for all.

On Sale in Digital: November 7, 2017


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Somehow, Grace managed to pass Graham and get in the bathroom, where she used the time to try to calm the hell down. If she didn’t come up with an excuse to leave this room, something combustible was going to happen between them. She had to get out while she still had all her wits about her.

When she’d finally got her breathing under control, she left the bathroom, walked toward her suitcase, and stubbed her toe on the bed.

She let out a curse and hopped around a little, imagining what she must look like with her bedhead hair, red plaid flannel, and Christmas socks. Very sexy. Unlike the delicious, muscular god walking toward her.

She tried to use the pain to distract herself from how her mouth had suddenly gone dry and her knees felt as wobbly as a one-year-old’s, but it wasn’t really working. Worse, Graham stepped a little closer.

She splayed out her arms, warning him back. All that lean muscle, all that raw, masculine heat—it could not come near her. She would throw herself at him, smooth her hands over all that hard, bountiful muscle, and beg for things. Her body could not be trusted. “I’m fine. Really. Just stubbed my toe.”

“Want me to take a look?”

His gaze was torching her, like paper in a fire that turns immediately to ash and blows away.

The fact that he was now inches away with his lips quirked into the slightest smile told her he didn’t heed her warning, or give a damn about it. And oh, she did not want him to. He was so close now, she could smell the soap from his shower, see the little beads of water on his shoulders. His fingers gripped her elbow, and she swore it tingled from his touch. Other parts of her were sort of on fire too. So not good. “Let’s see it,” he said, the smile morphing into a wicked grin.

“Graham, I’m fine.” She tried to shrug away. He dropped his hand, but still she felt pinned in place, unable to move or even breathe. Electricity buzzed and snapped between them. She didn’t want him to see how much he affected her, yet she was helpless with him so near.

His gaze homed in on her lips. He was going to…yes, he was. Kiss her. Her heartbeat thrummed in her throat, and every muscle froze in anticipation.

She wanted it. Wanted him. So, so badly.

Graham lowered his mouth. The dip of his head was so familiar, yet it made every nerve stand on end. At last, their lips met. His were soft and pliant, and they brushed against hers, carefully and slowly. Her hand was trembling as she wrapped it around his neck and pulled him toward her until their bodies were flush, fitting together like they were always meant to.

That simple move blew careful and slow right out of the water. His mouth crushed hers, devouring her with deep, sensual kisses. His tongue slid inside her mouth, and she met it with equal vigor, desire roaring and crashing between them, unleashed like a storm surge, uncontrollable and insatiable.

Suddenly, Graham pulled back, out of breath. He cradled her face in his hands and looked at her tenderly. “I missed you,” he said. “I missed this.”

Author Bio:

Miranda Liasson loves to write stories about everyday people who find love despite themselves, because there’s nothing like a great love story. And if there are a few laughs along the way, even better! She’s a Romance Writers of America Golden Heart winner and an Amazon bestselling author whose heartwarming and humorous small–town romances have won accolades such as the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and have been Harlequin Junkie and Night Owl Reviews Top Picks.

Connect with Miranda: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon | Newsletter | Bookbub | Pinterest | Blog


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Murder In Disguise by Donn Taylor

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from LitfuseLitfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Murder In Disguise by Donn Taylor was a good story.  This is the second book that I have read by this author, and I don’t think I will read any more by him.  I had such a hard time staying interested while reading this book because I couldn’t stay interested in the book.  There were a few parts that weren’t super boring, but the majority of the book was boring for me.  I am sure that this book would be a good fit for some people, but I tend to like books that are superfast-paced, and this book isn’t like that.  I know that people who like Christian novels will love this book because it doesn’t include any things that are gross and they are all around good books in that sense.  I am sure that is another reason why I can’t get interested in this book.  I read so many books in this genre that I know what I like and what I don’t like.  I did like the characters and the setting of the book but as I have said before it just wasn’t the right fit for me.

About The Book

Official verdict: Suicide.

But why would that vigorous department chairman kill himself? To avoid disgrace? Those rumored ventures on the dark side? Some other secret life? Visiting professor Preston Barclay wonders. But his questions bring no answers, only anonymous threats. He has enough problems already, proving himself on a strange campus while radical faculty does all they can to undermine him. Worse yet, that sexy siren assigned as his assistant complicates his courtship of the beautiful Mara Thorn.

While Press keeps asking questions, Mara’s research reveals a cancer of criminal activity that permeates the community and even the campus itself. The more Press questions, the more dangerous the threats against him become, and the more determined he grows to clear his friend’s name.

But can Press and Mara’s stumbling efforts prevail against the entrenched forces of the police, the campus radicals, and an unseen but powerful criminal organization that increasingly puts their lives in danger…?

General Content (G): Contains little or no; sexual dialogue or situations, violence, or strong language.

Donn Taylor portraits 12/7/07

About The Author

I’m working now as a novelist and poet, also teaching at writers’ groups and conferences. In a prior incarnation, I served in two wars with the U.S. Army. Afterwards, I taught English literature at two liberal arts colleges. The World’s Perfect Woman consented to honor me in marriage, and we enjoyed six decades together until the Lord needed another alto for His heavenly choir. I live in the woods near Houston, TX, writing fiction, poetry, and essays on current topics.

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Monthly Book Review – November 2017

How are we already in November?  I can’t believe that I am just about to have another birthday because it seems like only last week that I was having a birthday.  Anyway, let’s get on to the reviews and some of the book spotlights that I have coming up this month.

November 2nd – Murder In Disguise by Donn Taylor

November 7th– Holiday Wishes by Jill Shalvis

November 7th – The Gift by Shelley Shepard Gray

November 9th – Convicted by Jameel McGee and Andrew Collins

November 16th – Wyoming Winter by Diana Palmer (Book Spotlight)

November 17th – Deadly Proof by Rachel Dylan

November 20th – The Gift of Christmas Past by Cindy Woodsmall and Erin Woodsmall

November 26th – Down to No Good by Earl Javorsky

Those are the reviews and book spotlights that I have scheduled for November.  I know I will have more book spotlight posts come up during the month so I will update this post as they come up.  I hope you have a great month and I will see you back here tomorrow with a book review.  I also am going to try and get back to posting other things instead of just book reviews and book spotlights.

What other types of posts would you like to see here in the future?

What author’s or books are you currently loving right now?

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Love in Dublin by Jennifer Gracen

When an emotionally adrift single dad from Dublin meets an upbeat, free spirited American travel writer, opposites more than attract. She thinks she’s saving him… but as they fall into a passionate affair, they may learn healing goes both ways.

 One (1) lucky winner will receive a25 Amazon gif card! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

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About Love in Dublin:

Title: Love in Dublin

Author: Jennifer Gracen

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: October 31, 2017

Publisher: Tule Publishing

Series: The McKinnon Brothers

Format: Digital

Single father Colin McKinnon has roots and obligations that have kept him firmly in Dublin his entire life. He once planned to explore the world, but he was bound by duty and gave up on his dreams long ago. When he meets free-spirited American travel writer Maggie in a pub, he’s intrigued. She could help him get a taste of what he lost, rattle the chains of his self-imposed isolation. Instantly drawn to her light, beauty, and sense of adventure, Colin can’t stay away.

Maggie Spencer doesn’t just crave the open road, she needs it to survive. After a harrowing accident and life-changing loss, she rebuilt her life by exploring new places on her own. When she accepts a temporary job writing about day tours in Ireland, she falls in love with Dublin and the man she teaches to explore it. Through their daily adventures, they learn opposites do more than just attract—they can also help each other heal.

But can a man with deep roots keep a woman with wings by his side?

Available at:  Amazon Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play | iBooks

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An excerpt from LOVE IN DUBLIN

Copyright © Jennifer Gracen 2017

As she opened her mouth to say goodbye and thank him for joining her, Colin asked her if she’d have dinner with him.

Her heart skipped a beat. The way he was looking at her… he didn’t want the day to end yet either. Maybe he was ready for more than she thought? “Dinner? But you just spent all weekend with me.” She tossed him a playful grin as she joked, “Aren’t you tired of me by now?”

“No,” he said. The corners of his mouth turned up, a hint of sheepish and a lot of sexy. He stood there patiently, just gazing down at her.

Her heart fluttered. God, he was adorable. A knotted up burly bear with a sweet, kind heart. And lips she was dying to taste. And beautiful blue eyes that showed there was so much more on his mind than the short, polite things he said.

The noises of the city—cars driving, people walking by and talking, horns and shouts on the air—seemed to fade away as she stared back at him.

“I have to admit,” he said quietly, “I do enjoy your company.”

Delight and want made her stomach give a wobbly flip. She finally gave in to the impulse she’d been squelching all day. She dropped her duffel bag to the ground by her feet, placed her hands on his shoulders, and stood on her tiptoes to sweetly brush her lips across his.

“What are you doin’?” he whispered against her mouth, his eyes wide.

“Kissing you in the middle of Dublin.” She pressed her lips to his softly and his breath

hitched. Loving that, she did that again, lips brushing against his with a feather’s touch.

“Confession: I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day.”

“Is that so?” Amazement sparked in his eyes. His hands slowly lifted to her face.

“Mm hmm.” Her heart started racing, adrenaline coursing through her. His fingertips stroked her cheeks as his gaze locked with hers.

She kissed him again, still soft and gentle, still testing, gaging his reactions. His body was tense, holding back, but his eyes revealed how much he wanted her. As usual, there was so much going on in those bright blues… but right now, desire was the winner there, clear as day. It gave her a rush and she shivered from it.

“Actually,” she said, “the full truth is, I’ve been wanting to kiss you for weeks.”

His gaze burned into her. His hands slowly swept along her jaw, then cupped her face.

“Well… if we’re being truthful, I’ve been wantin’ to kiss you for weeks too.”

“Then you should,” she whispered, smiling up at him. “I mean, I already kissed you first…”

About Jennifer Gracen

Jennifer Gracen hails from Long Island, New York, where she lives with her two sons. After spending her youth writing in private and singing in public, she now only sings in her car and is immersed in her passion for writing. She loves to write contemporary romance for readers who look for authentic characters and satisfying endings. When she isn’t with her kids, doing freelance proofreading, or chatting on Twitter and Facebook, Jennifer writes. She’s already hard at work on her next book.

Connect with Jennifer: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Google+

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Ralph Waldo Emerson – Quote Of The Week

I chose a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson for this week’s quote.

I loved this quote the minute that I read it because it is something that I believe in one hundred percent.  I don’t have a ton of friends and that is because I am at the point where I won’t deal with the crap that people can bring into my life.  My family so much drama that I don’t want to have friends that have drama because I don’t have the patience to deal with anything else.  So the only friends that I really have are family or a couple of other people.  I am a much different person around them than I am around people I work with because you don’t have to be professional around people you grew up with or have been friends with for years.  Those are just a few of my thoughts on this quote.  What do you think???

What do you think of this week’s quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson?

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Savage Of The Sea by Eliza Knight

USA Today bestselling author Eliza Knight is back with the first in an all new swashbuckling

series, Pirates of Britannia: Lords of the Sea. SAVAGE OF THE SEA features a daring pirate

brotherhood, high-seas adventures, and unforgettable romance…

Rafflecopter for Savage of the Sea Blitz Tour Giveaway:

One (1) lucky winner will receive a Celtic jewelry box plus a signed print copy of  SAVAGE OF THE SEA! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

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About Savage of the Sea:

Title: Savage of the Sea

Author: Eliza Knight

Genre: Historical Romance

Release Date: October 26, 2017

Publisher: Knight Media, LLC

Series: Pirates of Britannia: Lords of the Sea

Format: Print & Digital

When Highland pirate prince, Shaw “Savage” MacDougall was invited to a deadly feast, he didn’t know that saving a wee lass would forever change his future.

Lady Jane Lindsey, widowed at a young age, seeks refuge from her departed husband’s vengeful enemies. For five years, she’s held a secret that could cost her everything, including her life. When her safety is compromised, she reaches out to the only man who’s protected her in the past, and offers him a bounty he cannot refuse.

Shaw’s life is perfect. Whisky, women and mayhem. He wants for nothing—until Lady Jane presents a treasure he’d never considered possessing. Is he willing to risk his lethal reputation in order to save a lass he barely knows, again? Will she trust a pirate to see their arrangement through to the end? And what happens when perilous battles turn to sinful kisses? Who will save them from each other?

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An excerpt from SAVAGE OF THE SEA

Copyright © Eliza Knight 2017

No more of a coherent thought other than she’d never been kissed like this before went through Jane’s mind. She should slap him, push him away, at the very least demand to be put back on her own feet and a good measure of space put between them.

But she did none of those things. Instead, she found herself winding her arms around his neck, parting her lips and sighing against his demanding lips. The spicy-salty scent of him surrounded her, doing something wild to her senses. Suddenly every part of her felt alive with a tingling fire that only seemed ready to burn hotter.

Parting her lips seemed to be a wicked invitation, for as soon as she had done it, his devious tongue swept along the open seam causing her to gasp.

Oh, sweet heavens, but that felt even more divine. Just that little lick sent a jolt rushing through her. And before she could catch her wits from it, he’d done it again, and again, and then her own tongue was reaching forward to test it out. She touched the tip of her tongue to his and could have been struck by lightning, so massive was the force of current that went rushing through her.

This was wicked, oh, so very wicked. And yet, she couldn’t make herself stop.

And did she have to? She’d given herself to this man. Had agreed to share his bed in exchange for him vowing she was his, a marriage that may end up being a total sham for all she knew. But that didn’t change the fact that she’d agreed to it, that in order to be saved from Livingstone, to keep the rightful king safe, she had invited this pirate to lay claim to her.

Lay claim to her, he was. There could be no doubt about it, the way he owned her body at that moment. She couldn’t move. He had her completely enthralled. Completely captivated. Intoxicated.

It was he who pulled away first. He who stared into her bemused eyes with a satisfied expression that she would have found overly irritating if she wasn’t so busy trying to find her bearings.

Shaw set her down on her feet and grinned at her as though he’d plucked a tart straight from her fingers and devoured it.

“I hope that satisfies your need,” she murmured, “for sealing deals.”

He chuckled then, a sound that caressed her nerves, but did very little in the way of calming her. In fact, it did quite the opposite. She licked her lips, trying to avoid looking at his mouth as she wanted him to very much kiss her once more. He might have set her down on her feet, but she was barely standing on her own. Every line in her body reached for him, wanting more of what he’d just given her.

“That was just a taste, love, of what satisfies, but not nearly enough.”

“Shall we do it again then?” she asked in challenge, then felt the heat rush to her face for having spoken so boldly.

Shaw’s darkened gaze swept over her, bold and devilish, and right along with it her body quivered. He wanted her. And she… wanted him.

“Oh, sweet Jane, we shall do it again many more times.”

About Eliza Knight

Eliza Knight is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of over fifty sizzling historical, time-travel and contemporary romance novels. Under the name E. Knight, she pens rip-your- heart-out historical fiction. While not reading, writing or researching for her latest book, she chases after her three children. In her spare time (if there is such a thing…) she likes daydreaming, wine-tasting, traveling, hiking, staring at the stars, watching movies, shopping and visiting with family and friends. She lives atop a small mountain with her own knight in shining armor, three princesses and two very naughty puppies.

Connect with Eliza at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram

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