Hubert H. Humphrey – Quote Of The Week

The quote that I chose for this week is by Hubert H. Humphrey.

I don’t have a ton of friends, and I am okay with that.  As I have gotten older and I have learned that I would rather have no friends than have people in my life that only care about themselves.  I know when I was younger I was always worried about the number of friends I had.  The older I have gotten, the more I realize that I would rather have no friends than deal with people who aren’t real friends.  I no longer care or have the patience for people in my life who aren’t honest and sincere.  I have cut out the majority of negative people out of my life because I don’t have the energy to deal with them anymore.  Those are just a few of my thoughts on this quote.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Hubert H. Humphrey?

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Love Found by Rene Webb

Spend a steamy Valentine’s Day with Aaron and Nina!

New Contemporary Romance from Rene Webb – Love Found is Available Now!

Follow the blitz and enter to #win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or one of 5 digital copies of Finding Sunshine by Rene Webb

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Title: Love Found

Author: Rene Webb

Series: A Pinetree Novel

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: January 26, 2018

Length: 122 pages

Format: Digital

In FINDING SUNSHINE Aaron and Nina over-came Aaron’s dark past to find a future together.

Will their Valentine’s Day go according to plan?

The honeymoon is over…

This is where their happily-ever-after begins…

Available at: Amazon



“Sunshine, what’s the difference between a Facebook page and a Facebook profile?” I ask, staring at the login screen. Willing it to all make sense. Online communities have never interested me, but I do realize you can’t run a successful business without utilizing them.

“What are you doing?” Nina comes out of the kitchen to look over my shoulder.

“Trying to figure out what online profiles I need to create for the pub,” I answer, looking at my notepad where I’ve listed several online communities.

“Do you want my help?” Nina wraps her arms around my neck from behind; I lean my head back into her chest and rub her arms gently.

“You wouldn’t mind?” I continue to stare blankly at the computer screen.

“Of course not.” She kisses my forehead. “All you have to do is ask.”

“I’ve got a shit ton of other stuff to do today, but would you want to come to the office with me tomorrow morning and help?” I tilt my head back further in order to see her face, which is smiling down at me.

“Sounds like fun.” She gives me a squeeze, before letting go and heading back into the kitchen. Stopping after several steps Nina turns and smiles, “I should warn you. I don’t come cheap.”

I laugh. “Don’t worry. I’ll make it worth your while.” Her resounding giggle sets me into a much better mood.

Nina has a way of always making my mood brighter!

Author Bio:
Rene Webb, a former Catholic schoolgirl and child of the ‘80’s, is a recovering Soap Opera addict who grew up watching General Hospital. She became weary with the relentless drama and sought out stories with happy endings that lasted. Now, Rene is an contemporary romance author, where there is always a happily-ever-after!

A graduate of The George Washington University in Washington DC, 05’, with a BA in History. Rene went on to get her Masters in Film Studies, 09’, from Chapman University, Orange CA.

She founded and runs the book blog Lit. 4 Ladies (a joint venture with her sister) and has self-published both a novella and full-length contemporary romance novel.

Authors such as Jane Austen, Kristen Ashley, Cherise Sinclair, Sierra Cartwright, Donna Fletcher, Jennifer Ashley, and Bianca Giovanni have inspired her. They all create strong female characters, swoon-worthy men, and stories that leave their readers with the hope that you, too, will find your own H.E.A.!

Rene also enjoys reading, baking, seeing movies, going to museums, and spending time with her friends and family.

Rene lives in Arlington, VA.

You can visit her online at the following places: Website Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon | Instagram | Pinterest

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Pre-Order – Final Siege by Scarlett Cole


Pre-order FINAL SIEGE by Scarlett Cole today!  

“Fantastic characters, scorching sexual tension, and non-stop action make this one of my favorite reads this year! Highly recommend!” —New York Times bestselling author Laura Kaye

“Scarlett Cole’s characters pull you in from the very first page with real emotion and sizzling chemistry. Don’t miss this action packed thrill ride.” Cherry Adair, New York Times bestselling author

Scarlett Cole is on fire with another release coming your way next week! Don’t miss out on the chance to pre-order FINAL SIEGE, the next installment in her romantic suspense series. Pre-order today and enter to win a Kindle Fire + digital copy of UNDER FIRE!

In the Line of Fire…
Former SEAL Malachai “Mac” MacCarrick is all about the future he’s created with his Navy brothers in Eagle Securities, taking assignments in the most dangerous places, and doing things no one but ex-military would attempt. But when an urgent phone call brings his troubled past—and the woman he once loved—into the present, it’s a chance to redeem himself that he can’t refuse.

Straight to the heart. . .
An investigative journalist researching an explosive story, Delaney Shapiro tells herself she got over Mac—and his role in her brother’s death—a long time ago. But the first moment she sees him at her bedside in an overseas hospital, she knows it’s not true. Every moment together rekindles the desire that once burned between them, and now that she’s a target for an emerging Russian arms dealer, Mac won’t let her out of his sight. To protect her, he’ll risk it all—including his life…


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Copyright © 2018 Scarlett Cole

“Mac,” she whispered, and tried to stop the tears and the uncontrollable shaking of her body. She shrugged his hands off her shoulders, and scrambled to the other side of the bed. Even as he held his hand in the air, the universal sign of surrender, a part of her wanted to reach for him, to let him hold her the way he had when she’d sneak into his dorm room at night.

Her head spun in confusion as she pressed her fingertips to her temples. She couldn’t do this again, couldn’t grieve for him all over again. Not on top of everything else.

“Delaney, sweetheart. You’re safe.” Those eyes of his that always reminded her of the dark blue ocean at sunset reassured her she was. She’d dreamt of them. Missed them.

God, the anger she felt toward him now was only a fraction of the love she’d felt for him all that time ago. Until he’d killed her brother when they were both twenty years old.


About Scarlett Cole

The tattoo across my right hip says it all really. A Life Less Ordinary. Inked by the amazingly talented Luke Wessman at the Wooster Street Social Club (a.k.a. New York Ink). Why is it important? Well, it sums up my view on life. That we should all aspire to live a life that is less boring, less predictable. Be bold, and do something amazing. I’ve made some crazy choices. I’ve been a car maker, a consultant, and even a senior executive at a large retailer running strategy. Born in England, spent time in the U.S. and Japan, before ending up in Canada were I met my own, personal hero – all six and a half feet of him. Both of us are scorpios! Yeah, I know! Should have checked the astrological signs earlier, but somehow it works for us. We have two amazing kids, who I either could never part with or could easily be convinced to sell on e-bay.

I’ve wanted to be a writer for a really long time. Check through my office cupboards or my computer and you’ll find half written stories and character descriptions everywhere. Now I’m getting the chance to follow that dream.

Connect with Scarlett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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First Look: Green by S.M. West

Here’s your FIRST LOOK at S.M. West’s GREEN! Join us as we get our first peek at this hot and sexy romantic suspense where hope and friendship grow into something more.

Check out the excerpt and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Title: Green

Author: SM West

Release Date: 2/28/18

Publisher: Self-published

Series: A Love in Color Novel

Genres: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

Word Count: 72,500


Green. The color of hope.

ANNA MARI is living for today, not daring to hope for tomorrow. She’s a pawn in her grandfather’s game, and time is her enemy. Her freedom is the prize.

DAVIS COOPER is licking his wounds of betrayal when he’s assigned to babysit his boss’s sister. The pretty little thing who’s most definitely off-limits.

Though they struggle to set boundaries, the root of their friendship grows into something more. But none of that matters – Anna’s fate is sealed and neither hope nor love can save her.


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GREEN Excerpt

Copyright © 2018 S.M. West

It’s the sway of her hips and mass of dark curls that catch my eye. She’s dancing at the bar while sipping a drink and leaning into some guy who is all over her. His hands bracket her waist, slowly inching down the curve of her ass.

She’s mine to protect. I charge like a bull, hot and agitated, yanking her out of his arms. Her drink spills over the guy’s shirt.

“Hey!” he yells, flicking liquid off his hands.

Anna whips her head to me, eyes wide and mouth open. “What are you…”

I lean in close and whisper, my tone thick, heavy and derisive. “This sex kitten act isn’t working for you, little girl. Stop making a fool of yourself.” I’m a damned liar, but I don’t intend to give that any thought right now.

“Get lost.” Her angry gaze lights into me, and she pivots toward the guy who is ready to take me on.

I grab her arm, wrapping her in an embrace while she tries to wriggle free. “We’re leaving.”

“Get your hands off her, asshole,” drunk college boy slurs, wobbling toward me.

“No, I’m not.” Her eyes narrow into a glower. “Leave if you want to. Let me go.”

“You heard the lady, let her go.” The guy looks at her with a stupid face that he probably thinks is endearing. Instead, he’s a jackass with puckered lips and crossed-eyes. “Hey baby, you okay?”

He paws her clumsily, and my patience snaps. “You touch her again, and you’ll lose your arm.”

He falters for a second, glancing down at my arms firmly banded around her and then back at me.

“Hey, man.” He raises his hands as if he’s staring down the barrel of a gun. “No disrespect, I didn’t know she was yours.”

“I’m not,” she grinds out, jabbing her elbow in my side.

I flinch but keep my hold on her and she releases a frustrated groan. The guy doesn’t give either of us a second look. He’s gone.

“Let me go,” she hisses. Ignoring her, I text Tango and Tommie to meet us out back.

Within minutes, I’m thrusting her into Tango’s arms and ordering them to take her home.

“Do not leave,” I stress, and Tango nods obediently.

Anna is fuming. Livid. Her nostrils flare and lips are tight while her eyes blaze. If looks could kill, I might be sucking in dirt. But I’ve gotta admit, hot and bothered looks good on her.

While completely uncalled for, I wink and flash my sexy grin– the one that has women falling at my feet–before turning my back on her. As I walk into the club, she curses a blue streak, and I laugh. My cock twitches, turned on by her spunk. Down boy, this is Anna. Off-limits no matter how tempting.

 Enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card + a backlist title!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

About S.M. West:

S.M. West writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, erotica and whatever her heart desires. She spends most of her time juggling a day job, being a mom, wife, and writing. She’s a self-professed junkie of many things, including a voracious fan of music, a born wanderer, a wine aficionado and chocolate connoisseur.

Follow:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | BookBub | Instagram | Pinterest | Newsletter | Goodreads

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Nisei by J.J. White

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from PJ Nunn in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Nisei by J.J. White was a fantastic book.  I read this book in a few hours because once I started reading the book, I didn’t want to put it down until it was done.  I loved this book because it gave me another look into some of the things that happened during WWII.  I did know that we put Japanese people into internment camps during WWII because as I have said before I love WWII so I know so much about it, and this is the first book I have read that talks about something that not many people know happened.

Anyway, let’s get back to my thoughts and feelings about this book.  Like I said once I started reading this book I didn’t want to put it down because I was so interested in what was going to happen and how things were going to end up.  I can’t say enough good things about this book because it is one that I will be keeping in my personal collection of books because I am sure I will want to reread it in the future.  I also loved this book because it gave me insight into something that I didn’t know much about before I read this book.  If you are looking for a new book to read I would for sure recommend this one to you especially if you love books that take place during WWII.

What books that take place during WWII do you love?

About The Book

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States Government encouraged all eligible young men to enlist immediately in the fight against its enemies overseas—all eligible young men, except Japanese-Americans. Nisei is the story of Hideo “Bobby” Takahashi, a Hawaiian-born Japanese-American who must overcome prejudice, internment, and the policies of his own government to prove his loyalty to his country. Narrated by Bobby Takahashi and read by his son, Robert, forty-six years after Bobby’s death, the story details the young Nisei’s determination to fight honorably for his country and return to the young love he was forced to leave—a girl he cannot have because she is White.

About The Author

J. J. WHITE has had articles and stories published in several anthologies and magazines including, Wordsmith, The Homestead Review, The Seven Hills Review, Bacopa Review, and The Grey Sparrow Journal. His story, “The Adventure of the Nine Hole League,” was published in the Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, Volume 13, and his story, “Lucky Bastard Club,” was published in the Saturday Evening Post, 2016 anthology. His debut novel, Prodigious Savant, was published in 2014 by Black Opal Books. His next novel, Deviant Acts, came out November 14, 2015, and was also by Black Opal Books. His latest novel is, Nisei, released June 30, 2016. He was nominated for the Pushcart Prize for his short piece “Tour Bus.” He lives in Merritt Island, Florida with his understanding wife and editor, Pamela.

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Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author & Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Before I Let Go by Marieke Nijkamp was a different book compared to books that I have been reading lately.  I did read another book by this author last year you can click here to check out that review and book if you missed it.  This book was different from the other one, and I think I liked this book even more than the first one I read by her.  This book kept me on the edge of my seat throughout most of it because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen or where this book was going to end up.  I spent most of the book wanting to know that why everyone in the town of “Lost” was acting so strange.  There were quite a few spots in this book that made me take a step back and wonder what was really going on. Like when Corey was looking at a painting that Kyra had done before she died and in the painting, she (Kyra) was under the ice and come to find out that is how she actually died, so it took me by surprise.  If you like YA fiction than I would for sure read this book because I am sure you will enjoy it.

About The Book

Best friends Corey and Kyra were inseparable in their snow-covered town of Lost Creek, Alaska. When Corey moves away, she makes Kyra promise to stay strong during the long, dark winter, and wait for her return.

Just days before Corey is to return home to visit, Kyra dies. Corey is devastated―and confused. The entire Lost community speaks in hushed tones about the town’s lost daughter, saying her death was meant to be. And they push Corey away like she’s a stranger.

Corey knows something is wrong. With every hour, her suspicion grows. Lost is keeping secrets―chilling secrets. But piecing together the truth about what happened to her best friend may prove as difficult as lighting the sky in an Alaskan winter…

About The Author

Marieke Nijkamp a storyteller, dreamer, globe-trotter, geek. She’s the author of THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS and the forthcoming BEFORE I LET GO.



Please note I don’t respond to friend requests or messages on GR, but you’re always welcome to tweet or email me. 🙂

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