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Harlequin DARE’s February Launch Titles!

Title: Off Limits

Author: Clare Connelly

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 1, 2018

Publisher: Harlequin DARE

Digital ISBN: 9781488082368

“I want to taste you tonight.”

With chemistry this hot, it’s worth getting burned…

Billionaire Jack Grant is totally off-limits to Gemma Picton. He’s wild, deliciously dangerous…and her boss. When working late turns X-rated, it’s better than her wildest imaginings—and Gemma’s imagined a lot! But Jack has major emotional baggage, so when Gemma starts wanting to heal his heart as well as enjoy his body, she knows she’s in big trouble…!

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Available For FREE at:  Harlequin  |  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble

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Excerpt: Copyright © 2018 Off Limits by Clare Connelly


I am holding my breath again. Is that how I’m going to get over this little hurdle? Suffocate myself? Is that even possible? I’m pretty sure we have some breathing trigger in our brains, but my brain is a bit pissy with me so maybe it would conveniently forget about the button.

I push air out consciously, quietly, and he takes his seat.

‘Anyway…’ I prompt impatiently.

His smile is a clicker. Is he laughing at me? Arrogant arsehole! That’s be just like him. See? That’s the problem! I know him. I’m not one of his other women. I know that is he as bastardy as he is sexy.

‘How did you sleep?’

I blink at him, my eyes wide. ‘You’ve already asked me that.’

‘You didn’t answer.’

I except a sign that speaks of anger. ‘Like I always do. Seriously, Jack. My desk is covered in paper. I have to get to work.’

I’m your work,’ he says with a shrug.

Insolent bastard.

He leans forward, and while his face is casual there is an urgency in the flecks of gold that fill his eyes. ‘Did you see him last night?’

I want to remind him of the salient fact I pointed out the night before. It’s not his damned business. But I’m not sure I can say that with such conviction now that I’ve tasted his mouth; now that I’ve been stunned by his desire.

Can I skirt around his question?

You’re my work? Okay, the thing is I have the New York guys waiting on contracts, you have a meeting in a week that I have to prepare for and Athens wants your input-which means my input- on a lease agreement. And I need to – ‘


God! Don’t hate me, but when he’s bossy I love it. And he’s almost always bossy.

I glare at him across his desk; it’s best if he doesn’t know that this is just about my favourite version of him.’

Title: Ruled

Author: Anne Marsh

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 1, 2018

Publisher: Harlequin DARE

Series: Hard Riders MC

Digital ISBN: 9781488082382

The Rebel vs. The Princess

Complete opposites who share the same burning passion!

Jaxon Brady of the Hard Riders MC has sworn to protect Evie Kent from a rival gang. His hard muscles and black leather motorcycle boots are a sharp contrast to the girlie dresses Evie wears for her successful party-planning business. Their instant attraction is magnetic, and their lust keeps them glued to each other’s side…but is it a dangerous distraction?

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Excerpt: Copyright © 2018 Ruled by Anne Marsh

I have to be more cautious. From the rising volume of the squeals emanating from the backyard, cake consumption has concluded and the party will be wrapping up as the sugar highs hit, the early departers fleeing past my RV parked out front. Spotting the princess in an R-rated embrace with a biker would be bad for my business. You can’t be a dirty girl and host children’s birthday parties for a living. The moms will kill you. Fortunately, the moms aren’t mind readers. I’m only a party-perfect princess on the outside. Riding anywhere with Rev would be career suicide.

My bad voice promptly weighs in. But only if you get caught.

“I don’t do bikers.”

Something flashes across Rev’s face. “You don’t get hurt on my watch. I promise.”

“You’re not an ax murderer?”

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the wallet attached to his belt by a silver chain. Silently, he flips it open and holds it out so I can read his driver’s license. There’s a military ID underneath it, too, the kind of card that gets you into Nellis Air Force Base.

“Your name isn’t Rev.” According to the State of Nevada’s laminated plastic, he’s one Jaxon Brady.

“Road name,” he says tersely.

I examine the license again. He’s also turning thirty-three in four weeks. I bet he won’t be booking a celebratory princess party.

“Wow.” I hand back his wallet. “Former navy?”

He nods, as if it’s no big deal. “SEAL. You’d be safe with me.”

He’s not big on talking. Or negotiating, asking, or sweet-talking. I’ve always trusted my instincts, though, and right now they’re on board with Rev Brady. Completely, totally, 100 percent in favor of getting on this man’s bike and riding off with him. Somewhere. Wherever he wants to go. He’s big and strong and tempting. He’s fought for our country and kept everyone safe.

How bad can he be?

The little voice in my head pipes right up. How bad do you want him to be?

That voice needs a gag.

“Think about it,” he says and then he turns and saunters toward his bike. I stand there, watching his ass the whole way, and wondering why I don’t mind his attitude. He’s scary as shit. He’s not Mr. White Picket Fence and he’s not promising happily ever after, but the man has a fantastic butt and I’m lonely. That’s all it is. I need to get out more, need to make a point of seeing someone.

Someone else.

Anyone else. There are absolutely, positively no bikers anywhere in my future.


Title: A Week to Be Wild

Author: JC Harroway

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 1, 2018

Publisher: Harlequin DARE

Digital ISBN: 9781488082351

A daring game of temptation

She’ll play his game—but only by her rules!

Alex Lancaster is an adrenaline junkie. He’s also a sexy British billionaire who should come with his own warning signs. When Libby insists she’s done with men who live on the edge, Alex coaxes her out of her comfort zone—professionally and very, very personally. Libby’s taking a high-stakes gamble, but the payoff could win her everything

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Excerpt: Copyright © 2018 A Week to Be Wild by JC Harroway 

The man occupying her thoughts swept up beside her on a cloud of freshly showered deliciousness, his hand taking a proprietorial hold of the back of her barstool and his smoky, heavy-lidded smile stripping her naked.


‘Hi.’ Libby closed her slack-jawed mouth and swivelled to face him, turning her back on the stranger, never one to pass up a golden opportunity. She hated rudeness, but if Beer Breath was too stubborn or thick-skulled to take the hint…

Alex kept his stare on her, his smile genuine and warm enough to melt her underwear clean off, and then signalled the waiter with a flick of his wrist.

Libby sensed the moment when Beer Breath slinked away, and the hairs on the back of her neck settled—but only temporarily, because Alex hadn’t taken his eyes off her. In fact, he was looking at her as if he was seconds from devouring her whole.

She shivered, delicious tendrils snaking to all her erogenous zones. ‘What are you doing here?’ Libby took a slug of her previously untouched drink, the burn calming her enough to meet his bold stare with one of her own.

‘I came to invite you out for a late supper. I was on my way to Reception and then I spotted you here.’ His hand slid from the back of her stool, and he settled into the one next to her, passing his order to the waiter before returning his disconcerting focus to her.

She stared back, lost for words and missing the proximity of his hand on her chair. He was close enough that his warmth traversed the space between them, but far enough away that she battled her body’s urge to sway closer. And keep on swaying.

‘What?’ One corner of his mouth kicked up. ‘What kind of host would I be if I left you to fend for yourself on your first night in a strange city?’

She couldn’t help the snort that left her. ‘The non-stalker kind…?’

He took the jibe with a cocksure arch of one brow, sipping wine while his poised stare flicked over her face from feature to feature.

Libby flushed hot all over. The ‘stalker’ comment had been beneath her. He hadn’t once touched her, hadn’t bought her drink, hadn’t tried to grab her phone, hadn’t even chased away her unwanted admirer—he had simply given her the out she’d wanted. The rest was all her.

What was wrong with her? Rudeness to a generous host and influential employer? All because he’d awoken needs within her? Needs too long dormant. Needs she’d never had before. Needs threatening to overwhelm her in their intensity.

Hardly his fault.

Title: Legal Seduction

Author: Lisa Childs

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 1, 2018

Publisher: Harlequin DARE

Series: Legal Lovers

Digital ISBN: 9781488082375

“You are mine for the next two weeks.”

Resigning might be the sexiest thing she’s ever done…

Quitting her job puts executive assistant Bette Monroe in a very compromising position. She has ten days left, and powerhouse lawyer Simon Kramer is working her late into the night…and seducing her into oblivion! While he’s convinced she’s selling business secrets, the bombshell secret she’s keeping would shock him more. Does she bare all…or keep him guessing?


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Available at:  Harlequin  |  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Kobo  |  iTunes

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Copyright © 2018 Legal Seduction by Lisa Childs

“So then more money will get you to stay,” he said dismissively, as if he’d closed a case. He tossed her crumpled-up resignation letter into the brass trash can sitting beside his desk.

Frustration—and not just with this conversation—overwhelmed her, overcoming her natural inclination to avoid confrontation, and she blurted out, “No!”

Working for him these past two years had increased her frustration because of all those damn fantasies he’d inspired.

“But you just said—”

“I took the job because I needed money,” she said. “I needed money then.”

His eyes narrowed more as he studied her face. “And you don’t need it now?”

“My reason for leaving has nothing to do with money,” she said. Had she not found another source of income, she would have been forced to stay, but he didn’t need to know that.

“So you do have a reason.”

He wasn’t the trial lawyer of their partnership, but he could have been. She felt like she was being cross-examined on the witness stand. And she didn’t enjoy it one bit. Quitting was not a crime.

“I don’t have to give you a reason.” At least she didn’t think she did.

Maybe she should have had a lawyer look at that employment contract before she’d written her resignation letter. But no matter how much she paid, no lawyer would be as good as Simon Kramer. He was the best.

And, according to his ex-lovers, not just at the law…

“Why don’t you want to tell me?” he asked, and he stepped closer now, so close that she could feel the heat of his body through his suit and her cardigan and skirt.

Heat flushed her body, making her skin tingle. She tried to step back but the desk stopped her, the hard wood pressing into the backs of her thighs as he nearly touched the front of her. Her breasts pushed against the front of the gray cardigan as she struggled for breath. She had never been this close to him before. It was more than unsettling. Her knees trembled and her already tripping pulse quickened even more.

“Because it’s personal,” she murmured. And they had never been anything but businesslike with each other, except in her dreams.

He leaned down, so close that his warm breath whispered across her lips as he asked, “Are you in love with me?”

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Valentine Countdown Blitz – 12 Days Of Clean Romance

Amey Zeigler
wrote her first mystery with her best friend in fourth grade. She wrote, the
friend illustrated. It also had a cute boy in it with spiky hair (because that
was the style back then). Not much has changed. She loves mysteries. She loves
romance. She loves suspense. She loves action, adventure and comedy. But she
wants it to have a happy ending.
Because she grew
up moving all around the United States, Amey loves writing about different
places. In her books, she explores the whole world.
Growing up, Amey
was always trying new things. She played violin, drums, flute, piano, all
before she was sixteen. She also discovered she didn’t have much talent for music.
When people asked
her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she was afraid to tell them she
wanted to be a writer because she didn’t know how to write.
She is so
grateful for her Sophomore year Honor’s English teacher who gave her a star and
five points (out of five!) for Voice on her personal essay. Otherwise, she
wouldn’t have had enough courage to pursue writing.

In her spare
time, she adopts stray furniture left on the side of the road, fixes it up and
gives it a new look and home. Amey lives with her husband and three children
near Austin, TX.

Connect with the Author here: 
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year-old investigative journalist, Andy Miller is armed with her many disguises
and creativity to take down the riff-raff of Saint Louis. When her stepbrother
is murdered by the mob, Andy soon discovers she’s out of her depth.


Enter Hugh
Donaldson who has reasons of his own for discovering the murderer. He’ll use
everything in his power to achieve that, including lying to Andy about his
past. Dangerous as he is attractive, his martial arts skills and his quirky
ways raise Andy’s suspicions.
Although Andy
balks at his lies, Hugh’s charms, twenty-inch biceps, and electrifying blue
eyes are difficult to resist. Striking out on their own, Hugh and Andy try to
outwit each other as they traverse North America tracking down people connected
to the case.
As clues
disappear and the body count climbs, Andy and Hugh must trust each other and
use their combined skills to bring the murderer to justice.



He stepped closer, lowering his chin,
giving her a deep stare. His eyes had a depth Andy had never seen before.
Knowledge and understanding and something else in those pupils.
“Your black belt won’t always save
you, you know.”
Andy turned away. He continued to
follow her.
For some reason, his persistence irked
her. She thrust a hand to his chest. Rock solid. “Don’t. I could take you down
if I had to.”
“I’m sure you could.” A cocky grin
started at one side of his mouth, before spreading to the other. “Goodnight,
then.” With a salute to her, he marched backward. When he rounded the corner
out of sight, Andy found her phone and dialed Carla.
“What did the guy want?” Carla asked.
“Karate lessons.”
“Are you sure? I think he was into
Andy changed the subject. “What did
your mom want?”
Before Carla answered, two men in
rubber masks rushed Andy, sliding up beside her, grabbing her phone and purse.
She immediately let go of the burner phone, but her tote! Everything she needed
was in there.



She was not giving up her bag without
a fight.
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Kissing Strangers by Alethea Spiridon

Funny, forthright, and hopeful, Kissing Strangers is a survival-based how-to guide about looking for love online … and how to separate the men from the frogs. 

Out Now! – Kissing Strangers: How to Online Date Like a Boss by Alethea Spiridon.

Follow the tour and #enter to #win a copy of Kissing Strangers!!

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Title: Kissing Strangers: How to Online Date Like a Boss

Author: Alethea Spiridon

Genre: Dating

Release Date: January 30, 2018

Length: 40,000 words

So many frogs. So few princes.

Every single (and soon-to-be-single) woman knows the Dating Horror Stories. The guy who charms your panties off before he bolts. The funeral planner with a foot fetish. The Early Ejaculator. Or that filmmaker looking for a soul mate—provided you don’t mind he lied about his height, his weight, his wife, and… oh look, a micro-penis. How nice.

The bad news is that these guys exist. The good news? There are ways to find them, avoid them, and concentrate your energies on non-fuckwits. Who, as it turns out, also exist. Hurrah!

From deciphering Man Speak to the sexy perks of 30-year-old men, Catfishing 101, navigating hookup culture, and the safety precautions every woman should take, author Alethea Spiridon taps into her own hilarious—and occasionally heart-crushing—experiences in the dating world. Funny, forthright, and hopeful, Kissing Strangers is a survival-based how-to guide about looking for love online … and how to separate the men from the frogs.

Find out more at: Goodreads | Amazon


Praise for Kissing Strangers:
“I absolutely loved reading this book! Funny and engaging, this is a great guide for women who are getting their toes wet into the online dating pool. It’s funny, informative, compelling. I wish I had read this when I was online dating. It would have helped me a lot. I made a lot of those mistakes!” Bestselling author, Carmen Falcone


Dating today isn’t really dating!

It’s hooking up, hanging out, Netflix and chill.

I asked one of the guys I matched with on Bumble about this idea that nobody dates anymore. Sean, 36, said this: “Well, I think at our age we know what we want and when we find it we move quicker than before.”

You can probably guess that Sean moved on faster than I could ask a follow-up question.

Most men look for sex and find love. Truth.

I’m a romance editor and a die-hard romantic through and through, so this cold, loveless world of dating where most people are in it to sleep with you on the first “date” is soul crushing. Yes, mindless sex is fantastic, but when that is all most guys want…

What the fuck happened to romance?

Do not expect to be courted or dated. Expect to be jerked around, lied to, avoided, ghosted, stood up, breadcrumbed, cancelled on… There are, of course, good men out there, but it will take some digging and meeting, and time and patience.

That’s where this book comes in. You want sex? I’ll show you how to find it. You want something more? Well, keep reading…

Go in knowing a few things.

Tinder. Bumble. POF. OkCupid.

Ghosting. Breadcrumbing

Netflix and chill.

“Nobody dates anymore!”

“Romance is dead!”

You thought dating would be fun, easy, and you’d walk around in your cute little outfits like the women do on television. Bah! Not so much, girls. It can be fun. It is fun at times. But it’s also work and involves a lot of man decoding and navigating a landscape filled with unknowns, rejection, confusion…not much has changed since your mom dated, really. It’s just packaged differently is all.

Dating comes in new forms now. Well, the ways that we get to men. One in three people meet online today, so you have to be where the men are—on a dating site and dating apps. Swiping and sore digits will be your new norm.

But that’s just how you initially connect. Nothing matches real-life experience, so you must meet and talk to men, and a lot of men (probably) until you find the one you click with and want to settle with, whatever settling means for you.

Or maybe you’ll meet him on guy number three.

And if it’s hookups you want, you’ll get tips on how to make them work for you. Nothing wrong with casual sex!

This guide will give you that heads-up so you don’t get ambushed like I did. You’ll know what the booby traps are and how to charge ahead regardless. Consider this your counterattack in your plan to survive.

A decisive victory can be yours, but you need to know the rules if you want to beat them (men) at their game.

About Alethea Spiridon:
Alethea is a writer and editor (lots of romance books, so many) out of Ontario, Canada. When her marriage fell apart she realized she had to get back out there and figure out how to date again or accept a life of eating from the Dinner For One menu option permanently. The book in your hands (or on your screen) is the result of that research. If it saves one woman (you!) from the landmines out there in the DatingVerse, then she’s done her job. For more bits of dating advice and man mysteries solved, visit her website at

You can connect with her online at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads | Instagram | Pinterest

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The Nephilim Virus by John T. Prather

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from The Adams Group in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Nephilim Virus by John T. Prather was a book that I didn’t think I would enjoy reading but in the end, I loved the book.  I requested a copy of this book because I knew it would either be really good or terrible and I knew I wanted to find out which way it was going to go.  I had no idea who the author was when I saw this book and to be honest I still haven’t really looked him up because I couldn’t be careless that he is an actor.  I know I judge the book from the start because I was skeptical when it came to him being a writer and I loved that I was proved wrong because he is a fantastic author and I can’t wait to read more books by him in the future.

Anyway, let’s get on to talk about this book and my thoughts and feelings about it.  Like I said before I loved this book and I think I may like just as much like the book “1984”.  I can’t pinpoint what I want about this book, but I really did enjoy just about everything.  I really liked Nick right from the start but it did take some time for me to want Faith but by the end of the book I had fallen in love with her.  I didn’t like when they quoted big chunks of the bible because it just bored me.  Once I was in the middle of the book I just skipped those parts because I didn’t want to waste my time on those parts.  Other than that I loved this book.  If you like dystopian novels, then I would for sure check out this book.

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About The Book

Nick Reese wakes from a three-year coma to find the world he once knew is gone. An ancient virus has infected two-thirds of the world’s population, turning humans into either incredibly intelligent super-humans or large and indestructible animalistic creatures. For the survivors, there is no government, no antidote, and no safety. With the help of a beautiful hematologist named Faith and a man they call the Commander, Nick must survive long enough to discover the origin of the virus and learn how his blood could hold the key to a cure. But he has to do it while being hunted by the infected. And failure means the extinction of the human race.

Author and Hollywood actor John Prather intertwines history, science, and the Bible to create a plausible post-apocalyptic tale. The Nephilim Virus is an intense thriller implementing spiritual ideas and subtle Christian symbolism. The Nephilim Virus is a nonstop race against time from beginning to end.

About The Author

I’m John Prather. I grew up in the Bluff City of Memphis, Tennessee on a diet of Bar-B-Q and southern values. In my late 20’s I moved to the City of Angels to try the adventure of acting and modeling and brought my southern values with me. Now, other than the lack of quality BBQ, Los Angeles feels like home.

I’m a writer, actor, and fitness model. I love to encourage, motivate, and inspire people to do great things. I believe you and I can take an active role in choosing who we become. And my goal is to be a positive influence in your life.

Life is an adventure and I hope you will join me in learning how to do it right. Please comment and share, and together we can grow into the people we are made to be.

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Valentine Countdown Blitz- 12 Days Of Clean Romance

Donna Hatch is the author of the
best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The
Golden Quill and the International Digital Award.
 A hopeless romantic and
adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8
and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a
sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple
volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her
A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific
Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there
really is a happily ever after.

Connect with the Author here: 


When charming rake Tristan Barrett sweeps Lady Elizabeth off her
feet, stealing both her heart and a kiss in a secluded garden, her brother
challenges Tristan to a duel. The only way to save her brother and Tristan from
harm—not to mention preserve her reputation—is to get married.
But her father, the Duke of Pemberton, refuses to allow his
daughter to marry anyone but a titled lord. The duke demands that Elizabeth
marry Tristan’s older brother, Richard, the Earl of Averston. Now Elizabeth
must give up Tristan to marry a man who despises her, a man who loves another,
a man she’ll never love. 
Richard fears Elizabeth is as untrustworthy as his
mother, who ran off with another man. However, to protect his brother from a
duel and their family name from further scandal, he agrees to the wedding,
certain his new bride will betray him. Yet when Elizabeth turns his house
upside down and worms her way into his reluctant heart, Richard suspects he
can’t live without his new countess. Will she stay with him or is it too
little, too late?






“Get your hands off my sister!” a
voice snarled.
Tristan snapped his head back and
stepped away. Alone, Elizabeth wobbled on her feet. Her brother, Martindale,
stalked into view, bristling like an angry dog.
With his hands held out, Tristan
faced Martindale. “My lord, we were merely—”
“None of your lies, Barrett.”
Other voices made exclamations of
delighted horror. Elizabeth faced a nightmare; most of the houseguests stared
at her, including one of London’s worst gossip, Lady Einsburgh. Naturally they
would assume the worst. Heat crawled up Elizabeth’s neck and burned her cheeks.
She’d never live down the humiliation. Closing her eyes, she clamped her mouth
shut to avoid screaming at the injustice of it all. She’d only desired a few
moments alone with the man she loved. Instead, she’d been caught in an intimate
embrace in a dark garden. Gossipers would spread an exaggeratedly sordid tale
all over England. She’d be utterly ruined.
Immersed in his role of haughty
marquis, Martindale snarled, “Consider your second, Barrett. Tomorrow you shall
receive my challenge.”
Elizabeth’s heart stalled. A duel?
“No, Martindale. You can’t do this.” Elizabeth’s protest died on her lips as
her brother rounded on her.
“Silence! You’ve behaved like a
common whore.”
Elizabeth recoiled as if he’d slapped
Tristan stiffened. “Hear now, that’s
no way to speak to the lady. I give you my word, it was merely a kiss.”
Martindale let out a scoff. “And I
should trust the word of a known rake?” He turned to Elizabeth, his eyes boring
into hers. “You’ve brought disgrace upon the family.”
Tears burned Elizabeth’s eyes.
Martindale was right. Only Tristan could save her from shame. She turned to
him, silently pleading for rescue.
Tristan glanced at her, his
expression unreadable, before returning his attention to Martindale. He lowered
his voice. “Let us go inside and discuss this in private.”
“There’s nothing to discuss. You’ve
compromised my sister. Choose your weapon.”
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Valentine Countdown Blitz- 12 Days Of Clean Romance

Laura L. Walker grew up in a large family in the beautiful
Gila Valley of southern Arizona. From the time Laura was young, she spent hours
drawing characters on paper and fantasizing about their adventures. Life became
more serious, however, when Laura met her own hero and they eventually became
the parents of six children. In between spurts of grocery shopping, sewing
costumes or quilts, transporting kids to practices, and making dinner, Laura
still enjoys putting her imagination to good use. She is the author of four
contemporary romances.


Connect with the Author here: 

“All Penny Merrill wants to do is run her own bakery shop, but her money-thirsty mother and conniving stepfather are making it nearly impossible to keep her dream alive. When Penny finds a clipping advertising a Valentine’s Day contest for Arizona’s cutest couple, with the winnings being enough for her to hold on to her floundering business, she comes up with an idea that might just work–if she can find the right man for the job.

Commercial contractor Preston Ames is starting to develop feelings for Penny, and even though he’s been through enough heartache to know that he should avoid her at all costs, he can’t keep himself from visiting her sweet shop everyday. When Penny asks him to participate in a crazy scheme so that she can overturn her stepfather’s underhanded business ploy, Preston is tempted to run the other way. But one look into her soulful blue eyes and he’s a goner. Little does he know that his calm, orderly world is about to unravel–and that just one picture will turn Penny into his sweet valentine! ”



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 Penny looked up to see Preston
shaking his head in disbelief. “Christmas already came and went, sweetheart.
Did you overdose on the fruitcake? Tell me you’re not really considering asking
a guy to pose with you in this nutty contest.”
    Penny’s smile froze. “Well
. . .”
    Preston’s jaw went slack.
He set the box of doughnuts down with a thud and braced his arms on the
countertop, effectively pinning her with his glare. “I don’t believe it. In the
past year that I’ve known you, I never took you for a person who would do
something like this. You’ve always seemed so level-headed.”
    He made it sound like she
was doing something awful. Maybe her idea was a little farfetched, but she felt
confident that she could pull it off. With the right man, of course.
     And the one she was
hoping for was standing less than two feet away.
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