
Writers Workshop

This weeks for the Writers Workshop I decided to combine the first to prompts because I can fit both of them.  Here are the first 2 prompts: 1.) A list of things you no longer have in common with your single/childless friends…and why you love them anyways, 2.) A list of things you no longer have in common with your married/child bearing friends…and why you love them anyways.  I fit into both of them because yes I have had a child so I understand what it feels like to have a child and the love you feel for that child but I also placed her for adoption so I don’t know what the sleepless night feel like or what parenting is like.  I know what not having kids feels like as well so I feel like I don’t fit in either group anymore.  I fit the best when I find other girls that have placed a baby for adoption and know the feelings that go along with it.  I still love all of my friends but I am starting to wish that I had more friends that had placed their children for adoption.  I just am finding that a have a few things in common with both groups but I also have enough different from them that I don’t really fit in with either group.  I hate being in the group I am in but I know I am here because I made the best choice I could make for her. This weeks post is short but I feel as if I covered everything I need to!

A Lot Of Random Things

I am going to us bullets in this post because I have a few things I want to write about and I haven’t used them in awhile.

  • First I want to thank all of my followers and welcome all of my new followers.  I can’t believe that I have 130 right now.  I remember when I was just getting into the whole blogging scene and starting to learn about followers and people reading my blog that I had never met IRL.  At that time it was weird to me but I decided why not lets see what is out there and here I am with 130 people reading my blog!  I still don’t understand why but I am thankful for each and everyone of you!
  • I got a new layout and I totally love it!  Jacqui does my makeovers and I totally adore the girl!  She does a great job and made it look so grown up!  Let me know what you think of it.
  • My kids are totally crazy and Sylvia has decided she is top cat even though she is the youngest out of them all.  Go figure.  Last night she was guarding the bathroom and nothing could go in.  It was quite funny to watch her try and beat up anything that tried to enter “her” bathroom.
  • I got the funniest anonymous comment the other day so I figured I would post all of it but the links.  It was so funny I could help but laugh at it.  Here it is:  HELP! I’m currently being held prisoner by the Russian mafia  and being forced to post spam comments on blogs and forum! If you don’t approve this they will kill me. 

Well there is the randomness for now!  Have a great day!