
In Love

Simple Things

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about 1.) The simple things..

It is the simple things in life that make me happy:

Going home and chasing my girls around the house

Or listening to Sylvia “bark” like she is a dog

Hanging out with Misti just talking and laughing

Designing blogs for people

Laughing at the crazy things that people will say or do

Being around my grandma who can always make me laugh


Reading good books

With out all the simple things that make me happy life would be depressing!

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5 Years

I was going to write something for the writers work shop this week but non of the prompts really jumped out at me so I went to NaBloPoMo and they have prompts you can use to write about so I am going to pick on of them and write about that.  The one that I chose is: What do you want your life to be like in five years?  

Lets see in five years from today I will 30 about to turn 31.  This is hard because I have a hard time lately knowing what I want my life to be like right now.  I guess in 5 years I would like to be at a job that pays my bills and maybe even allows me to move out of my grandparents house.  I also want to have the MS be stable.   It would be so great for people not to know that I am sick unless I tell them that I am sick.  I am lucky right now because unless I tell you that I am sick you can’t tell I am.  It is nice for people not to know I am sick.  If people know they tend to treat me differently than before they knew that I was sick.  I hate when people are jerks to me until they find out I am sick then they try and be my best friend.  I also don’t care if I am with someone or not.  As long as I am happy where I am at the rest of it doesn’t really matter.   I just want to be happy with what is going on and where I am at is all.

Well that is what I hope my life will be like in 5 years.  I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
