
One Million Dollars

One Million Dollars

I received a email from NaBloPoMo that had blog post ideas for the whole month of November and this one was the prompt for November 1st: If you found one million dollars in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money?  I loved this post prompt so I wanted to write a post about it and tell everyone what I would do with one million dollars and 24 hours.

I would like to say that I would donate part of the money to some charity but I know that I would never do that because at times I wonder what charities actually do with the money.  So I know the first thing I would do is by a new MacBook Pro and also an iMac because I have been missing my laptop this year and I have always wanted an iMac.

I also would probably go buy a new car and a condo/townhouse.  I don’t want a house because I don’t have the energy or time to keep up a yard.  I also don’t care if I share walls with a neighbor.  To me being out of my grandparents house is what I really want/need.  I could go on about that but for now I am just going to leave it at the fact that I want to get out but can’t because of bills and what I make at my job.  I have no idea what type of car I would get because the cars I am liking  right now aren’t super good in the winter.

I think I would probably also go and buy clothes and things like that because god knows I love to shop and if I had the money I would be shopping all the time.  Other than that I can’t really think of anything that I would do with the money.  I guess if I had left over money I would donate it to Villalobos because I would love to be able to help out the pitbulls that she has there and I love everything about the show that they are on.

So that is all that I would do with the money.  What would you do with one million dollars and 24 hrs?

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Day 6-20 Of My Favorite Things

Here is a list of 20 of my favorite things!

  1. My girls-Elinore & Sylvia
  2. Squirrel
  3. My Mac Book
  4. The internet
  5. My family
  6. My job (It isn’t really my favorite thing but I am thankful I have one right now)
  7. My bed!!!!
  8. My movies that I have watched 100 times
  9. People that are special to me!
  10. My pretty car
  11. My Bloggy BFF’s
  12. Getting a divorce from a loser lol
  13. My daughter even though I placed her for adoption
  14. The good days I have with the MS even though they don’t happen very often
  15. Dog The Bounty Hunter
  16. The Deadliest Catch
  17. Music
  18. Dr Pepper
  19. People that are so willing help others
  20. All of my things!

I haven’t written an update in awhile on the MS and life in general so I think today is the day.  The MS has gotten super bad lately and I am not sure what is going to happen with it all.  They have started me on  a new drug and I am not sure what I think about it yet.  I mean yes it does work but at the same time it has scary side effects and it is super addicting.  So we will see how long I stay on it.  I am not holding out to much hope for it though.  The first time I took it I spent the half the next day in bed because I was so drugged but on the other hand it is the only thing right now that is taking the pain away.  So like everything else time will tell.
Josh has gotten on my last damn nerve!  He has finally pushed to far and I can’t wait to file the papers and be done with his dumb ass.  He will never get what he has done and he will never understand why I will never talk to him again.  Once everything is done my number will be changed and he can go away for good.  Even if he at some point grows a brain it will be to late.  I know he will get his and that is what makes things so great for me.  Karma is a bitch and I can’t wait til his slaps him in the face!!!!!!!

Damn Curbs!

This is the first time I have done this MeMe but I figure why not.  I have a lot of stories that I can write about so this should be too hard.  Today’s story took place when I was 15 and learning to drive.  Let me just tell you that I thought driving was dumb at the time and I didn’t want to learn because I didn’t want to drive.  I wasn’t the kind of kid that was super excited to learn to drive.  Anyway now on to the story.  
My grandma took me out for the first time.  She took me to an elementary school because it was on the weekend and I could go slow and what not.  So we get to the school and we switch places and I start to drive.  Lets just say I was super nervous and it didn’t help that my little brother was in the backseat.  We were coming up to a curve and lets just say at that point I thought the car would turn itself I guess.  So I didn’t turn the wheel and I hit the curb but not only did I hit the curb I also took a chunk out of the tire and they had to buy a new tire because I ruined one.  This fateful day was the day I started having issues with curbs that I still have today.  The rims I have on my car now one of them is all beat up because of hitting a curb at work.  My other car I was always running into curbs.  
There is my story!  I hope it gave you a good laugh.  Have a great Tuesday!