This weeks quote is by C.S. Lewis.
I loved this quote when I saw it. I think it is true because you need to always be dreaming and setting goals because that means you are still living your life. What do you think of this weeks quote by C.S. Lewis?

A Life Filled With Multiple Sclerosis, Moments & Memories
This weeks quote is by C.S. Lewis.
I loved this quote when I saw it. I think it is true because you need to always be dreaming and setting goals because that means you are still living your life. What do you think of this weeks quote by C.S. Lewis?
This weeks for the writers workshop I am going to write about #4 which is a quote that I love. I am going to list a few that I love because I have so many that I have used for my Quotes Of The Week posts and I can’t just choose one.
Those are just a few of the quotes that I am loving right now. What quotes are you loving right now?
Here are the other prompts for this week in case you want to join in:
1. An 8th grade memory.
2. Write a blog post inspired by the word: journey.
3. Book review!
4. Share a quote you love.
5. Spring Cleaning! Share a before and after photo of a room you recently tackled.
This weeks quote is by C. S. Lewis.
It took me a few times reading it to really understand it but once I did I loved it. I know this is one that I will be printing out and keeping it at my desk.