Margaret Tidwell

I am a 34-year-old blogger. I write about my life and my struggles with Multiple Sclerosis. I also am a huge bookworm, and I have been doing book reviews for years now. I even blog about adoption, Multiple Sclerosis, and things that go on in my life.

Tired Of High School Drama & Liars

Once again I am amazed at people how they act.  For the first time in a long time I am not even talking about my husband.  In fact things have been ok on that front since I posted that last update.  I think he read it and saw what he was really doing to me.  Anyways back to the reason for this post.  Today I went and picked up Miss CoCo and took her over to visit Misti.  CoCo is really Misti’s fiances dog.  He is currently not able to take care of her so she is at my “friends” house.  Well the last few weeks my “friend” has been acting really weird.  When I got to the house he is living in I find out that he has til Tuesday to get out.  He has known this for about two months and hasn’t once told me I needed to find a place for the dog to go.  In fact I still wouldn’t know if his ex wasn’t there helping the kids pack their things.  I mean good hell who is out of town on vacation when they are going to lose their house and all of their animals.  But the story gets even better than just that.  In the beginning there were two dogs but now only one of the dogs is alive and that is something that he never told me as well.  I was so heart broken to have to tell Misti that one of Ron’s dogs had to be put down and I am just now finding out about it and once again it is from his ex and not him.  I decided today that I am so over his games and what not.  Who the hell can act like they are a “friend” and not tell me what is going on and give me more than 2 days to figure out a place for this dog to stay.  I mean good hell it isn’t that hard to call or text me and let me know that he was losing the house and that I needed to find a place for the dog to go for about 17 days.  This post was more about me venting than anything else.  Now I am going to have to pull something out of my ass to find a place for this dog and I am out of options.  If anyone in the Salt Lake valley is willing to help me out for 17  days I would be really grateful.  If you can help out please leave a comment and I will get in touch with you ASAP!
I hope everyone is having a great Monday!

The questions..
1. Would you rather bungee jump or sky dive?
I would love to say that I would do both of them but when it came down to it I know I wouldn’t be able to do either of them.
2. When using a public restroom to you squat over the seat or sit?
Sit on the seat.
3. Favorite flower?
Orange Roses
4. Pedicure or manicure?
5. How many siblings do you have?
A bother that is younger than me and a sister that lives in Texas.  Oh and a step sister 
6. Do you pee in the shower? (gasp!)
Not that I can recall
7. Bikini, tankini, or one piece?
None!  I haven’t owned one since I was in high school and I don’t plan on owning one.
8. Where do you hate to shop at, but go there anyway?
Wal-Mart.  They are so cheap so I always end up their anyways.

Julia Roberts

Saturday 9: Should I Stay or Should I Go
1. Have you ever been on a date and you had to tell the person to just go away?
No I have never had to do that thank god!  I may have too though if I start dating again.
2. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? If yes, where?
Nope not really.  I usually pretty easy to please.
3. Do you have any pet peeves?
A lot of them.  One of the biggest ones is listening to people chew when they are eating.  I will get up and leave the room because I can’t deal with it.
4. Tell us about a guilty pleasure of yours.
I don’t know that I really have any.  I don’t let myself feel guilty about a lot.  I guess eating pizza or Subway is one though because I shouldn’t eat them because of the Gluten but I can’t stop.
5. If you could change places and become a celebrity, who would you’d like to be?
No one.  I wouldn’t deal with publicity well.  I am happy being who I am and hiding behind my computer.
6. What do you consider your biggest talent?
I would have to say figuring out things on the computer!
7. Do you have a favorite actor/actress that is not a big star, yet they are your favorite?
No not really my only favorite is Julia Roberts and she is a huge star.
8. Name your five favorite rock bands of all time.

  1. Nickleback
  2. Greenday
  3. Good Charlotte
  4. Sum 41
  5. Shinedown

9. If you were to start a new relationship (for whatever reason), how much of your sexual history would you share? Would you resort to lying?
I would be totally honest.  If they asked I would tell them.  I feel like you shouldn’t hid things from people when you are in a relationship.  It just isn’t right and I also am not ashamed for who I am and what I have done in my life.

Finally This Week Is Half Done!

I want to thank everyone for all the kind words and for sticking behind me.  It is nice to know that I am really not alone in all of this.  Now not only do I have Misti, and Jill I also have people who read my blog and are there if I just need to vent or blow off some steam.  I am so thankful that people can see like I do why I can’t trust him again and why it just won’t work.  I feel like I am on a roller coaster with him anymore.  One day he is nice and caring and then other days he is a total ass about everything.  I just feel like I am going crazy.  Right now he is being nice to me and I hope that is stays this way but god only knows when he will be a dick head to me again.  I am trying to hard to stay positive about the whole situation and know that in the end it will be okay but when he is a jerk it just makes me feel so bad about everything.  I hope that he will figure it out soon or I am going to have to stop talking to him because I can’t continue to do this whole up and down thing with him anymore.  That is it for today because my brain is tired and I am emotional exhausted. 

I hope everyone is having a great day!

Me & The MS

This post has been harder for me to write than when I posted Brita’s story.  I began to get sick when I was in 10th grade.  The first really symptom that I can remember is my left leg started to drag.  It would just stop working at random times.  I can remember in gym class that year we had to run the mile for a grade and I did my best but I was going to fail the class because I could run it fast enough because my leg was dragging.   We went to the doctors and lets just say the only reason they did an MRI was because my grandma pushed for it.  When that came back they called us in because they needed to talk to us.  They said that there was what they call lesions on the brain.  They show up as white spots on the brain.  They told us that they needed to do a spinal tap to rule out MS. 

The spinal tap in and of it self was a huge ordeal to say the least.  I got the spinal tap on a Thursday and by Saturday I was so sick.  I had a huge headache and was throwing up.  So we went to the ER because it was obvious that my spinal tap hadn’t sealed.  When we got the ER they made me lay in the waiting for about an hour until they took me back to a room.  After they knew what was going on they wanted to send me home because the guy that could fix it was on call and he didn’t want to come and do a blood patch.  He finally came in after my grandparents raised a living hell because I could have died if I didn’t get a blood patch ASAP.
When the results of the spinal tap came back they called us in again and told my and my grandparents and I had Multiple Sclerosis.  They wanted to start me right away on Avonex.  I don’t really remember much of the next couple of months.  I think I was still numb to the whole situation.  What I do remember is how sick the medication made me every weekend.  I took the shot on Friday nights and spent the whole weekend with flu like symptoms. I stopped taking that medication after awhile and started on Copaxone.  With that one I had to take a shot everyday and that didn’t last very long either.
I was pretty stable and not much went on until a year ago and that is when my hand went numb and it got hard to do anything with them.  Slow I have been able to use them more but it feels like they are asleep all of the time anymore.  I started on Tysabri about a year ago and so far it has worked the best but I also has a major problem with it as well.  You can develop a condition known as PML that will basically make you a vegetable.  They are finding out that the longer you are on the drug the higher your chances are of getting this serious condition. I am not sure how much longer I will be on this medication but I don’t have any other options right now.
That is my story in a nutshell.  If you have any other question feel free to ask me I will answer any questions that you may have.