Month: November 2013

Dear Mr Knightley by Katherine Reay

Dear Mr. Knightley Katherine Reay

Dear Mr Knightley by Katherine Reay was such a fun book to read.  This book so unique on the way it is written and set up. I loved that it was all letters basically written to one person and a couple of times there was a letter written back to her. I loved everything about this book and was sad when it ended because I loved the characters and everything about it. I do have to say that for me at least I kind of predicted the ending of the book but that could be because I have read so many books that it is hard for me to be surprised by the ending but I have to say that I loved this book and I can’t wait until she releases more books!


About Dear Mr Knightley

Samantha Moore has always hidden behind the words of others-namely her favorite characters in literature. Now, she will learn to write her own story-by giving that story to a complete stranger.

Growing up orphaned and alone, Sam found her best friends in the works of Austen, Dickens, and the Brontë sisters. The problem is that she now relates to others more comfortably as Elizabeth Bennet and Jane Eyre than as herself.Sometimes we lose ourselves in the things we care about most.
But life for this twenty-three-year-old is about to get stranger than fiction, when an anonymous benefactor (calling himself “Mr. Knightley”) offers to put Sam through the prestigious Medill School of Journalism. There is only one catch: Sam must write frequent letters to the mysterious donor, detailing her progress.As Sam’s program and peers force her to confront her past, she finds safety in her increasingly personal letters to Mr. Knightley. And when Sam meets eligible, best-selling novelist Alex Powell, those letters unfold a story of love and literature that feels as if it’s pulled from her favorite books. But when secrets come to light, Sam is — once again — made painfully aware of how easily trust can be broken.Reay’s debut novel follows one young woman’s journey as she sheds her protective persona and embraces the person she was meant to become.


About Katherine Reay

Katherine Reay has enjoyed a life-long affair with the works of Jane Austen and her contemporaries. After earning degrees in history and marketing from Northwestern University, she worked as a marketer for Proctor & Gamble and Sears before returning to school to earn her MTS. Her works have been published in “Focus on the Family” and the “Upper Room.” Katherine currently lives with her husband and three children in Seattle. “Dear Mr. Knightley” is her first novel.

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Taking The Week Off!

A Marriage in Middlebury by Anita Higman



I liked this book but I figured out how it was going to end about halfway through and it was kind of predictable most of the time. Even though I figured out what was going to happen I still really enjoyed the author’s writing and the characters in this book. I hated Sam’s dad who passed away within the first couple of chapters. I really liked Charlotte and I am glad in the end everything would out good for her. Like I said I figured out how it was going to end but I still read it until the last page because I loved everything about the story and authors writing. I can’t wait to check out other books by her.

About A Marriage in Middlebury

One decision changed both their lives . . . but will love win in the end? Charlotte Rose Hill enjoys a comfortable life serving up country delicacies, uniquely blended teas, and matchmaking advice for her quirky, devoted customers. The only thing lacking is someone to share it with. At eighteen she denied Sam Wilder’s marriage proposal after his family convinced her to walk away from their relationship. They both moved on . . . or so she thought. When Sam walks back into her life more than a decade later, Charlotte is surprised that her heart still quickens. But is it because of his presence? Or because of the presence of Sam’s new fiancée? A second chance at love doesn’t happen often, but their past may keep them apart. Is it too late for Sam and Charlotte?


About Anita Higman

Best-selling and award-winning author, Anita Higman, has over thirty books published (several coauthored) for adults and children. She’s been a Barnes & Noble “Author of the Month” for Houston and has a BA degree, combining speech communication, psychology, and art. Anita loves good movies, exotic teas, and brunch with her friends.
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Aloha Rose by Lisa Carter

Aloha Rose

Aloha Rose by Lisa Carter was such a fun book to read. I found at times that I would be laughing at the characters and some of the things that happened to them. I loved all the characters and I loved reading as Laney and Kia figured things out and grew as people. I did get pissed off at some parts in the book that I don’t want to give away so I am not going to talk about them but I totally understood why Laney reacted the way she did. If those same things happened to me I would act the same way that she did. I enjoyed this book and can’t to check out books by this author and also more books in this series.

About Aloha Rose

When Laney Carrigan’s adoptive parents encourage her as an adult to seek out her birth family, her only clue is the Lokelani quilt in which she was found wrapped as an infant. Centering her search on the Big Island, she battles fears of rejection from a family that abandoned her once before while her faith struggles to embrace God’s love.
Along the path to her true heritage, she meets Hawaiian cowboy/helicopter pilot, Kai Barnes. Kai is determined to protect the people he’s come to regard as family against a woman he suspects of being nothing more than a gold-digger, but he finds himself drawn to Laney in spite of his reservations. He’s spent his entire life seeking forgiveness from past mistakes and longs for a second chance at happiness.
Laney’s painstaking journey to find restoration and a place to belong among the breathtaking allure of the Big Island will lead her closer to her past and maybe even something more.

Lisa Carter

About Lisa Carter

Lisa Carter has been published in MomSense andChristian Parenting Today. Lisa is currently teaching music at a preschool and enjoying the enthusiasm and joy for life for which preschoolers are famous. She and David have two beautiful daughters.

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8 Books Everyone Should Read

8 Books

When I saw this was one of the prompts for the writers workshop I knew I had to write about it.  The prompt I chose this time is 5.) List 8 books you’ve read that you think everyone should read in their lifetime.  I have read tons of  books in my lifetime and I am going to list 8 of the ones that I have read so far that I think everyone needs to read.  I chose all these books for different reasons and I will write that next to the title & author of the books.

  1. 1984 by George Orwell– I read this book when I was in high school and I find it crazy how some of the things that happened in this book are happening in our country now.  I think that everyone needs to read this book because it is an amazing book and it is an eye opener.
  2. Fearless by Eric Blehm-This is about one of the Navy Seals from Seal Team 6 that went in and killed Osama Bin Laden.  He was shot during the firefight and this is a story written about his life.  I cried through parts of this book because he had an amazing story and I feel so bad for his wife and children who lost him way too soon.
  3. The Milestone Tapes by Ashley Mackler-Paternostro– I am not sure if I can even tell you how much I loved this book.  I cried through a lot of this book and I still loved it.  It is an amazing story and something I think I would do if I had young children and knew I was going to pass away from cancer before they children had grown to be an adult.  She basically makes tapes for her daughter for all the big things she knows her daughter will go through as she is growing up without her.
  4. Stress Test by Richard L. Mabry– I put this one on here because I love a good medical thriller and this one delivered on that.  If you lost suspense/thrillers than I know you will love this one.  (If you click on the title you will be directed to my review on this book)
  5. Anomaly by Krista McGee– I think everyone should read this one because it is about a dystopian society but it brings God into the story and I loved that about this book.  The next book in the series comes out in January and I can’t wait to read it.
  6. The Beloved Daughter by Alana Terry-I just read this book recently and I have to say that I loved everything about it.  I loved learning about what was going on during this book and I also had to wonder how many people really lived this story.  It take place in North Korea and it broke my heart to read and I was also sad because you don’t know what really happens at the end.
  7. The Girl In The Box by Sheila Dalton– I read this book a few years ago and I really enjoyed it because like the book The Beloved Daughter I have to wonder how many people really live like this and how many times things like this happen to people.
  8. Defending Jacob by William Landay– I loved this one because you get to see how some people think and you also get to see what some people will do for their children.  I don’t know if my child did something like his does I am not sure how I would handle it and what I would do.

Do you have any suggestions for books that I should read?

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