Lets just say that spring in Utah totally sucks ass. The pictures I am going to post were taken on a few different days so that I could show you just what the weather in Utah is like in the spring. The following two pictures were taken on Friday during my lunch.
I shouldn’t have been shocked that it was snowing because that is pretty much how spring in Utah goes. It will go from freezing to boiling over night. The next picture was taken on Saturday. I meant to take a picture first this when the snow was still on the ground but I didn’t get around to it until the snow had started to melt. We had about 8 inches or so on our driveway when I woke up.
So basically spring in Utah is crazy and you never really know what you are going to get. I hate spring and fall because I feel like I have to change clothes every 2 hours because the weather and temperature changes so much. It has been raining and cold this week but it is better than snow so I will take it.
What is spring like where you live?