Master Of Karate

I got a new award from one of my really good friends.  Her name is Elle and she blogs over at  “A” for Effort (“B” for Blog).  This girl is becoming a great friend and has been through so much!  Everyone needs to stop by her place and leave her some comment love!!!  Now on to the award that she gave me.  She has given me the master of karate and friendship award!!!!!!!!

The rules for this award are I have to list six things I “master.”   I also have to pass it on to 6 bloggers.  Lets start with the 6 things that I think I master.

  1. I have mastered the art of driving my cubs nuts!!!!!  It is a skill that is for sure and I now have it down to an art!
  2. My job at work and how to figure out what the guys need before they even ask me.
  3. Driving
  4. Typing-  This is always a good thing or blogging would be any fun.
  5. I have learned to talk about what I feel and not keep it inside.
  6. Getting my infusions every month.

Now for the 6 people to pass this on too.  I am going to take the easy way out and tag anyone who hasn’t gotten this award before.

Cars, Cars, Cars



Saturday 9: Your Smiling Face
1. No matter what’s going on in your life, what always makes you smile?
My girls always make me smile after a rough day.  I think that is because they love me no matter what my mood it.
2. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
I can’t remember one
3. Do you hold a grudge?
It depends on what it is but a lot of time I do hold them and very rarely do it get over them and if I do get over it it takes along time.
4. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
Being a CNA but it was also my favorite job.
5. What would be your dream job?
Being an RN working on life flight.
6. What is the happiest event you’ve experienced?
Then birth of my daughter
7. What is the saddest thing you’ve experienced?
Placing my daughter for adoption
8. Do you tend to exaggerate or underestimate?
I over estimate.
9. List the cars that you have owned. Give us just a few words about each one.
The first I had was a 97 Toyota Corola.  It was a great car and I put a lot of miles on it. My second car was a Honda Civic.  It was a good car but I didn’t like it.  My car now is a Scion TC.  I totally love this car!!!

My Little Life

Questions for Friday, March 5th: (Thanks to Courtney, Erin, Renee, Thorney London, and Sandy for their question suggestions! Wanna be linked in a future 5QF? Head on over here, to my community, and offer up your best questions! Quirky, zany, fun, serious, advice seeking…it all flies!!)

1. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Eating chips!  I have to hide them at home so I don’t get in trouble for buying them or eating them while I am still in bed.
2. What is your favorite TV series?
That is a hard question because I love so many of them.  I would have to say either Dog The Bounty Hunter or Intervention.  Now I hardly ever see them anymore because I don’t have cable in my room at my grandparents but when I do get to see them I could sit there for hours watching them.
3. Can you speak any foreign languages?
I sure can’t.  I took Spanish in high school but I was never good at it and it didn’t make any sense to me at all.
4. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Quite a few.  I don’t wear most of them but I can’t bring myself to throw them out.  I should sell them along with my scrubs but I hate getting rid of my things that is for sure.
5. What’s your favorite kind of M&M’s…peanut, almond, straight up regular, etc.?
I love the almond ones!  I think they are the greatest thing out there other than Reese Pieces chips!

I am now going to move on and do Dear So and So.  I can’t believe it has been so long since I have written letter but I need the therapy after the week I have had.
Dear Jason,
I will never understand how you couldn’t give me a little bit of a warning that you were losing your house!  I mean come on it isn’t that hard to tell me.  I was over there a lot visiting CoCo.  I really and pissed off that you really that big of jerk to people.  Also maybe you should stop using people and lying about who you are sleeping with and what not.  We are all not idiots and even though I may have made you think that I was on to your game and think it is sad what you did to your kids and animals.  Oh well it is your loss.  Maybe one day you will see that but I am doubting it.
Tysabri & MS Active Source,
You both suck!  How hard is it to do your job I mean come on.  I am now 2 months behind on my infusions and it is getting old rapidly.  You really need to figure it out ASAP.  If you don’t I am going to fly to where ever you are located at and hurt all of you!  Ok not really but maybe someone should.  I know you don’t care because it isn’t your ability to walk or see that is on the line.  Maybe we should make you live like we do for a day and you will get why 2 without the medication is cruel!
Pissed off customer
Dear Chris,
I am so glad you got Comcast to come and install internet!  Now I can get out without yelling and screaming at my laptop!
Thanks a bunch little bro!
Dear Squirrel,
I know you and CoCo will get along just great!  You two already are doing so well.  It is just getting you ready to have Desi!
That is all of my thoughts for the day!  Have a great weekend!

My First Top Three

This is the first week I have done this MeMe but it doesn’t sound to hard and I really like the topic this time.  They give you a question and you list your top three things.  This weeks question is:  
What are your Top 3 favorite things about spring?

  1. Warm weather is always a nice thing but everyone in Utah knows how bi-polar the spring time weather tends to be.
  2.  It says light longer which means that I don’t have to drive to and from work in the dark.
  3. The girls go out side more which means I get more sleep and they don’t try and kill each other all the time.

That is all there is to it!  You all should try it!

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Fursday’s With Elinore

Well it has been forever since I have gotten to post.  Mom hasn’t allowed me anywhere near her computer so I had to go downstairs and make grandma turn theirs on so I could use theirs.  Anyway lets get down to business that needs to be take care of.
First off mom and I are going to have big problems if she doesn’t  stop coming home stinking like other cats and like dogs.  How dare she betray us and go to see other animals!!!!!  I mean come on doesn’t she get it is a whole loyalty thing!  If she does it again I am going to pack up and leave.  I am her cat and on one else is!  She needs to get this point through her head!  I think she is an idiot sometimes I really do.
Secondly,  I guess I am going to have to get rid of the other cats in this house myself.  Mom won’t do anything about it and hell I even get yelled at if I try and beat them up for looking at me!  The other cats refuse to let me be the queen of this house.  I can tell you though that come hell or high water I am going to be queen!
Well I am going to get off here but I will be back next Thursday for sure!

Lucky Questions

Here are your dozen for this first week of March. You know the drill; read, ruminate, write, for tomorrow we post and link. Did that sound just a tad Irish?

1. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason?
I have always like odd numbers.  I think even numbers totally suck!
2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “not at all” and 10 being Carly Simon-worthy, how vain are you?
1-3-I really have no idea because I have never thought about it so I would have to say between a 1 and 3.
3. Among these Irish stereotypes, with which do you identify most closely? Talkative, Proud, Inquisitive, Love to party, Hot-tempered
Hot-tempered for sure
4. How lucky do you consider yourself?
I am not lucky at all.  I have never been lucky either
5. What is the subject of your favorite post that you’ve written?
I would have to say it is a toss up between Brita’s story or when I told about my story with the MS. 
6. Describe March weather where you live in three words.
Bi-Polar, Screwy, Crazy
7. How apt are you at detecting blarney when you hear it? (Smooth talk, flattery)
Not good at all!
8. How “green” are you, environmentally speaking?
I will be the first to admit that I am not the best but I do try too be more green.
9. What is your favorite song this week?
I don’t have one this week
10. You are walking along and see a coin on the ground. What denomination does it have to be before you will stop to pick it up
Probably a quarter.
11. Complete the sentence: “Every time I look outside my window ….”
I see my car and grass.
12. What was the #1 song on the day you were born? See this site to find out.
Wake Me Up Befoe You Go-Go – Wham!