I Miss You

I am sure most of you by now know that I love Kludgy Mom’s Idea Bank.  There are so many topics and prompts so chose from that I love going over there and picking one to write about.  If you are ever struggling to find things to post about I would go check out her site and I know you will find 100’s of things to write about!  For this post I chose to write about:  Is there someone who was in your life that you miss?

I chose this one because last week I read a book called “The Milestone Tapes” that I will be reviewing in a few weeks and it made me think of a few people that I really miss and I am sure I will miss them for the rest of my life.

The first person is my great grandma that passed away the spring semester of my senior year of high school.  She died in April and I still remember it like it was yesterday  I was super close with my great grandma and her dying was really hard on me.  There are days that I sit back and wish she was still around so I could talk to her or listen to all the fun stories that she told me.

The other person that I miss is Melissa and she passed away in October of last year.  I will always miss her because I did look up to her and she was always trying to make peoples days better.  I knew her when she started blogging and we became really close.  She was like a mom to me and it hurts to know that she is gone.  I will always wonder what pushed her over the edge and why she did what she did.  I also know from here that I can’t sit around and ask why things happened so I am living my life for both of us and I hope she is looking down and proud.

Those are 2 people that I will always miss but I know there will be more over the years but these two are the ones I miss right now.

Who do you miss?


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Premade Template-Turquiose Pop

I have been working on a great new product for the past couple of weeks and I am so excited to finally let you all in on what I have been working on. I have decided that I am going to be making premade templates for Blogger blogs. These templates will be customized with your blog name and tag line on them. They will all be 2 columns but I can’t change the number or columns for you for a different price.

The base price is going to be $10 and then if you want the columns changed it will be a extra $5. Here is the first one that I have done. So if you wanted to buy this design I would go in and add your blog name and tagline. I also can change the number of columns for you for $5. I am also willing to make social icons to match and/or a blog button.

So the price for this design is $10!!!! You can’t beat that price for a design that would ready to install in 1 day!

If you are interested please go and fill out this form. Once I receive this form I will invoice you and once I get payment it will be about 24 hours and I will be ready to install your new design!

If there are any types of templates you would like see please let me a comment and I will for sure make them!


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The Voynich Cypher


When a sacred relic is stolen from its subterranean guarded vault, Dr. Steven Cross, amateur cryptographer, becomes embroiled in a deadly quest to decipher one of history’s most enigmatic documents – a 15th century parchment written entirely in unbreakable code; The Voynich Manuscript. Stalked by secret societies, and aided by the daughter of a murdered colleague, a trail of riddles catapults Cross from England to Italy to the Middle East, where a Byzantine web of ancient secrets leads him to a revelation so profound it will change the world order.

My Review

I really liked this book. I reminded me at times of the Da Vinci Code and that is one of my favorites. I couldn’t put this book down because I wanted to know what was coming next and how it was all going to end. I was shocked at the end to say the least because I didn’t see it ending the way it did but it was the best ending I think it could have had. I fell in love with the characters and found myself nervous during parts because I wasn’t sure how it was all going to end and if they were going to make it out alive.

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Freaky Friday

Welcome to another addition of Freaky Friday!  I am looking to have one or 2 guest host each week so if you are interested please leave a comment and I will send you all the info!  You c an link up GFC, Twitter, Facebook & Google+ all in the same place.  Make sure you label what the link attaches too like I have done with the hosts.

There are just a few simple rules to follow for this one:

  • Grab the button and post in on your blog
  • Make sure you follow the hosts
  • Leave a comment so we can return the follow.

Try and follow are least 2 other people that are linked up
[inlinkz id = 1]

I hope to see everyone next week!!!!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret