Blogger Cliques

I was looking through Kludy Mom’s Idea Bank and saw this topic: Do you feel there are blogger cliques? And if so, where do you fit in?  When I saw it I knew I had to write about it because I do think that cliques happen in the blog world just like they happen in real life. I blogged for about a year before I started to find other blogs to read.  I of course found some of the big blogs when I was starting and I loved them but then drama started between one group of them and another group.  I stayed out of it and wasn’t sure what they were really arguing and fighting about but when I happened I literally stopped reading all of their blogs because I hate dealing with drama and crap that reminds me of high school.

As most of you know I am slowing starting my own design business and I have seen that there are also cliques in the design world.  I really have tried to stay out of them because I just don’t play that game and I also want to be friend with everyone.  I do have a really great friend who taught me all I know and is still around to help and give me advice.  Other than her I don’t really talk to other designers because I refuse to deal with drama and cliques.

I really just don’t see the need for cliques because as bloggers would should all support each other.  Drama of it all just gets old!

What do you guys think of cliques in the blog world?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

**Updated** Pastor Evil


Have you ever wondered what your real purpose or calling in life is? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were a prodigy of some type: like a pianist, mathematician, scientist, gifted athlete, or even a priest or pastor. But most of us plod through life doing something we fell into at an early age. Then we gain responsibilities and get stuck in those professions for the rest of our life. Find out what it is like to actually discover your calling in life at a later age and then act upon that calling with all your gathered knowledge and inherited gifts and skills. Robert McCabe spent a lot of his adult life with careers that he fell into for money to support his family. He didn’t hate his profession, but he felt there was always something missing. Then one day, after McCabe was semi-retired he was struck by a mental lightning bolt. He suddenly KNEW what his real purpose in life was to be. McCabe goes after that purpose with all his might and skill (The Destruction of True Evil). McCabe learned skills though out his career. They served him very well in the rooting out and destruction of evil beings in the world. He also discovered he possessed hidden gifts to help him with this true purpose in life. Join McCabe and watch what finding your true purpose in life could entail. It is sometimes terrifying and heart wrenching. He MUST always make the right decisions as witness, judge, and executioner of Evil.

My Review

I finished this book today and I couldn’t get into the book.  As I was reading it I just kept hoping that it would be over soon because it was no interesting to me in the least.  I found that odd though because I usually love books like this one but I just couldn’t get through the book.  It is super easy reading and I  know that there are people who would enjoy this book I just wasn’t one of them.

FTC-Received a copy for this book for me review.  The opinions are 100% mine.  I received no other compensation.


Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Huge Sale

If you are looking for a new design for your blog you can’t pass up this great sale. I have the two packages that are on sale listed below.

Blogger Sale $25

  • Header
  • Background
  • Menu bar
  • Blog button with grab code
  • Post divider
  • Signature
  • Sidebar title design
  • Footer message (ex: Thank You For Visiting)
  • Social Icons
  • 2 columns (left or right sidebar column placement)
  • 3 columns (2 columns right or left OR split with 1 column on each side)
  • 4 columns (left or right sidebar column placement)
This includes only a basic Menu Bar, if you want a drop down menu it will cost $10 extra.
This package doesn’t include any digital images/kit fees. Sale $45

  • Header
  • Background
  • Blog Button
  • Signature
  • Social icons
  • Theme Used: Lifestyle, Prose, or Magazine from StudioPress
This package doesn’t include any digital images/kit fees.

Right now is a great time to get a new design! Please fill out this form if you are interested in this package. This sale ends on 3/30/2012

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Trust Leads to Romance-Guest Post #2

What stirs the embers of romance deep inside you?
• Loving Words
• Touch
• A Night Out?

Maybe you haven’t thought about romance lately because of busyness, fatigue, disillusionment, or hopelessness.

I’ve been there too.

But romance with the man you love may not be as elusive as you might think.

Though we all desire romance—every woman longs to be
noticed, pursued, and adored—few of us realize that…

our words and actions may serve as stumbling blocks rather than invitations for the man in our life to woo us romantically.

If this is true, then we’re sabotaging the very romance we desire. Reminds me of the saying,
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

Do you like what you’re experiencing in regard to romance?
If not, ask yourself if you’re more likely to trust OR control your husband.
You’ve seen the controlling type.
Most women on TV sitcoms struggle with control. They walk all over the men they’re with and it bothers us.

It’s easy to detect control in others, but are you guilty of similar actions?

Let’s look deeper and find out.
1. Do you correct your husband?
2. Do you instruct your husband?
3. Do you improve your husband?

Do you correct your husband’s pronunciation or perhaps the
telling of a story when you know he’s got the facts mixed up?

When you correct your husband you’re telling him he did something wrong.
In this position you’ve become his mother. And that’s a romance killer if there ever was one.

Do you instruct your husband when he drives, performs
tasks, or helps out with the kids?

When you instruct your husband, you’re sending the message, “You don’t know how to do this.”
In this position you become the teacher who highlighted his ineptitude. Exposed, he’ll either shrink or strike back, rather than pursue.

Do you improve your husband?
In the past, I’ve tried to improve Tom’s appearance whenever possible. Once, when dressing for dinner at an elegant restaurant on vacation, I wore a vintage cashmere jacket with pearls and heels while Tom wore an improbable, wrinkled ensemble worthy of an episode of What Not to Wear. Yet, I didn’t say a word! (Some of you may be appreciating the restraint that required!) If I’d shared my fashion-improvement advice with him, I would have sent the romance-spoiling message, “You could have done better.”

In what areas do you try to improve your husband?

When we correct, instruct, and improve, we justify our actions by saying we’re just trying to help when, in reality, the measures we employ have more to do with fear—the fear that we won’t get what we want or we’ll get it too late.

Whenever our actions are borne of fear, the results we experience will be disappointing at best!

Give your fears to God and trust your husband with new words and actions…

Inviting him to romance.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret