Holistic Honey Body Lotion

About The Product

Honey is a natural humectants, which means it attracts and retains moisture. The natural hydrating and antioxidant properties of honey trap and seal the moisture, rejuvenate the skin, cleanse the complexion leaving it soft. Honey in its purest organic form is suitable for all skin types, and has amazing holistic healing properties. Our Organic Honey is produced, processed, and packaged in accordance with national regulations and independent organic farming certification organization. This means that the land is organic and within a radius of 4 miles from the apiary site, and, nectar and pollen sources must consist of organic crops or uncultivated areas. According to the USDA, organic honey is quite rare to find because most beekeepers routinely use sulfate compounds and antibiotics to control bee diseases, carbolic acid to remove honey from the hive and calcium cyanide to kill colonies before extracting the honey. Do you want that on your skin? Please use holistic honey instead.

My Review

The first thing I noticed about this product was the smell.  I am not a fan of the smell but it does go away shortly after you put it on.  It smelled like outdoors.  After the smell did go away I really like the lotion.  It made me skin super soft.  I personally don’t know if I would ever use this because of the initial smell but if it didn’t have such a strong smell I would for sure use this because I do love using natural products.  That being said my grandma likes the lotion and so does her sister so it may be better for older people.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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My Top 10 YouTube Channels

The last few months I have really started to watch video’s on YouTube and I want to share some of my favorites that I have found.

*It was so hard for me to chose this list.  These are the ones that I have to watch the minute their videos go up.

10-FmunkMOC-I am sure most of you have heard this comedian.  He is the one who does the Stop It B.  He did the pay your bills one that was going around on Facebook.  Everything he says is so true.  You may not want to watch him if you get offend easily or if you don’t like cursing.

9-Friday Night High Lite-I love how honest this chick is.  She will always tell it like it is and she just got engaged.

8- Carla the Bubblelush– This lady talks about cloth diapering and the struggles they are currantly having trying to conceive baby#2.  I know I am not a mom but I do love what she says and they types of videos she makes.

7-Jingleheartart-This chick is from England.  All of her videos make me laugh.  She is does crazy things and I actually started watching her video’s because I loved her bright pink hair.  I believe her heir color is green right now but she always has bright colored hair and I wish I had the guts to make me hair different colors.

6-Gracie from Ugly Face Of Beauty-I love this lady because she has put up videos about bullying and things like that.  She is another one that if she lived in the USA I would so want to meet.

5-Vanessa’s beauty channel & her vlog channel-This girl is always making me laugh.  Some of her videos she makes fun of things that all beauty gurus do on YouTube.  She is a super cool chick that I wish I could meet.

4-GabeandJesss-This lady just gave birth two twin boys and she also has a daughter that is around 2 years old or something.  This girl has tons of haters because she had her daughter when she was a teenager and then got pregnant again with the twins.  She is a great mom and I don’t think it matters how old you are when you have kids as long as they are taken care of and loved.

3-Grav3yardgirl-This girl makes me laugh so hard and I love all of her videos.  She always buys the craziest shoes and does unboxing videos when she gets them.  I love to see what shoes she will get next because they area always so fun.

2- Jenna Marbles- comedy channel & her vlog channel.  So of the her videos might offend some people but all of them make me laugh and I know most people will find her funny as well.  She posts a video every Wednesday on her comedy channel.

1-Samantha Schuerman beauty channel.  She used to do daily vlog’s that included her husband and her son but they stopped making them because of cyber bullying.

There are so many more than 10 but I didn’t want this list to go on and on forever.   If you would like me to post other of my favorites let me know and I will for sure work on another post!

*Now that I am reading over the list there are so many that I missed that I love.  I am for sure going to post some more of my favorites so you can go and check them out! 

If you do go and watch any of them let me know what you think of them!  Do you have any YouTube channels that you love to watch?  If so I want to check them out so leave the link in the comments and I will check them out.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Final Justice


When several grisly murders stun a quiet Midwest town, a dedicated young attorney is certain she knows the killer’s identity. Is her intuition correct? And, can the “Rockport Ravager” be stopped? Follow Rebecca Fraser’s sleuth work in a page-turning murder mystery that’s got it all: love, lies, cover-ups, and a ton of unexpected twists.

Some of the interesting characters you’ll meet include an ambitious district attorney, a psychotic young heir, a smug defense attorney and his attractive British wife, a promiscuous secretary, and a police psychologist with dark secrets. Whodunit? You’ll probably guess wrong – but you are sure to have a delightful time solving the mystery!

My Review

I was so glad that this book was so short because I couldn’t put it down. I read it in less than 24 hours. Right from the start this book grabbed my attention and held it until the very end. The characters were so easy for me to relate to that is was easy for me to like them and understand them. The only part I didn’t like was the ending but that is only because it is a typical ending.

FTC-I Received this book for free from Dorrance Publishing in exchange for my review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own opinions.
Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret