The Bargain by Stephanie Reed

the bargain stephanie reed
 The Bargain by Stephanie Reed was an okay book.  I have to say that this book wasn’t the easiest for me to get through. I am not sure why I had a hard time getting through it but I did. I liked the story and the characters. There were parts in the book that I didn’t like and I think they could have done without but all in all it was a good book. I didn’t like the ending but that is only because I felt bad for the characters and I wanted so much more for them but that is just what happens to me because I feel like the characters are real.

The Bargain

About The Bargain

 Book one in the Plain City Peace series.

It’s 1971, and Betsie Troyer’s peaceful and predictable life is about to become anything but.

When their parents flee the Amish, nineteen-year-old Betsie and her seventeen-year-old sister Sadie are distraught. Under the dubious guidance of a doting aunt, the girls struggle to keep the secret, praying their parents will return before anyone learns the truth-a truth that may end all hopes of Betsie’s marriage to Charley Yoder.

The Bargain by Stephanie Reed

About Stephanie Reed

Stephanie Reed lives onthe outskirts of Plain City, Ohio, site of a once-thriving Amish community. She gleans ideas for her novels from signs glimpsed along thebyways of Ohio, as she did for her previous books, “Across the Wide River” and “The Light Across the River.”

Learn more at Stephanie’s website:

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One Thing Elinore Does That Drives Me Insane!

Drives Me Insane

This week for the writers workshop I choose to write about number four which is: Your pets least likable character trait.  I chose this one because I could literally list several things that she does that drives me up the wall and this is the one thing  that drives everyone in my house insane.

Since I moved back home a few years ago Elinore has started only using the litter boxes to pee in them and not when she poops.  She will go out side of the box in the laundry room and on the rug that we have right next in front of the door from the garage.  I have no idea why she does this and what made her start doing this but needless to say everyone is tired of it.

When she does go outside and go to bathroom she will poop in the lawn but she will only pee in dirt or in a litter box so it isn’t like she doesn’t know what the litter box is for.  She just seems to not want to use it when she poops.  I have googled reasons why she has started doing this but everyone knows with cats you never know why they start to do crazy things.

If any of you have any advice on how to stop her from doing this I would greatly appreciate it.

What is one thing that your pet does that drives you insane?

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The Journey of Josephine Cain by Nancy Moser

The Journey of Josephine Cain by Nancy Moser was one of the best books I have read in a long time.  I read this book from cover to cover in about 6 hours because I really couldn’t put this book down. I loved the characters and the authors writing. In this book you get to go along with Josie (Josephine) as she goes and to visit her dad as he works on the Transcontinental Railroad. This book takes place right after the civil war has ended and they are working on the railroad as a way to bring the country together and also give men jobs.

Right before her father leaves to go and work on railroad he brings home a man named Lewis that ends up courting Josie. I have say from the minute Lewis was introduced I couldn’t stand him. I am not sure what it was about him but I didn’t like him at all. The longer the story went the less and less that I liked him.

Her first trip out to visit her dad she meets Hudson who from the minute they introduced him I hoped that Josie would end up with him. He fought in the civil war with 2 of his brothers. One of the brothers ended up dying and then after the war ended he and his youngest brother went to work on the railroad because they needed to send money home to their parents.

I loved how this story ended and everything about this book. The author does such a good job of making you feel you are right there with the characters. You also understand where the characters are coming from and why they do the things that they do.

About The Journey of Josephine Cain

When a socialite from the nation’s capital embarks on a journey to the Wild West, her life is changed forever.

A setting populated by hundreds of laborers, outlaws, and Indians is hardly the place for a wealthy general’s daughter. But Josephine Cain is determined to visit her father, who supervises the day-to-day work involved in the grandest ambition of post-Civil War America: the building of the Transcontinental Railroad. Life with the railroad is far from the proper life Josephine is used to, and she faces deadly gunfights, harsh weather, and vigilante uprisings. She is torn between the West and the East; between her privileged upbringing and the challenges of a new frontier; between the pull of the suitable beau her parents approve of and an attraction to a rough but charming Irish railroad worker. But if Josephine is willing, she just might find a new life, a unique purpose . . . and true love.


About Nancy Moser

Nancy Moser is the best-selling author of more than twenty novels. She is a winner and two-time nominee of the Christy Award, and her latest novel was named to Booklist’s “Top 10 Romance Novels of 2011.” Nancy and her husband have three grown children and three grandchildren, and they live in the Midwest.

Learn more at Nancy at:

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Phone Case Of The Month-September #PieInTheSky

Phone Case Of The Month

It is time for another phone case post.  I received this case almost a month ago now and I am just now getting around to writing a post for this case.  I have to say that I am not a huge fan of this case but that is okay.  I am going to give it to my little brother because he has the same phone as I do.  Here are pictures of this months case:

Case & Card Case Only Card Only

What do you think of it?  If you are interested in getting a different phone case each month you can click here and sign up!

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Gunpowder Tea by Margaret Brownley


Gunpowder Tea by Margaret Brownley was a super fun read.  I think the thing I loved most about this book is that it had a very unique plot.    The main character Miranda is and undercover detective in trying to figure out who is the Phantom is.  I have to say that the first chapter had me laughing and I knew from that first chapter I was going to love this book.   This entire book was a cute story and I am going to go on and read the other two books because I love this authors writing.  If you want to read a super cute story than this one is for you.

About Gunpowder Tea

In a case that could change her career, Miranda uncovers a love that will change her life.When Miranda Hunt sees the classified ad for an heiress to the legendary Last Chance Ranch, she knows assuming the identity of Annie Beckman is the perfect cover. As one of the finest agents for the Pinkerton Detective Agency, Miranda has been tasked with apprehending the Phantom—an elusive and notorious train robber thought to be hiding on the sprawling ranch.But she isn’t the only one at the ranch with something to hide. Wells Fargo detective
Jeremy Taggart is working undercover as well. Their true identities may be a secret, but it is impossible for Jeremy and Miranda to hide the sparks flaring between them.
Neither is about to let romance interfere with such a huge case. Besides, Miranda hasn’t removed Jeremy from her list of suspects yet. The closer they get to uncovering the identity of the Phantom, the more dangerous he gets—and no one on the ranch is safe.The longer Miranda and Jeremy spend working together, the harder it becomes to keep their feelings in check. Their careers-and their lives-depend on solving this case. Love will just have to wait.

“In the exquisitely intriguing finale to her Brides of Last Chance Ranch trilogy, Brownley blends faith and romance with a dash of mystery to serve up a cozy, fulfilling story set in the Arizona Territory of the 1890s . . . .This enchanting account of the hardships and wonders of the Old West features many delightful characters. The story stands on its own merits, independent of the first two in the series, drawing readers into a world that is difficult to leave.” —Publishers Weekly


About The Author Margaret Brownley

Thrills, mystery, suspense, romance: Margaret penned it all. Nothing wrong with this—except Margaret happened to be writing for the church newsletter at the time. After making the church picnic read like a Grisham novel, her former pastor took her aside and said, “Maybe God’s calling you to write fiction.” So that’s what Margaret did. She’s now a New York Times bestselling author and a Romance Writers of America RITA finalist with more than 25 novels to her credit. Her first non-fiction book Grieving God’s Way: the Lasting Path to Hope and Healing has won much critical acclaim. She is currently working on the third book in her Brides of Last Chance Ranch series. Not bad for someone who flunked 8th grade English. Just don’t ask her to diagram a sentence.

Learn more at Margaret’s website:

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