Box Review:NatureBox

Subscription Box Reviews

I get several subscription boxes sent to me each month and I figured I would review some of them for you in case you would be interested in signing up for them as well.  I love getting them because who doesn’t like to get surprises in the mail each month.  The one I am going to be talking about today is the NatureBox. They have three different sized boxes where you get a different amount of snacks in your box.  The one I get is $19.95 and I get five snacks each month.  One thing that makes this one different is that you can chose what you want in the box or you can let them surprise you each month.  Now lets get on to the fun part of this post.

Here is what the box looks like and what all the products look like:

Outside All Products

The first snack that I opened an ate were the Dried Peaches and I have to say that I loved them!  I love dried fruit and these were amazing.


I didn’t try the next thing because I am not a fan of Seaweed but my Grandma did and she said they were okay but you could taste the seaweed in them.

Seaweed Rice Pops

The next thing I got was the Popsugar Must Have mix.  I received one these in Popsugar box as well as one in this box.  This was a great mix and I actually gave this one to my Grandma because I ate the first one and I didn’t need this one as well.

Popsugar Must have mix

I love pistachios and these ones didn’t let me down.  I love that you could taste the lemon when you are eating them.  I never would have thought to combine these two flavors but they did work!

Lemon Pucker

The last product I received in this box was Blueberry Almond Bites.  These were so good.  I love the different textures and the combination of flavors that you get with these.

Blueberry Almond Bites

I love this box because the snacks are healthy and they taste amazing.  If you want to sign up you can click here and get your own box.  Is this something that you would like to get?

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William Blake-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by William Blake.  Go ahead and read the quote and I will take about it below.

William Blake

I love this because it is so true.  I truly believe that you can never go to high if you are doing things on your own and not depending on other people.  What do you think about this quote?  Do you like it?  Let me know in the comments below!

What quotes are you loving right now?

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Truckers Cat by Christina Thompson

Truckers Cat by Christina Thompson was an interesting book to read.  I have to be honest I thought I was going to love this  book but it turned out that it wasn’t one of my favorite books.  I am not sure why but about the middle of the book I was bored and I had to push myself to finish the book.  It was an okay book but I think it just wasn’t the book for me.


About The Book

Contemporary Romance Date Published: January 6, 2014

 “Some men think there’s a choice between right and wrong. Great men know there is none.” ~General Steven Randall

In The Trucker’s Cat, Samantha Randall and Major Logan McCormick believe in a common value that takes on extraordinary meaning.

At the Russian Embassy where she lives with her mother and stepfather, Samantha uncovers a plot to assassinate the President. Her father’s famous speech urges her to act. She treks cross-country to warn the driver that his cargo has the proof, but she finds herself stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Driving a truck on a special military assignment, Logan sees no choice and rescues Sam from a bloated lecher. Against protocol, he gives the wildcat a ride. With Russian soldiers searching for Logan’s cargo and another team chasing Samantha, they quickly realize they must work together. Making sacrifices for the greater good, they will do what’s necessary to prevent the unthinkable.

Christina Thompson

About The Author

Christina Thompson, a retired acupuncturist, enjoys writing about the physical science, the emotional workings of our mind and heart, and the spiritual energy that taps into our passions.

Her degree in biology from Nazareth College in Kalamazoo gave her a love of science and a background into the physical realm of the body. Her diploma in Traditional Chinese acupuncture from Midwest College of Oriental Medicine taught her that the mind and spirit affect the body in powerful ways.
She teaches at the Reflexions Plus Holistic Center on many topics including massage therapy, acupuncture, Feng Shui as well as other modalities of Chinese medicine. She currently resides with her husband, Kraig, in West Michigan.


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MS Tuesday-Crazy Things I Deal With

MSI was reading this post last week and I loved how it described what some of this things that people Multiple Sclerosis go through and it made me want to list a few of the things that I deal with because of the MS.  I know that people who are around me don’t know what I go through most of the time because I am not the kind of person who complains or even talks about what I am feeling so I think this list will help others who are newly diagnosed to know that they aren’t alone.  So here goes the list:

  • Right now the number one thing I am dealing with is insomnia & extreme fatigue.  I wish there as a way to explain how it the fatigue I am experiencing is different from just a regular person feeling tired.  The best way to describe it that I can come up with is that it takes to much energy to even breath.  If I could stop breathing I would because it takes more energy than I have at that moment.
  • My fingers have been totally numb for about 6 years or so.  When it first happened it was scary because I couldn’t type or really do anything.  I taught myself to type and how to do everything that I used to do.  The reason that this bugs me is because there are somethings that I touch that I have to drop because I can’t stand how they feel on my fingers.
  • I get random shooting pains that come out of no where and go away as quickly as they came.
  • Headaches/Migraines: I have been struggling with these before I was diagnosed.  I am pretty sure that the migraines I get are part of my MS because they have never really said one way or another.
  • My legs just deciding that they no longer need to work when I am walking or when I go to stand up from sitting.

Those are the main things that I deal with on a daily basis.  I know there are more things but because of the whole lack of sleep and fatigue those are the only ones I can think of.

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Rose Kennedy-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by Rose Kennedy.  Read the quote and then I will tell you my thoughts on it.

Rose Kennedy

From the minute I saw this quote I knew I had to use it.  I have wondered quite a few times in the past couple years if time really does heal all wounds or if like Rose says you just learn to deal with the pain because there are days when it feels like everything just happened yesterday and not years ago.  I wish that time could actually make things go away completely because it is hard to not know when something is going to remind you of the past and put you into a tailspin.

What do you think of this quote???  What quotes are you loving right now???

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A Promise in Pieces by Emily Wierenga

Quilts of Love Emily Wierenga A Promise in Pieces
A Promise in Pieces by Emily Wierenga was an amazing book.  I loved this book because it has to do with WWII and everyone knows that I loved that time period. I don’t know that I have ever read a book that has to do with WWII that I haven’t liked. Anyway lets get to this review. I loved the authors writing but I have to say I didn’t like the ending. I feel like parts of the book were never wrapped up and I was left wondering about how things worked out and what characters thought about things. I feel like the ending was rushed and that kind of made me sad because I am still wondering what happened with some of the loose ends. All in all it was a great book and I am still glad that I read it.

A Promise in Pieces

About The Book

A baby quilt touches many hearts as it travels from family-to-family and through generations.

After the end of World War II, Clara Kirkpatrick returns from the Women’s Army Corp to deliver a dying soldier’s last wishes: convey his love to his young widow, Mattie, with apologies for the missed life they had planned to share.
Struggling with her own post-war trauma, Clara thinks she’s not prepared to handle the grief of this broken family. Yet upon meeting Mattie, and receiving a baby quilt that will never cuddle the soldier’s baby, Clara vows to honor the sacrifices that family made.
Now a labor and delivery nurse in her rural hometown, Clara wraps each new babe in the gifted quilt and later stitches the child’s name into the cloth. As each new child is welcomed by the quilt, Clara begins to wonder whatever happened to Mattie—and if her own life would ever experience the love of a newborn. Little does she know that she will have the opportunity to re-gift the special quilt—years later and carrying even greater significance than when it was first bestowed.

Emily Wierenga

About The Author

 Emily Wierenga is a former editor, ghostwriter, freelance writer and staff journalist, a monthly columnist for The Christian Courier, and the author of Save My Children(Castle Quay Books, 2008), Chasing Silhouettes (Ampelon Publishing, 2012) and Mom in the Mirror(Rowman & Littlefield, 2013). Emily resides in Alberta, Canada. This is her first novel.

Learn more about Emily at:

Quilts Of Love

About Quilts of Love

Quilts tell stories of love and loss, hope and faith, tradition and new beginnings. TheQuilts of Love series focuses on the women who quilted all of these things into their family histories. A new book releases each month and features contemporary and historical romances as well as women’s fiction and the occasional light mystery. You will be drawn into the endearing characters of this series and be touched by their stories.


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