Barclay Publicity’s Summertime eReader Giveaway!


More than 20 authors will be sharing their best and worst pick-up lines during this EPIC eReader Giveaway! Win dozens of prizes, including swag packs, print or eBooks, gift cards, tote, posters, themed prizes, etc…and of course, a grand prize of four (4) eReaders!

Win one of four (4) eReaders including:

Two 7” Kindle Fire Tablets

One Kindle Paperwhite

One Kindle Touchscreen

+ tons of runner-up prizes

Participating Authors:

7/27   Patty Blount

          Shelly Bell

           Sarah Castille

7/28   Lia Davis

          Lisa Nicholas

7/29   Jodi Linton

          Michelle Madow

7/30   Shelly Bell

          Jane Peden

          Kristi Hancock

7/31  Robin Covington

         Caroline Lee

8/3    Veronica Forand

         Samantha Ann King

8/4    Kerry Adrienne

         Lizzy Ford

8/5    Suzie T. Roos

         Sharon Hamilton

8/6    Linda Bond

         Heather Long

         Alyssa Richards

8/7    Michelle Sharp

         Kristine Bria


Want to meet up with our author sponsors? Join the fun at the Summertime eReader Giveaway event page on Facebook: ! Authors will be making appearances on the day of their posts so be sure to pop by and say hello.

Are you ready to enter-to-win? Follow the giveaway stops for your chance to win one of these amazing prizes here: Summertime eReader Giveaway!

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Twelve years ago, I gave up the search for Mr. Right. After countless dates with frogs who never turned into my prince, I’d decided I’d rather be single than endure another night of listening to a man complain about his three ex-wives or brag about how much money he made. Of course, that’s when I got the email that would change my life. Here’s a snippet:

Hi Shelly,

My name is Jason and I live in Milford. I hadn’t looked at the Speed Dating site in a long time, and then I received an e-mail that the site was shutting down. So I decided to take a last look and found you there. I guess my profile on the site is fairly accurate, but I never submitted a picture or completed any essays. Just from your profile, you sound like someone I would like to meet. So to fill in the gaps from the profile (and convince you that I’m not some crazy stalker) let me tell you a little more about myself. I also enjoy camping and hiking as well as traveling, mostly the US by car, but someday a bit more. I am a civil engineer and work in Ann Arbor.

Boris the dog and I have a house in Milford, walking distance to downtown. We usually get a bunch of exercise walking all over town, but this cold makes it a little more challenging. He likes the cold much more than me. Or maybe the fur coat makes him not care…I’ll see if I can get a photo of myself to send to you…

We spent the rest of the day emailing back and forth. He didn’t get a photo of himself, but he did send me one of his dog, Boris and it was love at first site! Jason and I set up a phone call for the following day, and it was in that conversation, I learned his last name was Bell. My mother had told me that when she .met my father, she’d heard “bells” and I would too. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but I had a feeling he was “the one.”

A day later, we met in person. As soon as I saw him, it was as if a piece of me recognized him as my soul mate. We talked for hours and only ended our date because I had a prior event. Rather than wait, he called me that night and we spoke another few hours on the phone.

Five months later, we were engaged and six months after that, we were married.

Then Boris…became my dog too.

Shelly Bell- BORIS


A sucker for a happy ending, Shelly Bell writes sensual romance often with a bit of kink and action-filled erotic thrillers with high-emotional stakes for her alpha heroes and kick-ass heroines.

She began writing upon the insistence of her husband who dragged her to the store and bought her a laptop. When she’s not working her day job, taking care of her family, or writing, you’ll find her reading the latest smutty romance.

She currently writes for Avon Red Impulse.

Facebook | Twitter | Website

Shelly Bell- RED_HANDED

Red Handed (A Benediction Novel)


An exhibitionist who’s waited her whole life to be seen …

After her stepmother is abducted, Danielle Walker has no choice but to follow the kidnapper’s cryptic instructions. Under the guise of a sex slave trainee, she must infiltrate Cole DeMarco’s BDSM club and find evidence of his offshore bank account … or she’ll never see her stepmother alive again. But Master Cole is no stranger, and despite the dark past they share, Danielle cannot resist his magnetic pull.

The voyeur who’s always been watching …

As Danielle begins uncovering Cole’s secrets, the artistic voyeur arouses her deepest desires, and she surrenders to a fiery passion she never expected. But with time running out to save her stepmother, Danielle and Cole will face off against an evil growing more ruthless by the day … and discover a twisted web of lies, betrayal, and murder that neither saw coming.

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The stupidest pick-up attempt I ever heard was when I was in my early 20’s working for a nonprofit disaster relief agency on an out-of-town job in Pittsburgh raising funds to help flood victims.  After work a group of us from various cities made plans to go out to dinner together.  Everyone agreed to go back to our rooms and change out of business clothes and meet up in the hotel lobby in half an hour.

There was a particularly annoying guy named Bob from the Cincinnati office who had been bossing me around all day because he had been on many of these fundraising assignments before, and this was my first.  (Rule #1: If you are thinking about trying to pick someone up later, it’s not a good idea to be condescending to them earlier in the day.)

So, he knew what room I was in and as I was getting ready to go down to the lobby he knocks at my door.  When I open it Bob says, I thought we could walk down to the lobby together.  Ok, that’s a little lame, but fine.

Then he stares down at his hand as if he’s just discovered he is holding his briefcase, and pastes this surprised, sheepish look on his face.  Oh, wow, says Bob, whose own room is about five doors down the hall, I don’t want to drag this thing along to dinner.  Can I just leave it here in your room and pick it up after? (Rule #2: If you think leaving your briefcase in a woman’s hotel room is your only chance you’ll  be invited in, you’re probably right.)

Needless to say, Bob never had a chance with me (See Rule #1), and I told him I’d be happy to wait right there in the hallway while he took his briefcase back to his own room.  I’ll admit, though, that I flirted with him a bit later in cab on the way back from dinner, just so I could shut him down when we got to the hotel.  He deserved it.

Bob could take a few lessons from Sam, the hero in my contemporary romance, THE MILLIONAIRE’S UNEXPECTED PROPOSAL.  When millionaire Miami lawyer Sam finds himself alone in Las Vegas  – and spots an elegant blonde also alone in the hotel lounge – he knows he’d much rather the two of them spend the evening together.  But Camilla is as unapproachable as she is beautiful.

Will Sam have better luck with Camilla than lame-o Bob had with me?  Well, he couldn’t do any worse . . .

TMUP-Jane Peden


One night together will change his life forever…

Camilla Winthrop is about to do something she’s never done in her life—she’s about to ask a man to marry her. Not just any man. She hasn’t seen Sam Flanagan in almost five years, after he coldly walked away from a passionate and intense two-week affair. Now Camilla is widowed and desperate…and marrying Sam is the only way she can protect their son.

The son he never knew about.

A hugely successful attorney in Miami, Sam certainly never expected to see the stunning Camilla come through his door again. Nor can he ignore the desire heating his blood. But after she tells him her situation, Sam is furious. He’ll marry her, but under his terms. And he’ll take everything, including Camilla in his bed…unless she can find a way to thaw the millionaire’s icy heart once more.

Jane Peden author photo


Jane Peden is the pen name of a Florida trial attorney who writes sexy contemporary category romances set in the exciting South Florida city of Miami, where millionaire lawyers live extravagant lifestyles and find love when they least expect it. When Jane is not in court, you can find her at the beach with her laptop, dreaming up stories about successful, confident men who know what they want and how to get it, and smart, sexy women who demand love on their own terms. Her books promise sizzling chemistry in the face of insurmountable obstacles. And just when things could not get any worse, an emotional payoff that makes it all worthwhile. Jane grew up in the mountains of western Pennsylvania, but decided early on that the only thing better than escaping the cold for a two-week vacation at the beach was to live there all year around, so she traded her snow boots for a jet ski and has never looked back. Jane lives on the sunny Gulf Coast of Florida with her husband, two kids, two dogs, and a fish.

You can reach Jane here: @JanePeden | Facebook | Website | Goodreads

Her debut  book,THE MILLIONAIRE’S UNEXPTECTED PROPOSAL is available here:

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At first I thought, what in the world am I going to write about? I’ve been married for what seems like forever, and I dated my husband exclusively for almost four years before that. So I decided to cheat. My sister is divorced and just experienced the worst pick-up attempt of her life. I’m going to share her nightmare then I’ll tell you the simple thing my husband did to hook me then reel me in.

Sis, who isn’t currently “on the hunt” has an old friend from high school who plays acoustic covers at different bars near where she lives. She likes to go see him with some of her girl and guy friends from high school to indulge in some no-pressure nostalgia. The singer–we’ll call him Mike–knows their little tribe comes just to see and support him, so he visits with them between sets.

Approaching one of Mike’s breaks on a Saturday, an older gentleman sidled up to my sister and started hitting on her. Whatever his come-ons were, they had zero impact on Sis who kept finding more creative and aggressive ways to say “no” while simultaneously flagging Mike down to come save her.

My sister is gorgeous and always has been. I’ve spent my life watching men fall all over themselves to grovel at her feet, leaving me to wonder, What am I? Chopped liver? The point being that I can imagine exactly how this man did whatever he could to garner her attention. He worked hard at it. Before Mike could finish his song and come to Sis’s rescue, the man knocked his drink over. On my sister. On purpose. He then proceeded to wipe it off her exposed legs as she fought off his octopus-like moves.

Then he said, “I’m as bad as my grandchildren.”

Sis isn’t looking for someone at all right now and has only dated guys her own age. Nothing against AARP members, but she isn’t interested in pursuing them or anyone else. Regardless, she’s just not into more experienced men, let alone seeking them out on I can only imagine her trying to clean herself up while simultaneously fending him off–while holding down her mini-skirt and sitting on a barstool at a hightop table. Imagine anyone trying to do that without falling off the seat.

Talk about what not to do.

Which begs the question, What in the world did my husband do to land a wild child like me?

He didn’t say a word. Mr. H. is a major introvert and barely spoke with anyone in our group of friends. He came to visit his brother in our college town right after I left for a two-month internship, so he had bonded with our group while I was away. One of us graduated shortly after I returned, and our small circle of friends met up in a fast food parking lot before heading to the ceremony.

I said, “I’m thirsty.”

He passed me his Mountain Dew.

We spent the rest of the day together, talking all through her party and into the night.

In the morning, he kissed me when the sun came up. Sigh.

Every time I share that story I fall in love with him all over again. We’re living the dream: happily ever after.

Kristi Hancock- HRrockhisworld

Rock His World Blurb

Sasha Ford lives life her way. Tattooed, pierced, and professionally satisfied, the Seattle music-lover has found her groove. She’s living her dream as a free-spirited graphic artist, but the fearless vixen has grown bored with her booty-calls and is on the prowl for a new conquest. Her trademark black eyeliner and scarlet lips serve as both invitation and warning to any man she pursues.

Seven years of college transformed small-town bad boy Avery Kingston into a super-geek. New to the city with his shiny PhD, he struggles to find his social identity by connecting with his tough guy roots. Attempting to merge his past with his present in the counter-culture, he finds himself in over his head—especially when sexy Sasha drags him into her world of mosh-pits and after-parties.

Sasha only expects a one night stand, but their searing chemistry leads them in a direction she’s less than comfortable with. Confronted with the female version of who Avery thought he could be, Sasha’s sexual advances bring out a carnal need to give as good as he gets. Sasha believes she can’t maintain her own identity if she’s in a serious relationship, but Avery wants more than sex from his hot rebel. He must convince her of his love and respect for her fierce independent streak or say goodbye to her forever. Is Avery strong enough to make Sasha break her own rules?

Pre-order Links: Liquid Silver Books | Amazon


About Kristi Hancock

After years as a slave to corporate America riding in Learjets and limos, Kristi Hancock dropped out of the business world to teach English and reading at an inner city school. A voracious romance reader since her teens, she was thrilled to discover she could write something more than technical manuals and business proposals. She lives with her husband, a tabby cat, a Maltese, and dozens of colorful fish. She loves being a passenger on her man’s motorcycle as they carve up winding mountain roads and speed across the local lake in their boat. With a Buddha statue on her desk, a teddy bear dressed like Shakespeare on her shelf, and a drawing of a skull with a Mohawk on her wall, she lets her imagination run wild as her characters tell her their naughty stories for all the world to read.

Connect with Kristi: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter


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Two Hearts by James Eric Richey

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from  in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

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Two Hearts by James Eric Richey was an okay book to read.  This was hard for me to get into and I don’t know that I ever really got into it.  I felt like some parts of the book were rushed and other parts were super long and could have been cut down.  With all the being said I still enjoyed the characters and the setting of the book.  I loved following along with Jaxon & Annie as they grew up and that things that they went through as a married couple.  I really did like Annie and felt bad for her because of the things that her mother told her about men.  If I am being honest I wasn’t a huge fan  Jaxon through parts of the  book but in the end I like him more than I hated him.  If you are looking for a romance novel that is more like something that could happen in real life I would for sure recommend this book to you.

About The Book

Jaxon Tagget is a cattle-rancher’s son, born and raised on the Double T, just outside of Dillon, Montana. In love with his high-school sweetheart, Annie, Jaxon proposes on graduation night, presenting her with a wedding ring made from gold he mined himself. Annie accepts immediately, to the horror of her bitter, man-hating mother.

Jaxon’s a wonderful husband, but the warnings of Annie’s mother linger in the young bride’s ears. And it doesn’t help that women continue to fall all over the markedly handsome Jaxon.

Unaware of his wife’s persistent doubts, Jaxon is struggling with his own troubles when he finds out his dad is sorely in need of money to save the ranch. But hope glimmers gold when he rediscovers the old mine on the Double T.

While Jaxon travels to verify the mine’s productivity, Annie grows increasingly suspicious. Is Jaxon’s absence what it seems, or does he have another, less faithful reason for his travels? When Annie sees a picture of the beautiful laboratory owner whom Jaxon is visiting, she’s sure the only gold he’s interested in is long, blond hair. Is Annie right, or will it be her doubts that forever sever their Two Hearts?

James Richey

About The Author

James Eric Richey was born and raised in California. He attended Brigham Young University, studying English with an emphasis in Literature. After graduating from BYU he returned home to California to further his education by attending law school. After passing the bar, James practiced in California for several years, but he quickly learned that he did not have a passion for the law.

In 1998 James obtained his real estate appraiser license, which has given him a flexible work schedule and allowed him to pursue his true passion, writing books. Besides his writing, he also enjoys reading, running, and sailing. James currently lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming, with his wife, Heather, and their two daughters.


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Barclay Publicity’s Summertime eReader Giveaway!


More than 20 authors will be sharing their best and worst pick-up lines during this EPIC eReader Giveaway! Win dozens of prizes, including swag packs, print or eBooks, gift cards, tote, posters, themed prizes, etc…and of course, a grand prize of four (4) eReaders!

Win one of four (4) eReaders including:

Two 7” Kindle Fire Tablets

One Kindle Paperwhite

One Kindle Touchscreen

+ tons of runner-up prizes

Participating Authors:

7/27   Patty Blount

         Sarah Castille

7/28   Lia Davis

         Lisa Nicholas

7/29   Jodi Linton

         Michelle Madow

7/30 Shelly Bell

         Jane Peden

         Kristi Hancock

7/31 Robin Covington

         Caroline Lee

8/3   Veronica Forand

         Samantha Ann King

8/4   Kerry Adrienne

         Lizzy Ford

8/5   Suzie T. Roos

         Sharon Hamilton

8/6   Linda Bond

         Heather Long

         Alyssa Richards

8/7   Michelle Sharp

         Kristine Bria

Want to meet up with our author sponsors? Join the fun at the Summertime eReader Giveaway event page on Facebook: ! Authors will be making appearances on the day of their posts so be sure to pop by and say hello.


Are you ready to enter-to-win? Follow the giveaway stops for your chance to win one of these amazing prizes here: Summertime eReader Giveaway!

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Jodi Linton

Hey there!


This blog is dedicated to every wannabe smooth-talker.


My name is Jodi Linton. I’m the author of the Deputy Laney Briggs Series and my upcoming The Original Sinners Motorcycle Club Series with Entangled Publishing. I’ve lived in Texas my entire life. And no, I’m not married to a ‘real’ cowboy. But I do share my suburbia home with a teacher who has a hobby moonlighting as a drummer.


Today I want to talk about horrible pick-up lines. You know, the ones that make you cringe with their seediness.  I’ve weathered my fair share of creepy one-liners, and while I’m like, “Get the hell away from me!” at the time, they can be quite hilarious in retrospect.


So when it came to needing a line for this blog post, I asked a fellow author friend about the worst pick-up line ever used on her, and hers beat any of mine hands down.  Her lovely boyfriend shot off this heart-stopper when they first met: “Hey, baby. You got five minutes to regret?”  I’ve gotta say it is pretty good, and yeah, maybe back in the day when my husband was trying every play in the book to snag a date with me this one would’ve made me laugh. And it probably would have made me say, “Buy me a drink, and then we’ll see about the next five minutes.”


Tell me. What’s some of your favorite worst pick-up lines ever?


Bye for now, y’all,

Jodi Linton

Jodi Linton

Author Bio:


Jodi Linton is the author of the Deputy Laney Briggs Series and the upcoming The Original Sinners Motorcycle Club with Entangled Publishing. She lives in Texas with her husband and two kids. When she is not writing about sassy females and dirty talking heroes, she enjoys long walks and family time down at the river. Join the Pink Pistol Readers! Jodi Linton’s official Street Team for insider scoops on all her upcoming books. 


Social media:

 Jodi Linton- Pretty Lawless1600

Pretty Lawless Blurb


She’s about to go vigilante on his ass…


Laney Briggs was almost certain that her sexy-assed Texas Ranger, Gunner Wilson, was gonna pop the question. Instead, he went and pulled one helluva fast one—he arrested her best friend, Luke Wagner and skipped out. Now Pistol Rock’s firecracker deputy is ready to go Wild West on Gunner…if she can just keep that raw, sexual chemistry under control.


Gunner was planning to propose, and it all went to hell. Now he’s boots-deep into an investigation with ties to the Dirty Southern Mafia and corrupt cops. Yep, Laney is definitely gonna have his hide. Especially when she finds out just how much he’s been keeping from her…


But Laney has a weakness for Gunner’s delectable cowboy hotness. And for him, she will break every rule in the book—including the ones she’s sworn to uphold.


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Pick Up Lines Post

By Michelle Madow


As I’m sure a lot of you know, the most recent trend in online dating is an app called Tinder. A few months ago, a friend convinced me to give it a try. I did – because why not? It’s free, and since technology is such a big part of our lives in this day and age, online dating has lost a lot of the stigma that it had a few years ago.


For those of you who haven’t heard anything about Tinder, here’s a brief summary about how it works:


  • You make a brief profile with 1-5 pictures and a few lines about yourself.
  • It’s connected to Facebook, which creates trust that the people you’re talking to are real.
  • If you think a person is hot, you swipe right on their picture. If they’re not your type, you swipe left.
  • A chat box will be available only if both people have swiped right to each other. (This way, you’re not bombarded with messages from people who aren’t your type.)


Once the chat box is available, both people are mutually attracted to each other! Yay! Now … it’s time for the inevitable pick up line. I have gotten a lot of terrible ones. So I hope you enjoy this collection of terrible pick up lines (and my responses) that I received on Tinder!


Michelle Madow- Guest Post 2 Michelle Madow- Guest Post 1


For the record, I’m not on Tinder right now. Occasionally (once every few weeks), I’ll go on the app hoping for a miracle, but I give up after a few hours, when I receive an onslaught of cheesy pickup lines and am reminded about why I stopped using the app in the first place.

Michelle Madow- OfficialFrontCover

All-access doesn’t mean no problems.

The three Diamond sisters survived the summer in style after coming to live with their long-lost billionaire father. But making a place for themselves at their exclusive new Las Vegas private school is throwing them any number of gold-plated curves. Savannah’s YouTube stardom turns into a Sweet Sixteen reality show extravaganza—with complimentary enemies on the side. Dangerous flirtations don’t keep Peyton from a gamble that will risk far more than she planned to bet. And when Courtney and the sisters’ archenemy, Madison, uncover two explosive secrets, it will rock even this town of glittering illusion—and turn their lives upside down all over again.

Sisterhood, first crushes, and scandalous secrets explode in book two of Michelle Madow’s riveting series, The Secret Diamond Sisters.




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Michelle Madow wrote her first novel, Remembrance, in her junior year of college. Remembrance is the first book in The Transcend Time Saga, a three part series about reincarnation and true love that Michelle successfully self-published. The series was inspired by Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” music video. Michelle’s latest YA series, The Secret Diamond Sisters, about three sisters who discover they are the secret heirs to a Las Vegas billionaire casino owner, was published in March 2014 by Harlequin Teen. The second book in the series, Diamonds in the Rough, released in November 2014, and the third book, Diamonds are Forever, will be coming out in November 2015. Michelle is active on social media networks and has toured across America to promote her books and encourage high school students to embrace reading and writing.


Michelle lives in Boca Raton, Florida, where she is writing more novels for young adults. She loves reading, spending time with family and friends, traveling the world, shopping, Disney fairy tales, Broadway musicals, and loves talking with fans on Facebook (/MichelleMadow), Twitter (@MichelleMadow), and Instagram (@MichelleMadow). Visit Michelle online at


To chat with Michelle and other fans about her books, join Michelle Madow’s Street Team on Facebook!


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Up To I Do by Samantha March


About The Book

Emerson Sinclair, twenty-seven year old hotel heiress, has said yes. With just over a year to plan her extravagant, over the top nuptials to Logan Worthington, it’s all hands on deck with the wedding plans. A Sinclair marrying into the Worthington family is the talk of their small New Hampshire town, and ideas include filming the wedding for a TV segment. But as the items get checked off the list, plans start to go … not as planned. From not getting a designer dress to a selfish bridesmaid and unaccountable best man, Emerson is afraid her wedding will be more a joke than anything.
When both her mother and sister seemingly begin to lose interest in her wedding plans in favor of their own personal lives, Emerson fears her big day will turn into the forgotten wedding. With the pressure to pull off a beautiful and elegant event that everyone expects from their respectable families, Emerson starts to forget the reason why she is saying I Do in the first place.


About The Author

Samantha March is an author, editor, publisher, blogger, and all-around book lover. She runs the popular book/women’s lifestyle blog ChickLitPlus, which keeps her bookshelf stocked with the latest reads and up-to-date on all things health, fitness, fashion, and beauty related. In 2011, she launched her independent publishing company, Marching Ink, and has four published novels—Destined to FailThe Green TicketA Questionable Friendship, and Up To I Do. When she isn’t reading, writing, or blogging, you can find her cheering for the Green Bay Packers. Samantha lives in Iowa with her husband and Vizsla puppy.

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Up To I Do

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A Heart’s Promise by Colleen Coble


Book Review

A Heart’s Promise by Colleen Coble was a great addition to this series.  If you have missed the other 4 reviews I have them listed right below this review so you can check them out.  You do have to read the books in this series in order because these books were originally one book that they broke them up into 6 different books.  Anyway lets get to the review of this book.  I think this may be my favorite book in this series so far.  I think I love these characters the most out of any of them.  I loved this series so much that I read the last book in the series so I know how the series ends but I will get into the ending next month.  I still felt so bad for Emmie because of everything that she has to go through and the things that have happened to her.  I have to say that I am still not a fan of Jessica and I really wish that she wasn’t in this book but I understand why she was and what not.  If you are looking for a great series of books than I would for sure recommend this book to you.  They are all about 100 pages so they are super quick and easy reads.

Here are the reviews on the other 4 books in case you missed them.

Book 1-A Heart’s Disguise (A Journey of the Heart, #1)

Book 2-A Heart’s Obsession (A Journey of the Heart, #2)

Book 3-A Heart’s Danger (A Journey of the Heart, #3)

Book 4-A Heart’s Betrayal (A Journey of the Heart #4)

A Heart's Promise

About The Book

A Heart’s Promise (Thomas Nelson, July 2015)

Emmie makes a promise to her friend that, if fulfilled, could mean the end to her dreams of a future with Isaac.

Emmie Croftner let Isaac Liddle go to avoid telling him about her past. But Isaac remains determined to win Emmie’s heart and hand. Though Emmie resolves to keep her heart in check, it hurts when she sees that another woman has set
her bonnet for Isaac.

Then Emmie’s dear friend extracts a costly promise: if anything happens to her in childbirth, Emmie will marry her widower and raise the baby herself. And it seems Emmie may have to fulfill that promise. But can she live happily without Isaac?


About The Author

Colleen Coble has sold over 2 million novels worldwide.Seagrass Pier, the third installment in her acclaimed Hope Beach series, marks a new highpoint for emotion and complexity in Coble’s addictive brand of romantic suspense.


Find Colleen online: websiteFacebookTwitter

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Barclay Publicity’s Summertime eReader Giveaway!


More than 20 authors will be sharing their best and worst pick-up lines during this EPIC eReader Giveaway! Win dozens of prizes, including swag packs, print or eBooks, gift cards, tote, posters, themed prizes, etc…and of course, a grand prize of four (4) eReaders!

Win one of four (4) eReaders including:

Two 7” Kindle Fire Tablets

One Kindle Paperwhite

One Kindle Touchscreen

+ tons of runner-up prizes

Participating Authors:

7/27   Patty Blount

         Sarah Castille

7/28   Lia Davis

         Lisa Nicholas

7/29   Jodi Linton

         Michelle Madow

7/30 Shelly Bell

         Jane Peden

         Kristi Hancock

7/31 Robin Covington

         Caroline Lee

8/3   Veronica Forand

         Samantha Ann King

8/4   Kerry Adrienne

         Lizzy Ford

8/5   Suzie T. Roos

         Sharon Hamilton

8/6   Linda Bond

         Heather Long

         Alyssa Richards

8/7   Michelle Sharp

         Kristine Bria


Want to meet up with our author sponsors? Join the fun at the Summertime eReader Giveaway event page on Facebook: ! Authors will be making appearances on the day of their posts so be sure to pop by and say hello.

Are you ready to enter-to-win? Follow the giveaway stops for your chance to win one of these amazing prizes here: Summertime eReader Giveaway!

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The Worst Shifter Pickup Lines by Lia Davis

Hello! I’m here today with Sable and Ana from Ashwood Falls. We’re talking about pickup lines.

Lia: Thank you for chatting with me.

Sable: Our pleasure.

Ana: It’s always nice talking with you.

Lia: So our topic today is pick up lines. Do shifters use them?

Sable: * rolls eyes * Yes, I’m afraid so.

Ana: But it’s different with age. The teens to young adults are still in the shy stage, well most of them anyway.

Sable: Yes, while the adult males are all “I’m your mate, accept it” * she spoke in a deep, mocking tone *

Lia: * laughs * What are of the funniest or craziest ones you’ve heard?

Ana: Oh I have one. A young wolf, who was trying to get out of trouble by flirting with me, had said, “You make my wolf purr. How about a little bite?”

Sable: * laughed so hard she nearly fell out of her chair. * That was lame. Let me guess, it was Cody?

Ana: Yes. * she frowns * I miss that pain in the ass.

Sable: * takes her hand * He’s in a place as is all the children from Onxy. That is the ones I could save.

Lia: What the adult males? Are any smarter when it comes to dating?

Sable: Nope. They’re clueless. I heard a couple of bad ones. “Baby, I’d like be the cream you lap up on all fours.” and “You and I go together like a wolf and his bone.”

Ana: Oh man, those are awful. Why don’t males just straight out ask for a date instead of trying to impress us with their bad choice of pick up lines?

Lia: I don’t know. But if they didn’t use them, then we would have as much stuff to pick on them about.

Sable and Ana together: So true.

Lia: It was great talking with you. We’ll have to do it again soon.

Ana: Yes, we do.

Sable: Your welcome.

Just for fun, make up your own shifter pickup lines and post them in the comments. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer!



Jaguar's Judgment- Lia Davis

Title: Jaguar’s Judgment

Author: Lia Davis

Genre: Paranormal Romance


Sable Darwin has run from her destiny for too long. Stepping away from her role as Beta of the Onyx Pack, she chooses to take her chances and face judgment for her crimes. Her only hope for survival is to trust the male who ripped her heart out and turned his back on her so many years before.

Jared Nickels’ only loyalty is to the Alphas of Ashwood Falls. When he sees Sable again after fifteen years, he can’t stop himself from touching her. Through his Justice gift to see others’ pasts, he learns she’s not as guilty as he’d assumed. She’s actually one of the biggest victims in the war that her parents started.

When the war shifts in favor of the enemy, Sable and Jared must band together to put an end to the threat. Or die trying.


Available at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks | Goodreads

Lia Davis

Author Bio: 

Lia Davis is a mother to two young adults and three equally special kitties, a wife to her soul mate, and a lover of romance. She and her family live in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers. But it’s her home and she loves it!

An accounting major, Lia has always been a dreamer with a very active imagination. The wheels in her head never stop. She ventured into the world of writing and publishing in 2008 and loves it more than she imagined. Writing is stress reliever that allows her to go off in her corner of the house and enter into another world that she created, leaving real life where it belongs.
Her favorite things are spending time with family, traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, nature and hanging out with her kitties.


Connect with Lia: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Authorgraph | Amazon Author Page

Lisa Nicholas

Missed connections and might-have-beens are great romance novel fodder. Summer romances and flings? Even better! Let me tell you about one of the best pick-up lines I have ever had the good fortune to receive.

The summer of 1995 was a scorcher. Temperatures in the mid-to-upper 90s and high humidity. So, naturally, I elected to spend the hottest two weeks of it at a campground in Pennsylvania, wearing layers of medieval garb.

Every August, the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval recreation group, hosts a mock tournament and war called the Pennsic War. 1995 was the first, and alas only, year I was able to attend. In addition to battles and all other things medieval and military, there are medieval arts and crafts (my favorites were music and dance) and lots of partying.

The year I was there, there were also—and this is the important part—two swimming areas. One was designated the family swimming hole, the other, the classic swimming hole. I’m not sure why it was a classic, but I do know this: it was clothing-optional.

Did I mention it was hot that year? And that I was in layers of heavy cotton and linen? Being young and impetuous, when my friends said they were going swimming at the classic swimming hole, I decided to go along. It took all my courage to shuck my skirt and my bodice and my chemise and my underwear and go wading into the water. Which felt, by the way, like absolute heaven.

So there I was, in water up to my shoulders, when up walks (swims?) an absolutely gorgeous man. Green eyes, curly brown hair, nice smile. We started chatting (okay, I was flirting), and he suddenly says, “You have the most amazing blue eyes.”

As is my usual MO when someone I’m flirting with starts flirting back, I panicked. To this day I don’t know how I managed to keep from ducking under the water and running away.

He said his name was Taran, and he was from (alas again) Seattle. We promised to meet up later that night for dancing at the barn. As he was leaving, one of my friends leaned over and said, “You’re standing naked in front of him, and he compliments your eyes. Now that’s a gentleman!”

Even better, when we found each other at dancing that night, the first thing he blurted was, “You look different with your clothes on!” (And he was, to my delight, a fantastic dance partner.)

Well, with him in Seattle and me in Michigan, it could never be anything more than a Pennsic flirtation. We promised to email, but neither of us really did. That was twenty years ago now (!), and I’ve never forgotten him. In these days of Facebook, you’d think I’d try to look him up, but for one thing: SCA members commonly have a medieval name they go by rather than their modern real names. I never learned Taran’s real name, and he never learned mine. My own real-life missed connection.

AsLostasIGet- Lisa Nicholas

In my upcoming book, As Lost As I Get, itinerant doctor Zoe Rodriguez and CIA operative Lee Wheeler have a very different sort of missed connection. They meet when he’s sent in to rescue her from kidnappers in Mexico, and there’s no time for romance. After spending two years apart thinking of each other, they get a second chance in a remote corner of Colombia. Of course, second chances are never simple, especially not when both of them have jobs that put them in the center of danger.

Despite the danger, they find the time to reconnect. And thanks to the heat, they manage to find time for a little skinny-dipping of their own.

I had a blast writing their story—I hope you’ll enjoy it. And Taran: if you’re out there reading this, Facebook me!


Lisa Nicholas is the author of The Farther I Fall and As Lost As I Get. If she’s not writing, she’s feeding her story addiction any way she can: raiding Netflix, pillaging her local bookstore and library, and (most recently) tearing her way through the comics archive at Marvel.

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