Bedlam by Autumn Sand

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Aurora Publicity in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Bedlam by Autumn Sand was a book that I sat down and read in a couple of hours because I didn’t want to put it down. I liked Anaya and Tony from the start of the book which always makes for a good book. There are things in this book that may trigger some people so if you are sensitive to rape and domestic violence I wouldn’t read this book. The author doesn’t go into a ton of details about those subjects, but they are there, so I want you to be aware of it. Not only did I read this book I also read the next book in the series on Saturday as well, and the review of that book will be up tomorrow morning so keep your eyes open for that review. This is the first book in the series, but you don’t have to read them in order, so if you don’t only want to read one, then you can just pick that one up and not have to worry about being lost. These types of books are my guilty pleasure books, and this one didn’t let me down in the least. If you are looking for a great romance novel to read this summer I would one hundred percent recommend this book to you.

About The Book


The whole fairy-tale.
A forever love.
And I thought I found it.

What I really found was
Danger, corruption, and betrayal.

Then, I meet him,
The gorgeous, tall man with topaz eyes.
He sets my pulse on fire,
And changes everything.

But he’s hiding something.
Not letting me in.
As an interior designer,
It’s my job to spot the wrinkle,
The problem.

Now, I’m determined to fix it,
For both of us.


She’s everything I want,
And everything I can’t have.
The brown-eyed beauty lights up
My dark and grim life.

But I can’t fall for her,
Can’t let her know the truth.
My past will destroy her,
Destroy us.
Will the bedlam of the past ruin our future together?

About The Author

Autumn Sands was born and raised in New York City. Considering herself a true New Yorker in every way from the restaurants that she eats to the shoe fetish she has. Oh yes at one time Autumn has had a shoe collection of 300 and has the credit card statements to prove it. Other than shoe shopping she has various interests such as reading, writing, and traveling. Autumn has worked in the fashion industry for most of her adult life before pursuing writing. She is reluctant to call herself an author but considers herself a person who writes words that people just so happen to like to read. As you can tell Autumn has a sarcastic sense of humor and loves to make her friends laugh in all occasions. She enjoys a good glass of wine but her go to drink of choice is a Jack Daniels and coke with a twist of lime. None of those froufrou girlie drinks for her.

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Jellybeaners by Gene Scott

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Word Slinger in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Jellybeaners by Gene Scott was a book that I was interested in reading when I was approached to review the book.  I am so glad that I was able to get this book to review because I enjoyed it right from the start of the book.  I read tons of books, and it is rare that you find books that take place during current times and I loved that this book takes on problems and issues that people in this country are struggling with.  I also liked that this book is told by people from all sides of the issues that this book deals with.  I enjoyed this book because I got different points of view and that allowed me to see what was happening through everyone’s eyes and not just one or two people in the book.  I think this is a book that just about anyone would enjoy because other than being a contemporary fiction book it deals with quite a few different things.  This was also a really easy read, and I was able to get through it in about a day or so.  If you are looking for something different this summer to read I would pick up this one.

About The Book

The scourge of opioid addiction is deeply woven throughout world history, and our own Civil War produced roughly 200,000 addicts who spent their remaining years navigating shattered limbs and unstable minds. Fast forward a century-and-a-half. A 2016 report by the American Society of Addiction Medicine revealed that approximately two million Americans were addicted to prescription opioids in 2015. Specifically, overdose deaths related to prescription pain relievers took 20,101.

Jellybeaners is a contemporary novel set in the heart of Appalachia, revealing the money ties, political corruption, wasted lives, and overall cash-churning nature of the prescription pill culture from perspectives spanning both sides of the law.

About The Author

Gene Scott, a retired English and reading teacher, was born and raised on the prairie of Western Illinois, and has lived in Johnson City, Tennessee for thirty years with his much better half, Lana.

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Deadly Spirits by E. Michael Helms

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Deadly Spirits by E. Michael Helms was a book I didn’t think I would like, but in the end, I loved the book and the authors writing. I read a ton of books in this genre, so I always go in thinking that I am not going to like the books, but this one surprised me, to say the least.  I loved that this book brought in ghosts and things like that because it gave the book something different that I haven’t seen before.  I was a huge fan of Mac right from the start, so I am going to go back and read the other books in this series because I really enjoyed this book and the characters.  This book was one that I know I will read again, and I know I will be picking up rest of the books because this is a great series.  If you are looking for a different type of mystery book to read this summer, then I think you will enjoy this book as much as I did.

About The Book

When PI Mac McClellan’s girlfriend convinces him to join the Palmetto Paranormal Society, he becomes embroiled in a case of whooodunnit. The society president, while investigating an old hotel, is found dead at the foot of the stairwell, his neck broken. The man’s secretary and current squeeze stands horrified beside his body. Authorities rule the death an accident. Mac has doubts—no one heard the man tumbling down the stairs. Then the secretary dies in an apparent suicide. Two deaths in two paranormal investigations, and not a peep out of either victim. Mac suspects there’s more going on than a vengeful spirit.
Book 4 in the Mac McClellan Mystery series, which began with Deadly Catch.

About The Author

I was born in Georgia way back in the last century but grew up and lived most of my life in Panama City, Florida. In 2004 my wife and I moved to the Upstate region of South Carolina in the shadows of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, a land of stunning vistas and numerous waterfalls.

I’ve been traditionally published since 1990 when my Vietnam War memoir, The Proud Bastards, was published. It’s about my time as a combat U.S. Marine in 1967-68. It’s still in print after all these years, currently with Simon & Schuster/Pocket. I’ve since written a few novels in different genres. I’m currently writing the Mac McClellan Mystery series which is set along the coast of the Florida Panhandle where I grew up.

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The Great Chattanooga Bicycle Race by Mike H. Mizrahi

The Great Chattanooga Bicycle Race Mike Mizrahi

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Great Chattanooga Bicycle Race by Mike H. Mizrahi left a smile on my face the entire time I was reading it.  I loved it because of how commonplace it is now for everyone to ride a bike.  This was such a fun and cute book that I was sad when it was over.  I really enjoyed this author writing, and I hope that he will write more books that I can read because like I said I really did enjoy his book.  I fell in love with Anna and Peter right from the start, and I spent the entire book hoping that they would get together because I thought that they were perfect for each other.  If you are looking for a fun book to read this summer, I would recommend this book to you.  If you have read it what did you think of it?  Do you have any books that I should check out this summer?

About The Book

Chattanooga society is turned upside down as a young woman has the audacity to ride a bicycle in bloomers!
It’s 1895. Anna Gaines, 19, struggles to conquer her insecurities after a horrible fall years ago from her beloved horse, Longstreet. On a visit with her aunt in Brooklyn, she’s drawn to the new pastime of bicycling. But back at home, cycling is a scandalous sport for a proper lady. Southern women did not engage in activities meant for men.
Anna has her eye on Peter Sawyer, president of the Cycling Club. As community outrage grows, an unexpected turn of events pits Anna against Peter in a race between the sexes.
Will Anna prove that women deserve the same right as men to ride “the wheel?” Will she choose to live a quiet, traditional life of a housewife and mother? Or will she pursue college and become one of the “new women” emerging into the twentieth century on the seat of a bicycle? What will become of the spark between Anna and Peter?
Faith, patience, and courage help Anna to become the person she was meant to be.

About The Author

Mike Mizrahi has a master’s degree in public relations, advertising and applied communication from Boston University. After a career in corporate public affairs, he retired to pursue a deep passion: writing.
Mizrahi and his wife, Karen, led a mission trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo four years ago and were so moved by the experience, Mizrahi wrote his first novel, which he hopes will one day be published. The Great Chattanooga Bicycle Race is his debut published work.
Mizrahi loves reading and writing stories about “sozo,” which means to be rescued in Greek. He and Karen are very active in their church and community and love to hike, travel and go the movies together. The Mizrahis live in Woodland Hills, California, where they raised their children who are now adults.
Learn more about The Great Chattanooga Bicycle Race and Mike H. Mizrahi at or on Facebook (AuthorMikeMizrahi) and Twitter (@MikeHMiz).
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The Great Chattanooga Bicycle Race Mike Mizrahi

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