
Best Thinking. . .

Best Thinking

I got the idea for this post from the blog Daily Post and the topic is:

When and where do you do your best thinking? In the bathroom? While running? Just before bed, or first thing in the morning? On the bus? Why do you think that is?

I chose this prompt because everyone has different places where they do their best thinking and I think it would be fun to find out where other people feel that they do their best thinking.  I have to be honest this post took me awhile to write because I wasn’t really sure where I did my best thinking until I stopped and really thought about it.

After thinking about it I came to see that I do my best thinking at night when I am should be sleeping which is probably one of the many reasons that I can’t sleep.  The minute I lay down my head starts going and I always get such great ideas for blog posts or other things I want/need to do.

I also find that for some reason I write the best blog posts while I am on my lunch break at work.  I am sure that is because my brain is already in work mode so it is easy to switch from doing work and writing a blog post pretty easily.  I am also lucky that my job doesn’t mind that  I blog as long as all my work is done.

So that is when I do my best thinking.  When and where do you do your best thinking?

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Taking The Week Off!

Day 9-If You Could Have Any Job In The World What Would It Be? #30DayChallenge

Day 9

Today’s topic is if you could have any job in the world what would it be?  If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a life flight nurse.  I have always want to be a nurse and work in the emergency room.  I love the fact that they are always busy and I love everything that they deal with.  I still remember when I was in high school and we had a real life flight nurse come into talk in one of my classes and from that  class on I knew that is what I wanted to do.

I did start going to school to be a nurse but after I got pregnant and life took over I lost the drive I guess you could say.  I still think about being a nurse and going back and finishing school but now I am wondering if that is what I really want to do.  I have been thinking a lot about going into social work because I would love to work with girls who are wanting to place their children for adoption but that also has it own set of problems and doubts in my head as well.

When I worked as a CNA  I loved the work and I would probably still be doing that kind of work if I didn’t hurt my back and could do the lifting that is required for the job.  So as of now I am not sure where I am going but I know I will have it figured out one day!

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Reserving Space. . .

Mama’s Losin’ It

 This week I chose to write about #5.) I have no idea where the following message originated from, but it’s been floating around Facebook for the past week…who does it make you think about?:

Note: I have been having major issues with comments on my blog so if you are a new follower and I haven’t followed back please leave another comment or email me at theworldasiseeit25 at gmail dot com.  It should all be fixed now but I will keep checking to make sure that everything is still working out!
This post started out talking about my husband and how he made me feel but I realized that this is something I need to work on and I need to make time for people I care about.  I find it funny that in trying to write a post about how doing this made me feel I can see how I make people feel when I do the same thing.  That being said I hope you enjoy the post and will stick around for me change!

I also have to admit that I am not great at putting out the effort to stay in peoples lives so they know I care.  I get so busy doing everything that I do that I don’t make the time and then when I am finally done for the day and lay down it is all I can do to operate the remote control but I am going to get better at this because I have to!!!!!  I can’t expect people to do all the work.  I think I am going to start talking to people I care about when I get home while I am working on designs instead of watching TV all night long.  I also need to rearrange my schedule a little bit so I can fit everything that needs to get done everyday.  So I want everyone I care about to know things are going to change and I am going to make more of an effort to stay in contact with everyone and get a set routine with working and designing. 

This post started out talking about my husband and how he made me feel but I realized that this is something I need to work on and I need to make time for people I care about. Registered & Protected