This week’s quote is by Ronald Reagan.
What do you think of this weeks quote by Ronald Reagan?

A Life Filled With Multiple Sclerosis, Moments & Memories
This week’s quote is by Ronald Reagan.
What do you think of this weeks quote by Ronald Reagan?
Today I am going to talk about asking for help and how I have a super hard time asking for help and I also have a hard time accepting help. I am sure the reason for this is the fact that my grandma hardly ever asks for help. I have found that I never ask for help. I feel like I don’t even know how to ask and just thinking about asking for help make me nervous.
As for accepting help I find that I don’t really have people offer to help so I don’t know have much experience with this. I do know that the few times someone has helped me I feel bad because I think I should be able to do everything myself and hate when I can’t do something. I do ask for help at work because I am the first to admit that I don’t know it all and even if I did know it all there is no way I can do everything, even if people think that I should be able to.
I guess the hard part for me is I don’t really have anyone who is close enough to me that I would trust to ask. I say this because I could use help at times with things that are personal and I also would never ask for help from people I don’t know and trust. I am lucky that now the Multiple Sclerosis isn’t bad enough that I need tons of help. I am really not sure what I will do when or if I ever get to the point where I have to ask because I am not sure I will be able to bring myself to be able to do it.
Those are my thoughts on asking for help and having people help me. I need to figure out how to ask for help and how to accept help because I am sure I will need to in the future and right now I feel like I have no idea how to do either.
Do you have a hard time asking for help? How do you combat it?
So I haven’t ever written about my problems with sleeping on this blog but I feel I need to write about it because there may be other people out there struggling with the same things. I also hope that someone out there may have some suggestions for things I have tried yet to try to help me sleep. I have always had problems sleeping but in the last few years it has gotten 100 times worse.
I first really started to notice my sleeping problems when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 15 or 16. I have always had problems sleeping but I really started to notice them in high school and college. From the age of about 16 I was given prescriptions for Ambien and Sonata which are both sleeping pills. So at this point those two no longer work for me. When I was in my mid twenties they prescribed me Lunesta which for me was a wonder drug because for the first time I was able to sleep and I didn’t seem to get used to them.
I took those on and off for years. The insurance I know have through work refuses to pay for them and there is no way I can afford to pay over $200 a month for them so I haven’t been able to get them. Since I haven’t been able to get them I have had to start trying all the over the counter sleeping medications and I haven’t had much luck with them.
I have tried taking Melatonin and I will still take it sometimes but I have found that I have to take so much of it to get me to sleep that I end up with a huge headache the next morning. The only thing I have found that works is taking a combination if Tylenol PM & Ibuprofen PM along with a time released Melatonin pill to help me stay asleep longer because lately I manage to take enough stuff to fall asleep but I can’t stay asleep to save me life.
I have also stopped watching TV after work and I try not to use my cell phone once I am home so that I can try to wind down from the day but no matter what I try nothing seems to be working for me.
Does anyone know of anything else I can try to use for sleep? I will take any and all suggestions at this point!