
The Painting and The Piano by John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Book Publicity Services  in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Painting and The Piano by John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo was a hard book to read at times. I say that it was hard to read because of some of the things that the characters went through in this book. I know that this book could be triggering to some people as well because of the topics talked about. With that being said I did enjoy this book and found myself wanting to read it until the end because I wanted to know how it all played out in the end. I liked this book so much because it is a true story and I always find myself loving books that are true stories. There are parts of this book that reminded me of my childhood, so I know also helped me understand what the characters felt at certain points throughout the book. I enjoyed this book even though it was hard at times to read it. I loved that the characters made it through and wrote this book to help other people learn from the things they went through as children. If you love autobiography types books than I know you will love this book just as much as I do. This is one that I am going to be adding to my personal collection of books because I would like to read it again in the future.


About The Book

The Painting and The Piano, by John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo, is an improbable story of survival and love.

Genres: Literary Nonfiction / Romance / Memoir / Addiction and Recovery

Growing up more than a thousand miles apart and worlds away from each other, Johnny and Adrianne seemed to have all that a child could ask for. However, the demons of their respective mothers would tear their young, fragile lives apart.

Eventually, destiny would bring Johnny and Adrianne together, but first they had to endure the painful toll that alcohol, drugs, and a negligent court system would take on them. With parts of Adrianne’s story ripped from national news headlines, their story takes them from the depths of despair and near death, to their first serendipitous introduction and the moment each knew they were finally safe.

Filled with hope, inspiration and humor, The Painting and the Piano is an unforgettable story of pain, loss and the undying human quest for happiness. Told as a tandem narrative, Adrianne and Johnny’s stories are unique, but share parallels that create a taut and emotionally compelling narrative.



About The Author’s

Johnny and Adrianne reside in South Florida with their Yorkie, Holly.  Both are involved in the AA/Recovery community. Adrianne currently works at a recovery house and Johnny continues speaking, sponsoring and helping others in recovery.

Readers can connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

To learn more, go to

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Baby Doll by Hollie Overton

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Baby Doll by Hollie Overton was an excellent book. I was hooked right from the start with this book, but I figured that I would like it because of the description of the book. These types of books are my favorites, and this one didn’t let me down in the least.   I have always been a fan of suspense/thriller books, and this one kept me on the edge of my seat throughout most of the book.   This is the first book I have read by this author, and I can’t wait to read other books by her in the future. There were parts of this book that were hard to read because of what was going on, but it wasn’t anything that made me not want to finish the book. I was able to get through this book fast because it was an easy read. If you love suspense novels than I know, you will love this book as much as I did.

Baby Doll by Hollie Overton

About The Book

For fans of Gone Girl and Girl on the Train, Baby Doll is the most tense thriller you will read this year.
Held captive for eight years, Lily has grown from a teenager to an adult in a small basement prison. Her daughter Sky has been a captive her whole life. But one day their captor leaves the deadbolt unlocked.

This is what happens next…

…to her twin sister, to her mother, to her daughter…and to her captor.

Hollie Overton

About The Author

Born in Chicago, I was adopted at six days old, along with my identical twin sister, Heather, and carried home in matching red Christmas stockings. After our parents divorce, we moved back to my mother’s hometown of Kingsville, Texas. Painfully shy, Heather and I were encouraged to audition for the local production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” The minute I stepped on stage, I was hooked! My mom, also a film and TV junkie nurtured my talents, ensuring that I would never pursue a “normal” profession.

My love affair with storytelling led me to NYC where I studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, writing at Hunter College and Burlington College and mixology in Murray Hill.  After heading to Hollywood with dreams of becoming a star, my celluloid claim to fame was one episode of TNT”s “Leverage,” opposite DB Sweeny.  Thankfully I realized my talents were better suited behind the scenes and began my screenwriting pursuits.

I landed my big break in 2008 when I was accepted into the coveted Warner Brothers Writers Workshop, a bootcamp style program for aspiring TV writers.  After completing the workshop, I was staffed on the CBS drama “Cold Case,” and went on to write for two seasons of Lifetime’s The Client List.”  I’m currently a writer on the new ABC Family dramaShadowhunters, based on Cassie Clare’s international bestseller “The Mortal Instruments.”

I always dreamt of publishing a novel but let’s be honest, writing a book is daunting. I mean it’s really really daunting. Luckily, in the spring of 2012, I finally sat my butt down and just kept writing. My debut thriller “Baby Doll” will be published on July 12, 2016 by Red Hook, an imprint of Hatchette in the USA. Baby Doll will also be published by Peguin Random House in the UK and translated into eleven other languages.

I live in West Hollywood with the love of my life, my rescue dog Stevie and my husband David (he’s comfortable where he stands). When I’m not writing, I can be found exploring LA (and beyond) with my twin sister/ best friend, Heather. Sometimes we even let Stevie and David join us.

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Northern Light by Annette O’Hare

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Northern Light by Annette O’Hare was an interesting book. This book was an easy book to read but at times it seemed rushed, and I wished that they would have taken more time explaining certain things. Even with that being said I still really enjoyed this story. I was always laughing at some of the antics that June with pull. I spent a good part of the book just laughing about things she said. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Margaret, and I am not sure why. She annoyed me right from the start of the book, but it wasn’t so bad that I didn’t want to read the book. I like Thomas, but I am usually a big fan of characters that are from Ireland. All in all, this was an excellent book, and if you like historical fiction, I would say check this one out and see what you think of it.

Northern Light by Annette O'Hare

About The Book

Civil War has robbed Margaret Logan of all she holds dear, including her beloved New Orleans home and her fiancé. When her family moves to the desolate Bolivar Peninsula to manage a lighthouse that is no longer there, all her hopes for a normal future are dashed. Her world is rocked once again when a wounded Yankee soldier washes ashore needing her help. Despite her contempt for the North, Margaret falls in love with Thomas Murphy. As their love blooms, Margaret’s sister is overcome with neurosis, and her mind slowly slips away. Bitterness, psychosis and depression yield a decision fueled by contempt. Will one fatal choice cause Margaret to lose the man she loves and condemn Thomas to death?

Annette O'Hare

About The Author

Growing up in Houston, Texas in the 1970’s, Annette loved the stories about ghosts haunting the Spaghetti Warehouse and the mysterious “blue light” cemetery. But it was “Devil’s Island,” the magical woods across from home where her imagination blossomed. She created fantastic scenarios to act out with her brother and the neighborhood kids where worlds were conquered and dragons were slain. Annette is still making up stories, and is looking forward to the release of her first historical romance with Pelican Book Group. Her love for the history and heritage of her home state of Texas shines through in her writing and she’s made it the backdrop for her book series. Annette is a longtime member of American Christian Fiction Writers and her local chapter, ACFW-Writers on the Storm. She lives north of Houston with her husband, Dan of 30 years. Dan and Annette are the proud parents of two Texas A&M graduates, one exceedingly imaginative high schooler, and two rambunctious, loveable rescue dogs.

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Not So Far Away by Deborah Pierson Dill

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Not So Far Away by Deborah Pierson Dill was a hard book to read for the first several chapters of the book. This book could also be triggering to people who have dealt with domestic abuse because of some of the things that happen in the book. I have never dealt with anything like domestic abuse, but I felt like I understood what she went through because of the authors writing. At times this book was hard to read because of the subject matter, but I loved that because it made me feel like I was there with the characters in the book. This was an easy read, and I was able to read in just a few hours one day. This would be a great book for people who don’t have a ton of time to read because you can get through it pretty quick if you need to. I did find this book kind of predicable but I still really enjoyed the book and the story. If you love chick lit books than I am sure you will enjoy this book.

Not So Far Away by Deborah Pierson Dill

About The Book

Laurel Kerr lives each day fearing it could be her last. Years of pleading with God for deliverance from her husband’s deadly temper have convinced her that she’s beneath the Lord’s notice. Still, she perseveres, hoping that a redeemed husband and a Christ-centered marriage might one day be possible. Dr. Boyd Wendall has a soft spot for Laurel. Although she’s not his to take care of, she stirs his protective instincts. Time and again he finds himself in the midst of her trouble, and he can’t help but believe there’s a reason for it. When Laurel’s deliverance comes suddenly and unexpectedly, it raises questions about Boyd’s integrity, reopens wounds from his past, and leads to a trial the two cannot escape. Apart, they are just one man and one woman facing tribulation. Together, they’ll discover that God is not so far away.

Deborah Pierson Dill

About The Author

I write character driven, inspirational romance. My Blithe Settlement series was published by White Rose Publishing in 2010 and 2011. In 2012 my Christmas novella, Ransomed Hope was published by Pelican Book Group, followed by Ransomed Trust in February, 2013.

When I’m not writing I’m trying hard to get the hang of my new day job, keeping my kids more or less in order and ministering along side my husband at the First Baptist Church of Bangs, Texas.

I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. But I spent seven years in southern Illinois before moving back home to central Texas.

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From Scratch by C.E. Hilbert

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

From Scratch by C.E. Hilbert was a super sweet romance novel. This book was one that I wasn’t sure if I was going to like when I back of the book but after I was a chapter or two into the book I didn’t want to put it down. This was a super easy read for me which I always like. I liked that Maggie was a super relatable character, and I felt like I understood her and the things that she did. I am always a fan of characters like Sean as well. I always think that they are people I would get along with in the real world. The one thing that comes to mind as I think about this book is how sweet the story was. It does have a little bit of mystery to it, so I enjoyed that. It was predictable in the fact that I pretty much knew what was going to happen in the long run but even with that being said I still really enjoyed the book. If you love chick lit books than I know, you will enjoy this book just as much as I did.

From Scratch by CE Hilbert

About The Book

Maggie McKitrick loves everything about her new life in Gibson’s Run, Ohio—her charming bakery, her quirky customers, her distance from the past. Yes, she loves everything…except her new landlord. Police Chief Sean Taylor is like a piece of sand in an oyster—irritating, but with the promise of something beautiful. Despite Maggie’s self-imposed man-fast, she wonders what kind of treasure she and the lawman could create together.

Sean Taylor likes to keep the peace, but his new tenant is making it nearly impossible to keep anything on an even keel—including his heart. Despite her sassy attitude, Sean is drawn to the beautiful pastry chef and has an overwhelming need to serve and protect her.

As Maggie and Sean draw closer together, her long buried dreams about her life are reawakened into a hopeful prayer…until a threat from her past promises to destroy their future. Will Maggie be forced to run—again—starting fresh? Or will God answer her prayer and give her the happily-ever-after she’s started from scratch?

CE Hilbert

About The Author

I have four great passions: sharing Jesus with young people, telling happily-ever-after stories with humor, professional hockey and making cookies with real butter.

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Love of The Game by Lori Wilde

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Love of The Game by Lori Wilde was a great book. I sat down and read the entire book on the 4th of July so it was an easy read and I loved the story. I think this is the first book I have read by this author and I enjoyed it, and I have added her to my list of authors to check out when I stop reviewing books. I couldn’t get enough of this book because I fell in love with the characters right from the start and I didn’t put it down until I was finished with the book. I am a huge fan of books that have sports stars as one of the main characters because I think they more relatable than other chick lit books. If you love chick lit books than I would tell you to check out this book because it is one of the best chick lit books I have read in a while.

Love of The Game by Lori Wilde

About The Book

A sexy sports superstar discovers his body isn’t the only thing that needs healing in this newest Stardust, Texas novel fromNew York Times bestselling author Lori Wilde.

With major league good looks and talent, Dallas Gunslingers relief pitcher Axel Richmond was living the good life. Even if the roar of the crowd could never distract him from the loss of his young son. But now with an injured shoulder and his career on the line, Axel is stuck recuperating at a ranch in Stardust, Texas . . . striking out only with his gorgeous physical therapist.

Kasha Carlyle has one week to get Axel back in action or she can kiss her much-needed job with the Gunslingers goodbye. And any chance to seek custody of the orphaned half-sister she never knew existed. She quickly learns that Axel’s guarded heart also needs healing . . . requiring all kinds of sneaky plays and sexy moves in extra innings.

Lori Wilde

About The Author

Lori Wilde can’t remember a time when she didn’t want to write. She even went to nursing school so she could have a schedule flexible enough to allow her to write on the side. She nursed for 20 years, working in a variety of settings from the newborn nursery to the recovery room, to dialysis. But she never lost her desire to write.

She sold her first book in 1994 to Silhouette Romance but later discovered she had a flair for comedy and branched out to Harlequin Duets and now, to Blaze.

Lori is an adventuresome soul who loves to travel. She’s taken flying lessons, completed two marathons, rode in a hot-air balloon, performed with a professional jazz band, traveled Europe as a teenager, hiked volcanoes in Hawaii, trod on glaciers in Alaska, shot white-water rapids, water-skied, snow-skied, raced all-terrain vehicles, bodysurfed in the Gulf of Mexico, and photographed grizzly bears in Yellowstone.

She lives in her native Texas, with her own real-life hero, Bill.

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