30 Day Blog Journal

Day 16-A Song That Makes Me Cry

Today’s topic is an interesting one.  There are lots of songs that make me wanna cry.  I am going to put the music videos on here so you can watch them at your own risk.

Well there are two of them for you!

Day 15-My Dream House

I am half way through the 30 days and it doesn’t seem like it has really already been 15 days.  Today’s topic was my dream house.  I don’t know that I really have a dream house.  Any house that I owned would be my dream house.  I am hoping that one day I will be able to have my Grandparents house.  I really like it and that thought of someone else living in the house that I grew up in makes me super sad  but time will tell what will happen with that.
If I had to describe my dream house it would be a house that is all on one level but other than that I don’t really have any big dreams for a house.  In fact I would probably like a town home or a condo even more than a house because I don’t want to do yard work and with the MS I probably should do yard work!

Day 14-Non-Fictional Book~Writers Workshop

This is the last non-fictional book that I have read all the way through.  I tried to read The Zoo Keepers Wife but I just couldn’t get through it it.  Her writing for me was super hard to get through. I think it was because she spent so much time describing things instead of just telling the story.  The only non-fictional books that I enjoy reading are about the Holocaust.  For some reason that time period has always interested me.  I love to read the stories of the Jews that survived and the ones that didn’t.
One of this weeks prompts for Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop was to list 50 things that I look for in a man.  Since I am going through a divorce and what not I figure this would be a fun one to do.  Now the question is if I can really make a list of 50 things.  I am going to try but I am not going to make any promises on it.  Oh and they are not in any order.

  1. Respectful
  2. Responsible
  3. Caring
  4. Not scared of the MS
  5. Understanding
  6. Kind
  7. Helpful
  8. Love’s my girls like I do
  9. Treats their mom right
  10. Likes animals
  11. Would be willing to serve in the military if asked to do so or already in the military
  12. Funny
  13. Happy
  14. Willing to work and pay bills
  15. Good credit
  16. Not a cheater
  17. Honest
  18. Willing to help others
  19. Not controlling
  20. Realizes that I have my own brain and that I will use it!
  21. Not scared of a women who speaks her mind
  22. Gets along with my family
  23. Like quiet time some of the time
  24. Doesn’t put his friends before me all of the time.  I understand that at times it is okay but all the time just gets to be too much
  25. Has plans and goals for the future
  26. Respects family
  27. Is okay with me not wanting to have my own kids but I am okay with them having kids already.
  28. Good work ethic

Okay all I could come up with was 28 so that is all you are going to get!!!!

Day 13-Fictional Book

I mostly read fictional books and the last one I read was called “Handle With Care” by Jodi Picoult.

It was a really good book that I recommend to anyone.  I personally didn’t like how it started out but the ending totally made up for it. 

Tuesdays With Jacqui (Cyber Bullying) & Day 12-Something I Am OCD About

This post is about something that really bugs me and hurts me.  I was bullied in high school and thank god I haven’t been bullied online but it happens all to much anymore.  I am going to do a series on bullying in the next few weeks I think.

Okay so I had to change this post because they had to go and throw a tantrum about what I was writing about.

If I got any of this wrong then that’s a bad on me. If you didn’t DM anyone and I believed it then that’s a real bad on me. It’s just that the person didn’t know anything that was going on unless you told them. Ill admit I’m not the greatest person BUT I try to help out when I can.

I just hate that me and 1 of these people live in the same area of town. I have seen her around town and I leave because I don’t need any crazies following me home. We go to the same OB/GYN because I was nice enough to recommend her my great Dr. So I called his office today and told them that I have a stalker and we both go in the same place so they will not schedule us in the same day. I would change doctors BUT I can’t because he is the only doctor I trust with my “high risk pregnancies.” The nurse staff was very helpful and told me that since I am a high risk patient that they might transfer her to another doctor but I told them no since she really loved the doctor too. I don’t think she will do anything to me because she seems like a really nice person but I just don’t want the drama of it. We go to the same places, its simple there’s not a lot to do with kids in Vegas (she says I copy her). Yes we went to the same places after you BUT that doesn’t mean I was copying you now does it? I just hope if you see me around town, please just leave me alone. I know you will not hurt my kids because you are such a loving mother so I know I not have to worry about that.

The other 2  live in my home town. Well we are going there next week and I don’t know if I need to watch my back while I am there. They know where my mom and grandma live. Should I tell them that the crazy’s might be looking for me and scare them? How do I know they will not hurt my children (they seem really crazy to me)? Do I need to put a protective order on these people? Or can I just hope that they will leave me alone. Yes I can’t stop the trash talking and there gossip but I can stop them contacting me in any way.

If I mixed up your stalker drama and thinking it was mine then I am sorry. If there are 2 stalker dramas in your life then why haven’t you dealt with the other one?HAHA I just called me a stalker but that’s what they are calling me. You comment on my page and tell me that I should contact the police about all of this; well I don’t really want to deal with the cops unless I have to. Why are you not taking your own advice? Have you contacted the cops about yours? Or are you just trash talking about them. You say you are to nice/pretty (don’t remember what she said) to talk shit but you talk shit about your other stalker. And you say that you didn’t know I was going to your blog, that’s a BIG ass lie since you we used to follow each other. Yes your right that’s not of my business with you and your stalker. Just stop with all the drama!

Today’s topic is something that I am OCD about.  There are few things that I am like that about but the biggest one has to be numbers.  I only like odd numbers and 7 is my favorite.  I also had the digits in numbers.  So lets say the number is 12 I would add 1+2=3 so 12 is an ok number but 11 is 1+1=2 so that is a bad number.  Well there you go that is one of weird things about me!