30 Day Blog Journal

H & Day 16

Humor-This is a positive word to me because if you are laughing it always puts you in a better mood.  I know that when I laugh no matter how bad the day has been it will put me in a better mood!

Day 16-My Celebrity Crush
I don’t really have a celebrity crush.  Heck right now I don’t have a crush on anyone.  I am quite content where I am at and I am happy with the fact that I am single and alone. 

G & Day 15

Goodwill-This word is positive to me because it means that there are people out there that really do try and help other people out.  I always wish that I could do more to help people than what I do but I know that with all of my medical bills and what not that I can’t.

Day 15-Something I Don’t Leave The House Without.

The one thing that I always have with me when I leave the house has to be my purse.  Lately I have forgotten my cell phone at home a lot so I can’t say that anymore.  My purse is the only thing I can think of that I never leave the house without.

F & Day 14

Friend-This is a very positive word for me because friends can always make my mood better.  I have 2 great friends that I have never met.  They are the ones that started WISE with me.


This is a great place to get and get the support that you are looking for.  We are still trying to get it up and running but it would be so great if you would come join us and help support women.
Day 14- A Show I Am Currently Addicted To.

 I just can’t get enough of this show.  I love Pit Bulls.  I hope one day I will be able to adopt one from her.

E & Day 13

Energy-When I hear that word it makes me happy.  I get even happier when I have energy and I can do things that I want to do without having to worry about getting too tired during the activity.

 For day 13 I am supposed to write about my favorite musician and what makes me like them.  I love all music so I don’t really have a favorite.  I like to many musician to pick just one that I like.


Day 9 & Day 10

Day 9 is a picture of something that I bought recently.  The only thing I have bought is Christmas ornaments that were 50% off and Alice In Wonderland (the new one).  I can’t really shop right now because I am broke and have so many doctor bills that it is all I can do to make it month to month anymore.
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Day 10 is a photo of a place I like to eat.  I don’t really eat out much anymore but I am going to post pictures of where I used to eat at.

Those are the two places that I liked the most.

Day 8

Today’s topic is to post a song that matches my mood.  I can’t think of one that does that but I am going to post the song that is the theme song for my life.

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