Month: February 2016

Heliotrope by JC Miller

Book Review Tur

Heliotrope by JC Miller was another great book by this author.  I have read several books by this author, and I have yet to read one that I haven’t loved by her.  I liked Kit from the start, and I wasn’t a huge fan of Jonathan, and I wondered if I would end up liking him and as it turns out I still didn’t like him when the book was over.  It is funny how sometimes you do end up liking characters by the end of the book and other times you still hate them as much as you did from the start.  Let’s get back to this book.  I loved that this book takes place 1970’s because it was a fun change from books I have been reading lately.  I liked that this book took back to a slower pace, but it was crazy because I had to remind myself of the year because I wondered why they didn’t call a cell phone and email her paper in when she was sick.   I did enjoy this book, and I can’t wait to see what the author is going to write next.

Heliotrope by JC Miller

About The Book

Buckle up your Birkenstocks and travel back to 1975. Discover (or relive) the pre-digital age in Arcata, a remote Bohemian college town on the northern edge of California. Meet Kit, a hard-working, bookish senior, on track for graduation—that is, until she falls for Jonathan, one-time bestselling author, now her stand-in professor. Jonathan, a master in the art of deception, isn’t who he appears to be. As their bond grows, Kit’s desire blinds her to the truth— a shocking discovery shatters her faith and ultimately tests her integrity.

From the first blush of fall quarter to the final breath of spring, hard lessons will be learned. To “graduate” into an uncertain future, Jonathan and Kit must first embrace the present—including the injustices, ambiguities and absolute beauty of their lives. Beneath the ever-changing Humboldt skies they forge ahead; they stumble and sometimes fall.

Heliotrope, a coming-of age story for the ages.

JC Miller

About The Author

JC (Jeanne) Miller, M.A., is an educator and founding member of JAM, an editorial-consultation team. An avid reader, aspiring traveler and table tennis enthusiast, she resides in Northern California.

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Adoption Thoughts-Birth Father’s Rights

Adoption Thoughts

I haven’t written about adoption in a long time because I never had the time to sit down and write anything other than a book review. Since things have pretty much slowed down for me at work right now, I wanted just to write about one of the thoughts I have had for awhile because I keep hearing stories about it in the news.

It seems like every time I turn around I am hearing about mothers placing baby’s for adoption and not telling the fathers what they are doing. It makes me sad because then those of us who followed all the steps including having the birth father sign away their rights are looked at like we might have done the same thing.

When I placed my daughter, I had no option but to have him sign away his rights because he was in the military and had to for me to place. I do know that some girls I knew through a support group I attend had the fathers of their child sign the papers as well just so that they didn’t have to worry about something like this happening.

I have to wonder if the birth father was okay with it until his family decided that they weren’t. I could be wrong but at times, that is what it seems like when you see the stories.  I am sure there are cases where the birth fathers honestly didn’t know, and I feel terrible for them because no one should have that done to them.  In the end, though everyone ends up getting hurt most of the time the child truly suffers because they don’t understand what is going on.

In the end, though everyone ends up getting hurt most of the time the child truly experiences because they don’t understand what is going on.  They have no idea why they are taken away from all they have known and being given to strangers.  I am aware that we have no way of knowing how this will affect them later in life or things like that.

I just truly feel bad for everyone involved and I hope that people can figure out a way to stuff like this to not happen anymore.  Those are just a few of the thoughts I have been having, and I am wondering what you think about it and if you have any ideas as to how it could be changed?

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