Month: February 2016

Langston Hughes-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is byLangston Hughes.

Langston Hughes

I loved this quote when I saw it because it is so true.  I also think that this true because if you give up on your dreams, then there is no way that you will go anywhere in life.  I have had my dreams change, but I always have something that I am working towards so that I don’t just stay in the same spot in life.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Langston Hughes?

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

It has been three weeks since I have done of these posts because I have had quite a few books reviews that had to go up in the past three weeks and I don’t like to have more than one post on a day if I can help it.  Anyway, lets get on to the posts from the past few weeks.

Joseph Campbell-Quote Of The Week

A Sudden Crush by Camilla Isley

Kissed By A Cowboy by Debra Clopton

Love To Believe by Lisa Ricard Claro

An Amish Year by Beth Wiseman

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross – Quote Of The Week

Saying Goodbye. . .

A Muddied Murder by Wendy Tyson

Still Counting by Phil Fragasso

Cancelled Vows by Lauren Carr

Louis D. Brandeis-Quote Of The Week

Find Her by Lisa Gardner

Killing Me Softly by Kathryn R Biel

Back In The Saddle by Ruth Logan Herne

Those are all the posts from the past three weeks in case you missed any of them.  Next week I have two reviews that will be live and I also have a post where I talk about 10 of my favorite YouTube channels.  I hope you have all had a great week and I hope to see you back here next week!

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Back In The Saddle by Ruth Logan Herne

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for my honest review.  I received no other compensation.

Back In The Saddle by Ruth Logan Herne was a good book to read.  This is the first book I have read by this author and I am so glad that I read this book because I now have another great author that I can add to my list of great authors that I want to read in the future.  I really like all the characters in this book right from the start.  I did spend most of the book hoping that Colt wouldn’t leave after the market recovered and what not.  I am going to come back and update this review on March 30th because I signed up to review this book twice.  So I will finish this review then and let you know how I felt about it over all at the end of March.

Back In The Saddle by Ruth Logan Herne

About The Book


About The Author

Ruth Logan Herne has more than half a million books in print, including fifteen Love Inspired contemporary novels. Back in the Saddle is the first book in her new western romance series. Ruth is a founding member ofSeekerville, a popular writing collective blog. A country girl who loves the big city, Ruth and her husband live on a farm in upstate New York.

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Killing Me Softly by Kathryn R Biel

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from CLP in exchange for my honest review.  
I received no other compensation for this review.

Killing Me Softly by Kathryn R Biel was a good book it just wasn’t one of my favorites.  I am not sure what I didn’t like about this book because it was written well and I did like Sadie right from the start.  I think one thing I didn’t like was how Sadie over analyzed the people dying and blaming herself for their deaths.   I really didn’t like her boyfriend at the start of the book right from the start and if I am being honest I wasn’t sad when he got killed.  He bugged me and I knew that Sadie deserved someone 100% better than him.  I did feel at times like some parts of the book were drug out too long and maybe some of Sadies thoughts that she had could have been cut out or shortened.  This was an okay book and I am sure if you like chick lit then you might enjoy this book and you should check it out.

Killing Me Softly by Kathryn R Biel

About The Book

Sadie Perkins has a sixth sense about things—especially people dying. Her clairvoyance has never bothered her until she starts to believe that her visions are causing the deaths of those around her. After her latest relationship ends … badly … Sadie swears off love for good. While searching for an uncomplicated life, Sadie finds her hands full not only with a home renovation project but with defending herself against suspicion of murder. There’s a fine line between predicting someone’s death and causing it. Has Sadie finally crossed that line?
Enter contractor Max Schultz, who is not only good at working on houses, but he’s good at working on Sadie too. Much to Max’s dismay, as he’s trying to win Sadie’s heart, he finds Sadie’s first love, Henry Fitzsimmons, is back in the picture, snooping around.
Sadie doesn’t know which way to turn or who to trust, including herself. Can Sadie clear her name and open her heart all at the same time?

Kathryn R Biel

About The Author

Kathryn Biel hails from Upstate New York, and is a spouse and mother of two wonderful, but exhausting kids. In between being Chief Home Officer and Director of Child Development of the Biel household, she works as a school-based physical therapist. She attended Boston University and received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from The Sage Colleges. After years of writing countless letters of medical necessity for wheelchairs, finding increasingly creative ways to encourage the government and insurance companies to fund her client’s needs, and writing entertaining annual Christmas letters, she decided to take a shot at writing the kind of novel that she likes to read. Her musings and rants can also be found on her personal blog, Biel Blather.

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Find Her by Lisa Gardner

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.  I was not compensated in any other way.

Find Her by Lisa Gardner was one of the better books that I have read in past few months.  I read a ton of books as most of you know but this book took me back to the types of books that I loved to read before I started to review books here.  I love books like this because they keep me on the edge of my seat, and I don’t want to stop reading them until I know how it all ends.  I know that these books can be overwhelming to some people but for the most part, I love them.  Right from the start I loved how the author was able to make me understand what it would feel like to be somewhat buried alive or, at least, be in a box that all you can do is lay down.  I also loved that Flora is a survivor and you get to see how she survived and how is able to help others in the small ways that she does.   I can’t say enough good things about this book and this author.  If you love reading thriller/suspense books then I know you don’t want to miss this one.  I can’t wait to check out other books by this author and see how they are compared to this one.

Find Her by Lisa Gardner

About The Book

Flora Dane is a victim.

Seven years ago, carefree college student Flora was kidnapped while on spring break. For 472 days, Flora learned just how much one person can endure.

Flora Dane is a survivor.

Miraculously alive after her ordeal, Flora has spent the past five years reacquainting herself with the rhythms of normal life, working with her FBI victim advocate, Samuel Keynes. She has a mother who’s never stopped loving her, a brother who is scared of the person she’s become, and a bedroom wall covered with photos of other girls who’ve never made it home.

Flora Dane is reckless.

. . . or is she? When Boston detective D. D. Warren is called to the scene of a crime—a dead man and the bound, naked woman who killed him—she learns that Flora has tangled with three other suspects since her return to society. Is Flora a victim or a vigilante? And with her firsthand knowledge of criminal behavior, could she hold the key to rescuing a missing college student whose abduction has rocked Boston? When Flora herself disappears, D.D. realizes a far more sinister predator is out there. One who’s determined that this time, Flora Dane will never escape. And now it is all up to D. D. Warren to find her.

Lisa Gardner

About The Author

New York Times bestselling crime novelist Lisa Gardner began her career in food service, but after catching her hair on fire numerous times, she took the hint and focused on writing instead. A self-described research junkie, she has parlayed her interest in police procedure, cutting edge forensics and twisted plots into a streak of eleven bestselling suspense novels.
Readers are invited to get in on the fun by entering the annual “Kill a Friend, Maim a Mate” Sweepstakes, where they can nominate the person of their choice to die in Lisa’s latest novel. Every year, one lucky stiff is selected for literary immortality. It’s cheaper than therapy, and you get a great book besides. For more details, simply visit Lisa’s website.
Lisa lives in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with her family, as well as two highly spoiled dogs and one extremely neurotic three-legged cat. Lisa graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in international relations.

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Louis D. Brandeis-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Louis D. Brandeis.

Louis D. Brandeis

When I first saw this quote I thought I had already used it, but I can’t find it anywhere so I am guessing that  I have seen it before but not used it yet.  I look around, and the society that we currently live, and I think most of us have no respect for the law because there isn’t much that people agree with anymore.  I see things happening in this country because people are so tired of feeling like no one is listening to them and what they want.  I don’t agree with most of the stuff that is being done, but I do see why people act like they do.

What do you think of this quote by Louis D. Brandeis?

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