
I had a doctors appointment on Monday June 8th and I wanted to write a short update about that appointment and also an update about how I have been feeling lately.  I also decided as I was writing this post that I wanted to include just a general life update because  I am truly struggling with things right now.  I can’t tell everything that is bothering me but I will tell what I can and maybe I will still write what is going on and password protect those posts and if you want to check them out you can email me and I will give you the password for them.  Anyway lets get on to the MS update because that is the easiest and quickest part of this post.

As I said before I had a doctor’s appointment Monday afternoon with my neurologist.  I hadn’t had an MRI or anything since I saw her last but she does like to see me every so often because of the medication I am on and things like that.   I haven’t been feeling the greatest lately but there is nothing that can really be done about that because I just don’t feel well.  My headaches are getting bad again which totally sucks because I went so long without having them or at least not having super bads one.  I know that the reason I am having them is because of allergies and also just the stress of life.  I have an MRI in August and I don’t have to see the doctor again until December so that will be nice.

Now on to the life crap that I am willing or able to talk about.  I have no idea where to start or what I even want to say.  I guess the first place to start is with the fact that the daughter I placed for adoption will be 10 this year and I am honestly not sure where the time went.  It has also been a hard year this year when it comes to dealing with the adoption and I am not sure why this year has been so hard for me.

Another thing that has been hard for me this year is family things and usually I don’t really care what goes on with family members but this year that has changed for me.  What is funny about it all is that what I am sad about didn’t even happen this year and to be honest I am not sure why it is now bothers me like it is.  I am sure it is because of everything else going on that is making all the little things in life that usually don’t affect me hard for me to deal with right now.

Anyway that is all I can think of right now so I am going to leave it like this.

How are things going for you???

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4 Comments on Updates: Doctors Appointment, Multiple Sclerosis, and Everything Else

  1. hi I am a fellow ms sufferer has anyone told you about pineapple juice its great for the headaches and body aches in general give a try. I’m dealing myself with the heat in california which in itself gives me problems but waiting for va to go through so I can move to washington state tacoma hopefully my next may. Hang in there does your doctor have you on vitamin d it is also a anti-ionflammatory and helps with pain. Cross your fingers new research coming out with stem cell replacement therapy and also a pill to help regrow the myelin in our brains so maybe a cure soon much love and zen hugs
    lorraine williamson recently posted…Murder Mystery Body ScrubMy Profile

    • I take 5000 IU’s of D3 everyday because I was deficient when she tested me so I have that covered. I will have to try the pineapple juice and see if it helps me at all because god knows it can’t hurt me and is better than some of the medications I am on.
      Margaret Tidwell recently posted…Leaving Eva by Jennifer SivecMy Profile

  2. I can’t believe is been 10 years since she was placed for adoption. Hopefully the rest of the year goes a little smoother for you.

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