My Review

I liked this book at times it seemed to drag on and on but it really was a good book. I had to wonder what was going to happen and who she would end up with. The author did a great job of keeping you reading and wanting to know what was going to happen with the characters. This is the first book in the series and I can’t wait to read other books in the series.

About The  Book


Evie Sandstrom has always had secrets. She has grown up with them and now they are starting to come back and chip away at her confident facade. Always one for an adventure, she decides to leave after college break and spend the summer in Boston.

The Irish Gangster…

Finn Reilly is not only a bad-boy drug dealer but he is also Evie’s first love. When they meet again in Boston, sparks begin to fly and although they share one huge secret that should have destroyed them forever, it unites them at a time when she needs all the help she can get.

The French Model…

Evie’s mother, superstar actress Athena Donahue, has remarried to Etienne Fournier, a model who is eighteen years her mother’s junior and wants to get to know Evie in more ways than one.

Once Athena drags her daughter back to L.A. under dubious circumstances, she is within the sights of Etienne yet out of the sights of Finn. Can they resolve their differences and will true love prevail or will life get in the way and spoil their chances of happiness?

Elle Chardou Photo4

About The Author

Elle Chardou is a world traveler and author of several different series.

Ms. Chardou is the author of The Ties That Bind TrilogyThe Atonement SeriesThe Hart Family SagaThe Vamp SagaThe SupernaturalsBeginnings: Book I (The Plague) series.

She is currently working on UndertowOnly Love (The Atonement Series), and several other novels for her continuing paranormal series, The Vamp Saga.

Ms. Chardou has lived abroad in Stockholm (Sweden), Manchester (England), Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Portland. She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Blog:  http://thebeautifulpeopleawritersjourney.blogspot.com/


“How’s my favorite baby cousin been doin’?” Dylan exclaimed happily in that thick Bostonian accent of his that was pure Dorchester even if he was residing in Charlestown now.

“I’m doin’ good,” I replied before I held him at arm’s length to get a good look at him.

Dylan had always been thin but now he was firmly a man at twenty-five who obviously lifted weights though he was still lean. His skin, the color of alabaster, suited his short dark hair and piercing blue-gray eyes so prevalent in the McKenna clan though they firmly came from my grandmother’s side of the family. Before Cleona had been a McKenna, she’d been a Donahue, hence where my mother had gotten her name from. She thought Athena Donahue would sound better than Athena McKenna and she was right.

My cousin grabbed my suitcases, paid the driver and we walked inside. The place was complete with blonde hardwood floors and minimal furniture. There’d obviously been some kind of get-together the night before because the place smelled heavily of stale beer, marijuana and cigarettes.

I turned toward Dylan and stared at him as I cocked my head to the side. “The dope business must be good. How much did a place like this cost you?”

“Can you believe the yuppie bastards I brought this place from wanted nearly a mil for it? I was payin’ in cash and they liked that a hell of a lot better than havin’ to deal with a bank and transferring mortgages and shit. It allowed ‘em to pay off the mortgage they had and I got this dope fuckin’ pad away from my parents.”

He walked towards me and I found myself backing up self-consciously until my back hit a wall. “What are you doin’ here? Your mother is raisin’ all kinds of stink about you being back here. Hell, even Patrick and Clara are frightened you’re gonna pay them a visit and take away their precious bundle. You didn’t come back to do that, did ya?”

I shook my head. “What the hell am I going to do with a kid? I just couldn’t handle L.A. right now and the first place I thought about was here. I even transferred to Boston Uni because I didn’t want to stay in Seattle.”

“Good, just stay away from Fiona and her gang of friends, including Chloe. If you can manage that then you should be fine. I don’t want you turnin’ into a skank like my sister, you got that? It’s rough out here.”

“Well, I wouldn’t know it by the way you’re flossin’,” I responded sarcastically.

“What can I say? The Oxy and coke markets are good. Especially now those Oxyballs have gotten so popular. I try to stay from that Bath Salt crap—too much weird psycho shit I’ve seen people do when they are on it…but I got help and I am not runnin’ this organization alone.”

“No doubt you gotta give McGee a cut?”

“Well, you know how it is? The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

“You can say that again,” another male voice said and when I turned its way, the face and body I saw took my breath away.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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