
The Snugg iPhone 5 Case Review

The Snugg

I was contacted by The Snugg and asked if would like to review on of their cases.  I have my iPhone 5 since the beginning of the year and I have become addicted to buying cases for it.  So when I was contacted I figured why not I am always open to trying new cases and seeing what they are all about.

They have so many to choose from that it was hard for me to pick.  I finally chose to get ultra thin hot pink case because I didn’t have anything this color.  It took about 5 or so days to get to me which was great.  I hate waiting a long time for something to arrive so quick shipping is a must in my world.

The Snugg iPhone 5 Case Review
This is the case that I received.

I was worried when I got the case that I wouldn’t be able to get it off because of nails.  I got it to snap on really quick and I was also able to get it off even with my nails being super long.  This is a super cute case and it makes me want more of them.  The only draw back to the case is the fact that if you drop it so the screen is pointed down the screen could shatter because it isn’t protected.   Other than that they are super fun and super cute.

If you are looking for a cute case just to dress up your phone then I would for sure check these out.  Also they aren’t that expensive so that is always a good thing when you buy as many cases as I do.

What cases do you love?

FTC:I received a free case in exchange for my honest review.
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April Favorites

April Favorites

I can’t believe it is already May.  It seems like just yesterday that it was the first of the year.  Lets get right into things that I loved during the month of April.  I only have a few this month because I didn’t try many new things and I don’t want to repeat any of them from last month.  If you want to check out what liked for the month of March click here and it will take you to last months post.

The first thing I have loved this month are playing games on my phone.  I am sure everyone knows that I finally joined the iPhone band wagon and I got an iPhone 5 a few months ago.  Since I have had the phone I spend more time playing games on it then actually using it as a phone.  Some of my favorite games are: Dream Heights, Tiny Tribe, Castle Story, Family Farm & Paradise Cove.

rockstarhandcreme1I also have been loving my Julep Rock Star Hand Cream that I got a couple of months ago in my Julep Maven Box.  I love this lotion for many reasons and one of those is that it is small enough to fit in my purse and the smell isn’t overwhelming.  I have bigger bottles of lotion at home and at work and yet I still find that I am always using this one.  It doesn’t leave my hands greasy or anything like that.

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I also have been loving my Belkin iPhone cases.  I have the two that are shown above and I can’t get enough of them.  They are slim which is a great thing because my other cases are bulky and I don’t use them as much as these two.  If you would like to see a post on all of the cases I have for my phone let me know and I will write one.

Those are all of my favorites for last month.  I already have a list of things for May so it will be a longer post next month for sure.

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Writers Workshop- $ 500

Apple logo icon

I chose to write about number 3 this week for the writers workshop because I know exactly what I would do with $ 500.  I am not sure if I have talked about this yet on my blog but my laptop died a couple of weeks ago and I don’t have the money to replace it at the moment so if I had $ 500 I would put it towards paying off my iPhone so that I would be that much closer to being able to buy a new Macbook.

I paid full price for my iPhone because I didn’t want to switch cell phone companies and T-Mobile doesn’t offer the iPhone but it does work on their network.  So I got mine through Apple and just took it into T-Mobile to get a sim card that would fit it.  So I have to pay it off and I also want to pay off my car and then I will save and pay cash for a brand new laptop for myself.

I really want to get rid of the the debt that I do have which isn’t much anymore.  I still have the credit card with my husband that has a huge balance on it but refuse to pay for it so that will still be there but I don’t want any other debt.   I am always scared that I will lose my job or something like that and I would hate to buy the laptop on a credit card and then not be able to pay for it.

Anyways this post has gotten away from me.  So if I got $ 500 I would pay off my iPhone.

What would you do with $ 500?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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