Everybody Falls by J. A. Hornbuckle was an interesting book to read. I liked the characters but I wasn’t a huge fan of the storyline. I am not sure why though because this is usually the kind of book I can’t put down. I loved the authors writing but the storyline just didn’t keep me at the edge of my set but it was a book I am glad that I read it and I am going to check out other books by this author. I found at times that the story didn’t seem like it could really happen in real life.
About The Book
At 25, Jax Wynter lost his life.
As the youngest member of America’s number one rock band, Wynter’s Vicious, Jax lived a life with no rules
or responsibilities. At least until his older brother, founding member and vocalist, died in a fiery car crash. Jobless,
clueless and deemed unfit to handle his own affairs, Jax must sober up, man up and adjust to living as a ‘normal
person’ in the ‘real world’.
At 24, Lacey Emerson found hers.
Shuffled between her bi-polar mom and her former hippie grandmother, Lacey had no choice but to become
responsible at a young age. Her chaotic childhood, though, gave her the skills and determination to succeed when
she inherited her grandmother’s bakery. Her life was finally normal, real but very, very boring.
All it took was a five-point face plant to turn both their lives upside down.
From the author of Pole Dance, Human Hieroglyphix I & II and Tap Dance, comes the new novel, “Everybody
Falls”, Book One of Wynter’s Vicious Series. Set in the beautiful town of Auburn, California and filled with a cast
of quirky characters, it’s a story about learning to live, learning to love and learning to hold on when your brand
of ‘normal’ comes undone.
Sometimes you have to fall from grace before you can fall in love
About The Author
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