I got the idea for this post from the blog Daily Post and the topic is:
When and where do you do your best thinking? In the bathroom? While running? Just before bed, or first thing in the morning? On the bus? Why do you think that is?
I chose this prompt because everyone has different places where they do their best thinking and I think it would be fun to find out where other people feel that they do their best thinking. I have to be honest this post took me awhile to write because I wasn’t really sure where I did my best thinking until I stopped and really thought about it.
After thinking about it I came to see that I do my best thinking at night when I am should be sleeping which is probably one of the many reasons that I can’t sleep. The minute I lay down my head starts going and I always get such great ideas for blog posts or other things I want/need to do.
I also find that for some reason I write the best blog posts while I am on my lunch break at work. I am sure that is because my brain is already in work mode so it is easy to switch from doing work and writing a blog post pretty easily. I am also lucky that my job doesn’t mind that I blog as long as all my work is done.
So that is when I do my best thinking. When and where do you do your best thinking?