Blog 101

*Well lets start off with what blog host you are using. I design blogs for Blogger hosted blogs.

*Blogger/Blogspot: These are the same thing. The blogging program is called “Blogger” and your blog address will look something like “”. Blogger is a completely free blog service and probably the easiest one to use. I have to different type of blog designs for blogger, The Classics and The Modern Designs. The Classics Designs are based off the Minima template and the Simple template in the new template designer from blogger. The Modern Designs are based off templates that I create using a template designer program. For both types I offer premade and custom designs.
*Columns for your site
Do you know how many columns you want for your site? Well I will explain them to you to help you decide by explaining them to you.
1 Column:
One column designs only have a post area and no sidebars. This design is great for photography blogs. Here is a sample: This sample is not live since I never got to finish the design.

2 Columns:
Two columns designs have only one sidebar. The sidebar can be either on the left or the right side of the blog. I love this layout since it makes the blog look really clean and simple. Here is a sample of a 2 columns design: 

3 Columns:
Three columns designs have a post area and 2 sidebars. I create this layout two different ways; with one column on each side of the post area and with two columns on the same side. The layout with the columns on the same side you have the option of having them on either the left or right side of the blog. Here are samples of these designs:
3 Columns-same side
3 Columns- split
4 Columns:
Four columns designs have a post area and 3 sidebars. The layout of this design is different then all the other, at the top of the layout it only has 1 sidebar and then it splits into 2 columns.  This design is only available for The Classic Designs with the Minima template. Here is a sample of a 4 columns design:  
Click image to see better.
*How do I sign you on to my blog/site
-Go into your Dashboard and click on Settings.
-Under Permissions please send me an email invite to be an author.
-After I accept your invitation you will need to go back into Settings/Permissions and click on “Grant Admin” next to my name.
*Please note that after your blog installation is done you can remove me as an author/admin on your blog.
A favicon is the little icon that shows up in your address bar and/or in the Tab of your page.
A button helps you get your website/blog out there. The buttons I create will have a code box attached to them so that your followers can take the code and add it to their blog/webpage.
*Post Signature
This is what you sign your blog posts with. It will automatically show up in each post.
*Navigation Bar
They help you navigate through your webpage/blog. I create this 2 ways.
-Navigation Bar With Text
-Navigation Bar with Images

*Post Divider
This is a separator between each post. This design can be as simple or as custom as you want.



*Social Network Icons

They are icons that will link to whatever social network you choose.
-Networked Blogs
-RSS Feeds
-I can also link them up to your email subscribe feed.
-I can also link them up to your GFC follow feed.
-If you have any others you would like to see as an icon let me know.
These icons can be as small as 25×25 and as big as 200×200.
*Sidebar Titles

*only avalible for Blogger Classic Designs*

Have custom images as your sidebar titles instead of just plain regular text
*If you have a question about something not addressed here, please feel free to contact me!
Custom sidebar titles instead of just regular text. Registered & Protected


I have been missing from the blogging world this week.  I am trying to get back into the swing of things but work has been crazy to say the least. I am probably not going to get caught up reading blogs this time but I am going to start fresh.  I have a lot of fun things to post in the days to come but I am just not feeling like blogging today so hopefully tomorrow!

Green With Envy

Jealousy is not a pretty emotion.  
But I think it’s fair to say that we all succumb 
to its power every now-and-then.  
We’re only human, right?
Are you … jealous much?
What makes you green with envy?
What makes your green-eyed monster break free 
and bare its teeth for all to see?
Make it a list or a story.
Include photos or don’t.
It’s All About ME YOU!
We want to get to know YOU 🙂

I am going to make a list of things that make me jealous for everyone to ready and enjoy!

  • Skinny people
  • People that love to work out!
  • People that are really outgoing because I am super shy and scared of people
  • People who have found their soul mate
  • People that live on their own 
  • People who are happy and content being single.

That is my list!  I now realize that I am a really jealous person.  I guess that needs to be something that I work on right now.

A Phone Call

Saturday 9: I Want to Hold Your Hand

1. What do you notice about other people’s hands?
I really only notice the nails of other people.  I am not really a big hand person so I don’t pay much attention to them.

2. If someone was nosing around your house, what would you hope they wouldn’t see?
I wouldn’t care if you are being nosy then oh well.  If you don’t like what you find then don’t go being nosy.
3. Do you think that the more stuff you own enhances your life or adds to your burden?
Depends on what the stuff is.  The stuff in my life that I am making payments on is becoming more of a burden to me because I am not making the money I need to pay for it all but the things that I am not paying for are enhancing my life.

4. What was the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Probably “The Blindside” and it is a great movie!

5. What do you have under your bed?
A lot of things.  If you look under my bed it is at your own risk. 
6. What do you think your s/o or best friend would say about what makes you unique?
I would be scared to find out lol-I will ask them and then let everyone know what they say.

7. What’s your current favorite TV commercial?
I don’t watch much TV so I don’t have a favorite commercial

8. Who do you owe a phone call to?
No one that I can think of

9. Do you know about my friend’s new meme Wednesday Wickedness? Will you give it a try this week just for me? Please? 🙂
I don’t know about it but I will check it out and see what I think.

The prompts that i am choosing to do this this week are:

(all prompts inspired by this months copy of Oprah Magazine.)
1.) “I’m mad at myself. I’m embarassed. I can’t believe after all these years, I’m still talking about my weight.” Poor Ope. What are you mad at yourself about?
I am mad that I let others get to me and I am so hot headed most of the time.  If I would just take the time to think before I speak and take the time to calm down I wouldn’t have half the problems that I have now.  I have tried and tried to stop speaking before I speak and to stop flying off the handle but no matter how hard I try I just can’t seem to get the hang of it.  I have decided that maybe it is just how I will be forever.  If anyone has any ideas on how I can change this about myself let me know.
I wish that I had a thicker skin as well.  Every time someone says something mean to me I get super depressed and feel like  my life is crap.  I guess it has to do with the fact that I have super low self esteem and I hate people to be mad at me or dislike me.  People that know me know that I put up a strong front but it really does hurt me inside.  I also need to know how I can maybe change this about myself as well!

2.) Divorce Dreams…a tempting alternative? A disaster to be avoided? Ever an option? Advice? What’s your take?
I am currently going through a divorce and I wish I could say it was a disaster that I was avoiding.  There is nothing fun about having to deal with what I deal with on a daily basis.  At times it is a huge joke and I wish that it could just be nice and we could be civil.  I guess I will never understand how someone can say that they love you but still act and treat me like he is treating me right now.  I know I could never treat him like he is treating me that is for sure.  I guess the only advice I could give to people is if you are having doubts before the wedding then don’t marry that person because things will only get worse and divorces are not fun at all.  They also bring out the worst in people.

I Wanna Talk About Me!

1. Ever had any run-ins with the “library police?”
No I haven’t I always behaved when I was at the library!
2. Do you have a special organizational plan and place for wrapping paper, gift bags, etc., or do you just purchase whatever you need as you give gifts?
My grandma has stuff that she buys ahead of time but I just buy it as I need it.
3. Have you ever been in (first-hand witness) a natural disaster?
No but that would be so cool if I was!!!
4. What’s your favorite Barry Manilow song?
I don’t know any of them!
5. What’s the best costume you’ve ever worn?
I don’t like to dress up but I think my most favorite one was when I dressed as an army man in middle school.
6. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
7. What’s your favorite breakfast food?
Nothing- I don’t eat breakfast because it makes me sick to my stomach
8. Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial?
No but I do buy the as seen on tv stuff all the time lol
9. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Ya-One time when we got locked out of the house and I was the smallest one so I had to go through a window and let everyone else in the house.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes I do
11. How man pairs of jeans do you own?
To many but only 3 pairs fit me right now
12. If someone were going to bake a cake to honor/represent you, what would it be? (Think creatively, like Duff and Crew on “Ace of Cakes.”)
Either the Playboy Bunny or the Baby Phat cat logo!