Day 6-20 Of My Favorite Things

Here is a list of 20 of my favorite things!

  1. My girls-Elinore & Sylvia
  2. Squirrel
  3. My Mac Book
  4. The internet
  5. My family
  6. My job (It isn’t really my favorite thing but I am thankful I have one right now)
  7. My bed!!!!
  8. My movies that I have watched 100 times
  9. People that are special to me!
  10. My pretty car
  11. My Bloggy BFF’s
  12. Getting a divorce from a loser lol
  13. My daughter even though I placed her for adoption
  14. The good days I have with the MS even though they don’t happen very often
  15. Dog The Bounty Hunter
  16. The Deadliest Catch
  17. Music
  18. Dr Pepper
  19. People that are so willing help others
  20. All of my things!

I haven’t written an update in awhile on the MS and life in general so I think today is the day.  The MS has gotten super bad lately and I am not sure what is going to happen with it all.  They have started me on  a new drug and I am not sure what I think about it yet.  I mean yes it does work but at the same time it has scary side effects and it is super addicting.  So we will see how long I stay on it.  I am not holding out to much hope for it though.  The first time I took it I spent the half the next day in bed because I was so drugged but on the other hand it is the only thing right now that is taking the pain away.  So like everything else time will tell.
Josh has gotten on my last damn nerve!  He has finally pushed to far and I can’t wait to file the papers and be done with his dumb ass.  He will never get what he has done and he will never understand why I will never talk to him again.  Once everything is done my number will be changed and he can go away for good.  Even if he at some point grows a brain it will be to late.  I know he will get his and that is what makes things so great for me.  Karma is a bitch and I can’t wait til his slaps him in the face!!!!!!!

Day 4- Favorite Book

I can’t say that I have a favorite book but I do have lots of books I like to read.  I have never been able to re-read a book like I re-watch movies.  My favorite series of books is Harry Potter!!!!!!

I loved the books and I love the movies just as much!  I also love to read books that are written by Jody Picoult.

I love how she writes.  There has only been one book of hers that I couldn’t get through so for me that means she is a great author!

Day 3- Favorite TV Show

I don’t really watch much TV unless I am not feeling well over the weekend but when I do watch TV I love to watch Dog The Bounty Hunter and The Deadliest Catch.  I will also watch other shows but those two are my all time favorites!!!!!  They are always so exciting and always changing. 

Day 2

Day 2’s Prompt is: what is my favorite movie.  This one is hard for me because I love so many movies.  I think I am going to list a few of them and why I love them!

The first movie that I like is The Blind Side.

I love this movie because well I love football and I love to see stories like this.  I don’t think there is a football movie out there that I don’t totally love.

The second movie I really like would have to be Liar Liar.

This movie will always make me laugh!  I have it memorized and yet I still laugh through most of it!  Jim Carrey does such a great job in this movie.

The third movie that I really like is Apollo 13.

I have loved this movie since I have seen it.  I have it memorized as well and I watch it at least once a week.  Funny side night is there is a guy that I work with that looks a lot think one of mission control guys.

I am going to stop my list right there because I could go on an on about the movies that I love!!!!