Some Interessting Facts

This week for my MS post I am going to post some facts that I found about the disease.

Facts about Multiple Sclerosis

General Information about Multiple Sclerosis

  •  First Diagnosed in 1849
  • The earliest known description of a person with possible Multiple Sclerosis dates from 14th century Holland
  • Multiple Sclerosis is the most common progressive and disabling neurological condition in young adults
  • Approx 2.5 million people worldwide, have Multiple Sclerosis
  • Around 400,000 people in the United States have Multiple Sclerosis
  • In the UK, approx 70,000 people have the disease
  • Approx 50,000 people in Canada have Multiple Sclerosis
  • Scotland has the highest incidence of Multiple Sclerosis per head of population in the world
  • In Scotland, over 10,500 people have Multiple Sclerosis
  • No virus has ever been isolated as the cause of Multiple Sclerosis
  • Average age of clinical onset is 30 – 33 years of age
  • The average age of diagnosis is 37 years of age
  • The average time between clinical onset of MS and diagnosis by physicians is 4 – 5 years
  • 10% of cases are diagnosed after the age of fifty
  • In 1936, only 8% of patients were reported to survive beyond 20 years after onset of illness
  • In 1961, over 80% of Multiple Sclerosis patients were reported surviving to 20 years after onset of illness
  • 2002 – A patient with Multiple Sclerosis can expect to live to average population life-expectancy minus seven years (mean life expectancy – 7 years)
  • Multiple Sclerosis is five times more prevalent in temperate climates than in tropical climates
  • Multiple Sclerosis affects women much more frequently than men. Approx. 1.7 – 2:1 in the US and approx 3:2 in the UK
  • The ratio of white to non-white is approx 2:1
  • Gypsies and Inuit’s do get Multiple Sclerosis although the incidence rate is much lower than other populations at approx 19 per 100,000
  • Native Indians of North and South America, the Japanese and other Asian peoples have a very low incidence rate of Multiple Sclerosis
  • In identical twins where one twin develops the disease, the likelihood of the second twin developing Multiple Sclerosis is approx 30%
  • The incidence rate for non-identical twins, where one contracts Multiple Sclerosis, is approx 4%
  • The risk of contracting Multiple Sclerosis if a first-degree relative (father, mother, sibling) has the disease, is approx 1% – 3% overall
  • The risk of contracting Multiple Sclerosis if your father has the disease is approx 1 in 100
  • The risk of contracting Multiple Sclerosis if your mother has the disease is approx 1 in 50
  • The risk among the general population of contracting Multiple Sclerosis is approx 1 in 800

Sources: Registered & Protected

Week After Mothers Day Sale

This is a great sale!

Does your blog need a makeover? Do you need a new creative design?
Well you have came to the right place.  I am going to be selling this package for 35 dollars.  This same package is regularly $65.

This sale will end May 16, 2011 at midnight (Pacific time).

This sale is only for Blogger hosted blogs.

This will include:

2 , 3 or 4 column design
Custom background
Custom header
Sidebar titles (unlimited)
Custom signature
Custom post divider
Social network icons
Menu bar (+$8 if you want a drop down menu bar)
Custom blog button
**This sale doesn’t include any image or kit fees.

**I add a $3.00 paypal fee to each package.

**You can order as many as you like.

If you are interested please fill out this form Registered & Protected

A Letter To Her Son

April 14, 1999

To My Son, I was only 15 when you where born. I can remember like it was yesterday; the emotions running threw me. I wrote down the words that I was feeling as I carried you in my stomach. I love you so very much. I hope the choices I made for you gave you a life full of rewards. I am sorry for any sorrow I have given you. I am now 32 and since have had 3 Children: Ashley 10, Cody 6, and little Anna 3 months old. NOT A DAY GOES BY THAT I DON ‘T CARING YOU IN MY HEART: When I look into the eyes of my 3 children (your siblings), I can see the glimmer of your soul, the day I left you at the hospital almost 17 years ago.

Baby Boy Arterburn/Bianco, I hope you don’t mind. I am sharing my thoughts with strangers before I share them with you. I want everyone to know. As the years go by and I have had more children, there is still a space deep in my soul that is only made complete by the baby boy I left so long ago and a longing to know the young man he has become today. I want you to know that: whether you were happy or sad, healthy or sick, rich or poor, or you have been a good boy or bad boy, I will always love you unconditionally.

When I think of you, I also think about your father. He was so handsome and alot like Garfield always getting into something and trying to dig his way out. To this day even though I have married, I have never loved again the way I loved your father. He was so hurt when we let you go and I don’t think he could ever forgive me. He passed away a year after you were born, he was 17 years old and I am not really sure what really happened. The two most important people in my life were gone and my life has never been complete since. I just want you to know that I love and miss you and your father every day of my life.

You are a piece of me and my blood runs through your veins. I gave you life and your mom and dad have to be such wonderful people, to have wanted you to share your life with them for the rest of theirs. To your Mom and Dad, thank you for wanting him with all your hearts, you are both truly ANGELS in mine. I am always here and my home is always open for you and your family. WITH LOVE, PAM your (Birth Mother)

These are my words and this was written at the age of 15 for my SON, that I have never known. I gave you up for adoption 17 years ago and I caring these words with me 24 hours a day. I decided to share them with others, only after I began to register in birth registries. This is the first time I have shared my thoughts with anyone but GOD in 17 years! I hope they comfort someone else as they did me. With Love I pass them on! Pam


It’s been five months now!
I wake up to a slight flutter in my tummy!
It suddenly becomes real and I glow with excitement!
I think to myself,
What a wonderful day!
With each new flutter I can feel it grow!
I know now that I will soon hold a little one in my arms!
The flutters I once felt are now becoming strong jolts!
As I press my belly I feel a limb!
It jumps and moves acknowledging my touch!
Then it comes to me, that we have begun BONDING!
This life inside me all ready has a soul,
It can feel just as I do feel.
I am in AWE!
That GOD has entrusted to me the life of another,
As I lay at night and wonder,
Will everything turn out all right?
Will I make the right chooses;
So that this child I caring inside me; will not suffer?
I do not know,
But with all the love I have for this little life,
I will surely be his for the rest of mine!
Fly Away Home,
I hope you return with you WINGS one day!
I LOVE YOU Baby Boy Arterburn/Bianco

Dedicated to Baby Boy Arterburn/Bianco: Pam Bianco/1982 author

(c) Pamela Bianco Johnson All Rights ReservedPhotobucket

Musical Monday Week 2

This week for Musical Monday’s I am going to post a song by Matthew West.  He is by far my favorite singer out there right now.  He is a christian singer and I can’t get enough of his songs.  The first song I called “Surviors” and Melissa from Sugar Filled Emotions what the person who told me about this song.

This next one is called “Story Of Your Life”.

These are only two of his songs but there are more that I like of his.  I hope everyone enjoyed these songs! Registered & Protected

NES & Weight Check In

I haven’t done an update post on my eating disorder in a few weeks and I figured that I would post an update.  I haven’t been doing to well with the whole not eating at night.  I try but I haven’t been working on it to much.  Right now I know I will be beat it but I am just not dealing with it.  This time of year is hard for me because of my daughters birthday and mothers day.  I know once I get past her birthday that I will get back on the band wagon and beat it once and for all.

As for my weight loss lets just say I am pretty much the same weight I was before.  I really need to start walking again after work.  I have gotten lazy but I will get back on the wagon with this as well.  I hate that the MS makes me so tired and sick all the time.  If I didn’t have MS I would be active and out living my life instead sitting in the house because I am sick.  Oh well that isn’t important.  I am going to get my ass in gear and start walking again! Registered & Protected

Melissa’s Story

This is Melissa Rainey Pierson story.  
It was the first time out from under my parents roof. I was sharing an apartment with my brother and stopped going to church and met a guy my brother didn’t like him but to pay less rent he let me have him move in ( I ended up paying 2/3 of the rent). when I found out I was PG I kicked him out of the apartment and my life. walking through the doors of the church was one of the scariest things I have ever done luckily they were loving and supportive. when I realized I wouldn’t be able to take care of him on my own (and I didn’t want to put the burden on my parents) I decided I needed to give him to someone that could. I went to the phone book and there were 2 Christian Adoption Agency’s – I made the Initial phone calls and One turned me off and the other on. I knew who I was going with. They have each family make a scrap book to show who they are so when I got those in I Sat and pondered and prayed and finally came to a decision.and then did it all over because I picked the wrong family. I finally landed upon Lynn and Mike. I had my When I found out around Christmas that they had the same first and middle name picked out I knew it was right. He stayed in my room while I was in the hospital. his mom and dad came to tally the day after he was born – very nice people – the right people. God has a plan for him and I was part of it. He will always have a place in my ehart and I hope that one day he will come find me. It won’t be hard, the adoption agency will always know where I am.