The Honesty MeMe

Complete the Sentences:

Right now I’m feeling…Tired and alone

When I’m alone I feel…Happy most of the time but it can get lonely.

When I’m surrounded by people I feel…Nervous because people scary me.  I never know if they are going to be rude or not.

One thing I hate is…people who lie and then get pissed off when I figure out they lied.

One thing I really like about myself is …how I can entertain myself.

When I’m feeling sad I…Blog and mess around on Facebook.

When I daydream it’s usually about…Where I would like to be and maybe a guy that would love me.

I’m afraid of…Spiders and dying

I’m happiest when…I am with my friends and my cubs.

One thing that really worries me is …What the MS will end up doing and that the MS medication my give me PML.

If I could change one thing about myself it would be…My weight.

If I could be with anyone right now I would be with…Misti or a guy that loves me

The family member I am closest to is…My grandma or my brother

If I was really honest with my father I would tell him…How hard it is to build a relationship with him

One thing I regret about my life is … marrying my current husband and not finishing school.

If I only had one more day to live I would…Spend time with my kitty girls and friends and family.

If I was really honest with my mother i would tell her…I won’t talk to her.  I have washed my hands of her.  I have no desire to talk with her or even see her again.  To me she is dead.

One thing about me that nobody knows is…I don’t hide things about me so my friends know all about me.

I hope that someday in the future…I will finish my education and a degree

When I think about my family I feel…happy and I always smile because we are always doing crazy stuff

Something I’m really embarrassed about is…I can’t think of anything

One thing about me I never want to change is…Who I am.  I like who I am so I don’t plan on changing it of it.

One thing I feel really proud of is…My daughter that I placed for adoption

Blogsville has helped me to…Met people and help me relieve stress.

One thing I like about blogsville is…The sense of community that I have found. Registered & Protected

Crazy. . .

Work has been nuts the last 2 weeks.  They let Misti go on the 30th of June.  For those that don’t know Misti was my boss and also the person who hired me.  We worked together almost 4 years and now I am the one left.  When we were bought out last year there were three girls and now I am the last women standing.  I hate that I am the one left because I feel so bad for Misti not having a job and I am worried she won’t be able to find a job.  It is so strange at work to be the one that is left to hold down the fort.  I really believe they wanted to keep Misti but I was the one who was doing what they needed done so I am the one left.  Is crazy to come to work each day and not have her here.  I am sure it will get better as the time passes but I have found that it gets lonely since I am the only girl here and it is super quiet because I am now the only one downstairs in the front of the building.  There are three people in the back/warehouse but I am all alone in the front.  I know in time it will be okay but it is just different to say the least.

I am not sure if you guys remember Blanca and Coco but they were two pitbulls that my friends friend owned.  Long story short he couldn’t keep them so I took both of them to live with my “friend”.  Well he got kicked out so Coco went to stay with Misti and Blanca they told me had to be put down.  Well I never thought she has been put down.  I figured they just lied because they wanted to keep her.  Little did they know I wasn’t going to take her because I had no place for her and they seemed to love her.  Well yesterday when I get to work my Grandma called me and said that Coco got out.  I had her call the lady back who found the dog and ask what color she was because where she was found what to far for Coco to have gone.  Well it turns out to be the dog that they said they put down.  Lets just say I was pissed off because they didn’t need to lie about it.  I am fine with them having her.   It just pisses me off that they had to lie about it all.    If anyone should have the dog it is me but I don’t have a place for her.  Maybe in time I will get her!!!!  The white one is Blanca and the brindle colored one is Coco

This post has taken me all day to right because are crazy and I have to answer them and do everything else I do.  I am not complaining about being busy but even being busy the time is still dragging!  I am so ready for it to be time to go home so I can watch my shows.  I hope everyone has had a great Tuesday! Registered & Protected

A Big Thank You

I want to thank all of the people who have contributed to this blog.  I am so glad that people have a place to go to share there stories.  I am so glad that you are willing to share your stories.  I know it is hard to type up the stories and it is also hard to put them out there because of how we are judge because of what we choose for our children.  My hope is that this blog will show to other people that they can survive if they chose adoption for their children.  I truly believe that awareness needs to be raised about adoption and there need to be more places for birth parents to go and find the support that we all need.  It is so great to now have a place where I can go and talk to people who totally understand what I am feeling.

I want to thank you all and I hope you will continue to share your stories.  Also if you know of any birth parents or anyone who has been touched by adoption please send them my way!  I am always looking for stories so please feel free to email them to me!