Book Review-The Girl in the Box

Back Of Book

Caitlin Shaughnessy, a Canadian journalist, discovers that Inez, a traumatized young Mayan woman originally from Guatemala, has killed Caitlin’s psychoanalyst partner, Dr. Jerry Simpson. Simpson brought the girl, who may be autistic, back to Canada as an act of mercy and to attempt to treat her obvious trauma. Cailin desperately needs to find out why this terrible incident occurred so she can find the strength to forgive and move on with her life.

Inez, whose sense of wonder and innocence touches all who meet her, becomes a focal point for many of the Canadians who encounter her. As Caitlin struggles to uncover the truth about Inez’s relationship with Jerry, Inez struggles to break free of the projections of others. Each must confront her own anger and despair. The doctors in the north have an iciness that matches their surroundings, a kind of clinical armour that Caitlin must penetrate if she is to reach Inez.

The Girl in the Box is a psychological drama of the highest order and a gripping tale of intrigue and passion.

My Review

When I read the back of the book this book made me think of the movie “Nell” but once I started reading the book I realized that it was nothing like that movie.  I had the same idea of a feral children but other than that they are totally different.   The books starts when Jerry was in Guatemala and finds Inez.  The book then jumps to the present day when Caitlin finds out that Jerry was killed Inez.  It jumps back and forth quite a bit as Caitlin starts to write a book and looking into why Inez killed Jerry.  Lets just say that I never saw the book ending how it did.  Even now while I am writing this I am still in shock about how it ended.  The author does a great job keeping the person interested and making you feel like you are there with the characters.  I couldn’t help but like Inez and even feel bad for her.  I know that most people would find this book interesting if you like mysteries and/or thrillers.

  FTC- I received a complimentary copy of “The Girl In The Box” for this review and I received no other compensation.  The opinions expressed in the post are mine and only mine.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Margaret Margaret

Thanksgiving & My Birthday

Thursday was Thanksgiving here in the US and that is always a super busy day for me as it is for tons of people.   I helped my grandma and I also worked on designs most of the day.  I want to redo both of my sites but I have no idea what I want to do with my sites.  I also come up with great ideas for clients but I can never figure out what I am going to do with my own sites.  Oh well I always figure it out in the end.  We had my grandma’s family over and there was quite a few of them that showed up.  I never did count but we had planned on 17 or so.  Once that was over I just went to bed because I was exhausted and I didn’t even do much because the MS is kicking my butt lately.

My birthday was on Saturday and I didn’t do anything other than go to dinner with my grandparents and my brother.  My birthday was uneventful this year and I am okay with that!  I am not looking forward to Christmas for several reasons but the main one is because I am already so tired I don’t know where I am going to find the energy to do everything that goes on this time of year.  I think I will just hide!

I hope everyone had a great weekend and if you are in the US I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Margaret Margaret

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Blog Design Sale

If you are looking for a new design for your blog you can’t pass up this great sale. I am teaming up with Jacqui from Wacky Jacqui Designs for a Black Friday & Cyber Monday sale! We have the two packages that are on sale listed below.

Blogger Sale $35

  • Header
  • Background
  • Menu bar
  • Blog button with grab code
  • Post divider
  • Signature
  • Sidebar title design
  • Footer message (ex: Thank You For Visiting)
  • Social Icons
  • Template Choice: (these are sample sites)
  • 2 columns (left or right sidebar column placement)
  • 3 columns (2 columns right or left OR split with 1 column on each side)
  • 4 columns (left or right sidebar column placement)
This includes only a basic Menu Bar, if you want a drop down menu it will cost $10 extra.
This package doesn’t include any digital images/kit fees.


WordPress Sale $60

  • Header
  • Background
  • Blog Button
  • Signature
  • Social icons
  • Theme Used: Lifestyle, Prose, or Magazine from StudioPress
This package doesn’t include any digital images/kit fees.

Right now is a great time to get a new design! Please fill out this form if you are interested in this package.  This sale ends on 11/29/2011.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2011 Margaret Margaret

Book Review-Iris and the Dragonflies

Product Description

Iris, a feisty, solitary, eleven-year-old girl prefers being down by the creek near her house more than anywhere else in the world.

School is nothing but a joyless prison and uninterested in her classmates she spends each day gazing out the window, waiting for the dismissal bell to ring. Her only friends are the dragonflies who flit through the shoulder high bulrushes growing along the creek’s banks.

Iris discovers the dragonflies are more than they appear to be and that she is the key to resolving an age-old battle between light and dark, good and evil. She has the ability to unleash the power of the Earth to restore the balance that has been lost. This however is not what the Solaris have in mind. They are the world’s most powerful Evil and Iris is the only one who can stop them!

Will Iris and her friends be able to win this battle?

Iris and the Dragonflies is empowering, and a must read for all girls.

My Review

When I received this book to review I thought that it was going to be boring because it is written for middle school kids but I really enjoyed reading this book.  It has such a great mix of fantasy and real things that it kept me interested.  I couldn’t help but like Iris.  The author is great and tells the story so well that you have to wonder at times if it is real or fantasy.  I am amazed that she could make Iris seem so real and peg how girls Iris’s age act.  She is an amazing author and I wouldn’t mind reading more of her books.  I think that middle school kids would love this book.  I would recommend that everyone check out this book!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2011-2016 Margaret Margaret