Linky Followers

I was reading blogs last night and I can across a great new way to follow blogs it is called “Linky Followers”  I have added the widget to my sidebar right above the GFC one.  I would recommend everyone following me using the new one and that way you won’t miss out on any of my post once they do away with GFC.  It was super easy to set up and easy to install.  Here is what the widget looks like:

I hope you will use this new linky to follow me!  Let me know if you have any questions!

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Prescription to Kill

Back Of The Book

In a large teaching hospital in Dallas, Texas, the neurosurgery department has the usual mix of new and old interns with their usual mix of problems, but it also has a couple of unexpected and unexplained deaths.…

Joan Murdock, first-year neurosurgery intern, can’t save the life of a good friend whose death simply doesn’t make sense—or maybe makes too much sense….Next is a hospital pharmacist who perhaps knew too much….And then a grim attack on Joan herself….

The method’s unusual; the motive’s chilling. Add to the potent brew a couple of torrid love affairs and a secret drug addiction, and somebody’s got a…


My Review

I loved this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I could not put this book down because the characters are doctors and it is a mystery.  I have never read a book like this before and now I am hooked on them.   I loved the characters and I was sad when one of the main characters gets killed.  I was also rooting for her best friend to figure out who killed her.  Now I knew the main person they thought killed her didn’t do it but I couldn’t figure out who really did it.  Every chapter when they found out something new I would change who I thought did it but I never would have figured out who really did it.  After I found out who did it I just sat there in shock because I never would have guessed in 100 years that they did it.  I also loved how the author wrote a little bit about most of the main characters right at the beginning so you would know a little about them and also so you can go back and look at them if you forget who someone is and how they tie into the story.

I can’t any enough good things about this book!  Everyone needs  to read this book!  Go here and pick the book up you won’t regret it!

FTC-I received “Prescription To Kill” from Dorrance Publishing Co, Inc for me to review.  I was not compensated in any other way.  The opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine


Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret

Writers Workshop-Pinterest

Mama’s Losin’ It

I haven’t done any thing for the writers workshop and since I haven’t had time to actually write in the past couple of weeks I figured that I would write about 2.) Are you on Pinterest? Share the last five items you pinned, choose one and let it inspire a blog post.  I have been signed up for months for Pinterest but I never used it until the past 2 weeks or so and I am hooked!  I am pinning all day long at work and when I am surfing the web.  There are a lot of fun things I couldn’t just pick one so I am going to post some of my favorites here today instead of writing a post about just one.

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Natural House Probiotic Cleaning Products

Natural House sent me a 30 day supply of some of their natural household cleaning products.  I received the following products:

I have used all 3 of this products and I love them!!!!  It is so nice to have something to clean the bathroom with that doesn’t have all of the horrible chemicals in them.  All 3 of these items work really well.  I think the one to clean the toilet is my favorite one of them all.  It cleans the toilet and it is fun to watch lol.  It foams up and I am like a 2 year old and love to watch if foam lol.  The trashcan one is nice to use at work because it kills the smell so that you can actually fill up the bag that is in it.  I truly can see me purchasing this items again because they are so easy to use and I love that they don’t have the nasty chemicals in them.  If you are interested in getting this products you can either click on the pictures above or click right here.  they aren’t super expensive and they work great.

Let me know what you think of them!

**I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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