After the Fall by Ariadne Wayne

After the Fall by Ariadne Wayne was a great book.  It took me the first chapter before I really got into the book but once I got hooked I didn’t stop reading until I had finished reading it.  This book was only 137 pages so it was on the shorter side and I have to say that I was sad because I really did enjoy the characters and the authors writing.  This book follows along with Natalie and Alex as they have a fling that turns into something more.  The plot was pretty predictable to me but I still loved the book and I can’t wait to check out more books by her in the future.


About After The Fall

New Adult Romance Date Published: 7/26/13

The first time Natalie and Alex met, Natalie fell hard. Literally. The pair embark on a 3 month fling and after the fall Alex leaves the country. Natalie struggles to get on with her life and as it turns out, Alex can’t forget her either

Torn between what he feels for Natalie and loyalty to his father, Alex makes a choice that will change his life forever. But his overwhelming need to regain his father’s respect could ruin everything.

About Ariadne Wayne

Ariadne Wayne wanted to be a journalist when she grew up. Real life got in the way as did her love of computers and after twenty years she decided to return to writing and is loving it. After a lifetime of making up stories in her head, she’s now recording them to share with others. Her quirky sense of humour often leads all kinds of places and sometimes into trouble. She balances writing with working full time and bringing up two children and a husband so struggles for air at times but loves every minute of it!

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Home To Heather Creek


I received the first 2 books in the Home To Heather Creek to review and I have to say that I loved both of the books.  I am going to talk about the books on their own so that you can decided if you want to read either of them or both of them.  In the Before The Dawn you get to see the struggles of teenagers and their mothers parents who have stepped up to raise the children after their daughter and the children’s mother was killed.  I have to say that I really loved the first book.  There are parts where I was bored and I think could have been cut out but all in all I was a good book and I was excited to see what happened in the next book.  Sweet September starts at the end of summer just as the kids  are going back to school.  I have to say that I loved this book more than I liked the first one and I am not sure why.  I know this one was written by a different author and I think that may have something to do with it.  I hope there are more books in this series because I love these characters and I was sad when I finished this book.

About The Books


Before the Dawn

Before the Dawn begins just one week after the funeral of Charlotte’s daughter, Denise. Denise’s three children barely have time to process the death of their mother before they must move to the Heather Creek Farm they have never visited with grandparents they barely know. At age 16, Sam is fiercely protective of his younger siblings. Emily is 14 and desperately misses her friends. Young Christopher is only 8 and just wants to fit in. While Charlotte tries to help her grandchildren adjust to their new life, she also wrestles with her own grief and the enormous task of bringing her family together. Bob believes the fastest path to adjustment is a firm routine, with structure and chores, the same way they raised their own kids. However, that route led to Denise running away from home as a teenager and an estranged relationship with her family. Charlotte is worried about making the same mistakes she made with Denise. Is this her chance to make things right?

It is spring when the children arrive, and as Charlotte looks around the farm, she hopes the new life around them will signify hope and healing. The miracle of new life, along with God’s healing touch, reminds all of them that it’s always darkest just before the dawn.


Sweet September

Sweet September picks up at harvest time, as the children are settling into a new school year. While the harvest should be an exciting time, the children don’t seem to be getting into the spirit. Emily is struggling with farm life, Christopher spends most of his time alone, and Sam is failing school. Trying to learn from what did and didn’t work with her own kids, Charlotte is determined to get her grandchildren back on track.

As tenuous family bonds threaten to break apart, a mystery on the farm might be the one thing that can bond the family together. Charlotte sets out to uncover the truth, and as the kids unite to find answers, this cobbled-together family learns more about one another and the love that binds them together.

The lives of the Stevensons and their grandchildren unfold in this captivating story of the remarkable change that comes from the love of family, the kindness of others, sheer persistence and unshakable faith. As readers follow the Stevensons’ inspiring stories, it’s almost impossible not feel a part of this friendly, loving community, where God’s grace can be seen in every circumstance.

About The Author

Kathleen Bauer is the pen name for a team of writers who have come together to create the Home to Heather Creek series.

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The Courier of Casewell Hall by Melanie Dobson


The Courier of Casewell Hall by Melanie Dobson was a great book.  After just reading the back of the book I knew I would love this book and I have to say that it didn’t let me down.  This book takes place during the Revolutionary War and I have to say that I learned about it in history but I have never read a book that takes place during that time period so I am sure that is why I loved this book as much as I did.  In this  book you follow along with Lydia as she tries to figure out where she stands during the war and where her true loyalties fall.  The writing in this book is amazing and I felt like I was there with the characters.  I was on the edge of my seat through parts of this book because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen.  If you love historical fiction I know that you will love this book!

The-Courier-of-Caswell-Hall-About The Courier of Casewell Hall

An unlikely spy discovers freedom and love inthe midst of the American Revolution.

As the British and Continental armies wage war in 1781, thedaughter of a wealthy Virginia plantation owner feels conflict raging in her own heart. LydiaCaswell comes from a family of staunch Loyalists, but she cares only about peace. Her friend Sarah Hammond, however, longs to join the fight. Both women’s families have already been divided by a costly war that sets father against son and neighbor against neighbor; a war that makes it impossible to guess who can be trusted.

One snowy night Lydia discovers a wounded man onthe riverbank near Caswell Hall, and her decision to save him will change her life. Nathan introduces her to a secret network of spies, couriers, disguises, and coded messages—a network that may be the Patriots’ only hope for winning the war. When British officers take over Caswell Hall and wreak havoc on neighboring plantations, Lydia will have to choose between loyalty and freedom; between her family’s protection and her own heart’s desires.

As both armies gather near Williamsburg for a pivotal battle, both Lydia and Sarah must decide how high a price they are willing to pay to help the men they love.

Part of the American Tapestries™ series: Each standalone novel in this line sets a heart-stirring love story against the backdrop of an epic moment in American history. This is the fifth book in the series.


About  The Author Melanie Dobson

Melanie Dobson is the author of twelve novels; her writing has received numerous accolades including two Carol Awards. Melanie worked in public relations for fifteen years before she began writing fiction full-time. Born and raised in the Midwest, she now resides with her husband and two daughters in Oregon.

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Fired Up by Mary Connealy

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Fired Up by Mary Connealy was a fun book to read.  I read the first book called “Swept Away” last year and I loved everything about it.  I have to say that this book didn’t let me down at all.  In this book you get to follow along with Glynna & Dare.  I was so glad that these were the next characters because I was interested to see where things would go with them at the end of Swept Away.  There were times where things were unbelievable but that is true with any book.  I was also so glad that we got to check back with with the characters from “Swept Away” because I really did love them. This book was amazing and I love everything about the authors writing and I can’t wait to read the next book in series.

About Fired Up

Rollicking Wild West Adventure and Romance from Bestselling Author Mary Connealy

Dare Riker is a doctor who saves lives, but someone seems determined to end his. It may have something to do with the traitors he dealt with during the Civil War, or it might be related to the recent incident with Flint Greer and the ranch. Whoever the culprit is, he or she seems really fired up, and Dare can’t let his guard down for a moment, which is a challenge, since right now he’s trying to win the heart of the recently widowed Glynna.

Glynna Greer came west as a mail-order bride and ended up in a bad situation. Now her husband, Flint, is dead, and she’s determined to care for her son and daughter on her own. She wants to believe Dare Riker is as decent as he seems, but she’s terrified to lock herself into another marriage. She plans to support her small family by opening a diner—never mind that cooking is not her greatest talent. The men in Broken Wheel, Texas, are so desperate for home cooking that they seem willing to overlook dried-out beef and blackened biscuits.

Glynna can’t help but notice that danger follows Dare wherever he goes. There’s the avalanche. And then the fire. But things really get out of hand when someone plunges a knife from Glynna’s diner into Dare’s back. Are Flint’s cronies still plotting revenge? Is Glynna’s son engaged in a misguided attempt to protect his mother? Is a shadowy outsider still enraged over past injustices? And can Dare survive long enough to convince Glynna to take another chance on love?


About Mary Connealy

Mary Connealy writes fun and lively “romantic comedy with cowboys” for the inspirational market. She is the author of the successful Kincaid Brides, Lassoed in Texas, Montana Marriages, and Sophie’s Daughters series, and she has been a finalist for a Rita and Christy Award and a two time winner of the Carol Award. She lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her husband, Ivan, and has four grown daughters.

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The Space In Between by Brittainy C. Cherry

The Space In Between by Brittainy C. Cherry was a good book.  This book was a super quick read for me and I loved that.   I loved the characters and the authors writing.  She does a great job of making you feel as if you are right there with the characters.  I felt so bad for Andrea at the start of the book but after awhile she did get on my nerves because of how she acted from time to time.  I have never had to deal with anything like she did so I am not sure how I would act but it did get old at least to me.  You also get to follow along with Cooper who just bugged me and I am not sure why.  All in all the book was a good book and I can’t wait to check out more books by this author.

The Space In Between

About The Book

New Adult Contemporary Date Published: 9/17/2013

She’s scarred by her past.

ANDREA EVANS is traumatized and guilt-ridden by the death of her fiancée. Tired of the gossiping small town, she travels to New York City to pursue her dream of dance. When her dreams don’t instantly come to fruition, she ends up working at a strip club with her best friend.

He’s uncertain of his future.

COOPER DAVIDSON is a famous photographer and reality television star trying to flee from his own life filled with paparazzi, mental health clinics, and a cheating wife who is pregnant.

When Andrea and Cooper’s paths cross, they realize how damaged and in need of escapism they both are. The two create an arrangement to explore the space in between chaos and order with one another. The rules are simple—no emotional connections, no talking about the past, no speaking of the future, and when one finds order, the other walks away.

All is well until Cooper falls in love with Andrea. Will Andrea open up and let someone else into her closed off heart? Can Cooper stop the tabloids and his crazed wife from exposing his past and painting Andrea as a prostitute to the world before her life spirals back down to the land of chaos?


About The Author

Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her loved ones and loves a great romance. The Space In Between is her debut novel and she looks forward to the world being able to read it!  Other hobbies that she loves to take part in are writing screenplays, acting, and dancing—poorly of course.

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